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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Mind's Eye
By Aly_zim

As I walked I looked around,
But then I sprouted wings!
Neopian clouds are where I'm found!
My! Aren't these grand things!

Bubbles pop in front of me,
A Maraquan Buzz swims by my face,
I know that I am in the sea,
It's such a calming place!

I walk in Meridell so fair,
With poppies all about!
Such as this, none can compare,
Of this I have no doubt!

To the Haunted Forest, hence I go,
It's here that I shiver and quake!
Cold as ice does my blood flow,
To see that living tree shake!

My destination, Happy Valley,
It's such a cheerful place!
To the Ice Caves through an alley,
Ho ho! The sparkle in all its grace!

Hey Lost Desert, here I come,
With the Coin and Brucy B!
Has such a wonderful place ever been?
It is here that I feel glee!

A faerie comes to take me fast,
"I'll show you true wonders!"
I see a city made of glass,
More magnificent than one could ponder!

Meepits Will Rule the World...
By Feathercross

Beneath those alert, unblinking eyes,
Conspiracy lies deep.
False affection's aim is true,
Miniature creatures that go "Meep!"

Falsely enjoying fruity juice,
With fake, buck-toothed smiles,
They sit upon their furry feet,
Plotting the world's demise.

Gathering in armies one by one,
They converse in high-pitched squeaks,
Plotting the invasion of the world,
As evil smiles crease their cheeks.

Be wary, watch out, and stay cautious,
Of these Petpets your Neopets heart,
Marching across Neopia,
As you wake up with a start...

By Avinesca

Far away, and long ago,
In the land of once upon a time,
There was an age of glory years,
Of beauty beyond word or rhyme.

An underwater realm it was,
It'd be all dark, or so it'd seem,
But really it was pouring light,
A city from some wondrous dream.

This land was overfilled with troves
Of treasures, riches, relics, and such,
Of jewels, gems, precious stones,
With no place to go, there was too much.

But one day a ruin that all became,
It was cursed, by pirates, to be destroyed,
The wonder that used to be there,
Its heart went to an endless void.

The Uni Working at the Pound
By Schefflera

Each day I watch them come and go,
The weak, the strong, the swift, the slow,
The mutants, red, blue, or a-glow,
A neverending two-way flow.

The kind, the grumpy, mean or bold,
The often young but sometimes old,
They'd rather here than in the cold,
But better yet an owner's hold.

I'm not the one who takes them in,
That's Dr_Death, my Techo twin.
He's quite forgotten how to grin;
He thinks this place is quite the sin.

But I'm the one who sends them out,
And though there are some I would doubt,
I know some owners really shout
With glee, and their Neopets don't pout.

So I may hope you all have found
A friendship dear and long and sound.
But want another? See you 'round.
--The Uni working at the Pound.

Power in Fear
By Dachari08

She was creeping in her stealthy way,
Picking up noises, left and right.
She moved by night, and slept by day,
The dark faerie was out that night!

She peered ahead, and smiled in glee,
As there upon the dusty ground,
She saw a sweet young baby Ixi,
Playing with a toy he'd found.

"I'll be the one playing tonight!"
She rasped, smiling her fearsome grin,
Enough to strike down any with fright,
But the Ixi knew not her smile of sin.

The dark faerie advanced, holding her ground,
She unleashed dark magic, carefully ensnared,
Stealthily she circled 'round,
But the Ixi saw her -- and was not scared!

His eyelids drooped and gathered weight;
He vaguely saw the faerie there.
He must go in; 'twas getting late,
He stifled a yawn and rubbed his hair.

The faerie shrieked and gathered strength,
A spell to throw this pet off guard.
They stood together for any length --
But the faerie found that her spell was marred!

"What have you done?" she growled, and leapt
Toward the Ixi, catching him up in her hand.
"I used spell upon spell as I stealthily crept;
How are you able to withstand?"

The Ixi held up his stuffed Blumaroo,
And said, "Well, there isn't much to say,
But one thing -- I'm not scared of you."
And the Ixi slowly walked away.

Now the faerie stood in shock and stared
As the Ixi faded into the mist.
"I guess that I just wasn't prepared,"
She murmured, and in her anger, hissed.

But there on the ground the Blumaroo lay,
And as the faerie stood, thus whispered the toy:
"Your power's in fear, but it's all gone away,
For that Ixi knew no fear, he knew only joy."

So do not expect that the dark faerie wills,
Unless she can still you with fear at first.
For whomever she so successfully stills
Will find his fate to be the worst.

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