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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Illusen's Glade
By Jennythegreat

In the Month of Running on a blue afternoon
I went walking in Meridell, humming a tune.
Our land at last healing from Darigan's wrath
It cheered me to wander far off any path.

So I strolled up a hill just next to our town,
Watching the grazing of some quiet Kaus.
As I neared the hill's crest,
My jaw dropped in amazement
A garden was there, with a wood just adjacent,

That I'd not seen nor visited, hence my surprise
At the dazzling rose bushes before my eyes!
For roses of every color were there!
And though I'd seen roses, I'd seen none so fair.

The bees that were sipping
From each wondrous blossom
Were large as my hand,
Their bright, gold coats awesome.
I just stood there and gaped, till at last in a daze
I walked slowly into the rose bushes' maze,

Towards the wood, which lay
Just on the edge of the garden--
Wondering if I should ask someone's pardon
For walking amidst these beautiful flowers
Without some permission from someone in power.

I could see that the trees
Formed an aisle up their middle,
So I headed for that, my heart pounding a little.
I'd gone a short ways when I started to hear
The singing of songbirds,
Bright, cheerful and clear.

Their music was marvelous, tender, divine,
Leading me further, inhaling the pine,
The oak and the scent of those roses behind me,
My senses were dizzied, I was quite beside me.

And all of a sudden I was in a glade,
A wide circle of oak trees creating the shade,
Whose top branches arched
To create a small bower,
Sunlit and dappled and full of strange power.

In the soft honeysuckle at the floor of this glade
Sat a beautiful faerie, weaving a braid
Of the small purple flowers.
I stopped and I stared;
I'd not met a faerie and admit I was scared,
But she looked up and smiled at me.
"Welcome," she said.
And I gulped as I answered her,
My face turning red.

And that's how I met brave Illusen the Fair.
I'll never forget it -- and now I too share
In her quest for the items
She seeks from our land,
I am honoured to offer her my helping hand.

For I know that her powers keep Meridell safe
From the darkness that's faded in Darigan's wake.

Glade Sanctuary
By Laurelinden

Though far-off clouds
May roil, may hiss,
Though evil brews
In distant mist;
Here, in your green
Garden, is bliss.

Tiny buds burst
From fecund earth,
Air through the leaves
Whispers in mirth;
Put out of mind
Twin of your birth.

Give her the sky,
Vast for her greed;
Infinite blankness
Pretty indeed--
Though ne'er so lovely
As sprout or as seed.

Celebrating Illusen Day
By Parmadur

This morning I woke up with glee,
And cautiously crept out to see
The calendar date,
Which I'm glad to relate
Was what I was sure it would be.

I snuck past my Neopets' rooms with care,
I knew they slept soundly in there.
I crept down the stairs,
Then free from all cares,
I breathed in the crisp morning air.

The Food Shop was where I went first.
My bags, soon too full, tried to burst!
But more stops I made,
More Neopoints paid,
Then home I went, grin unrehearsed.

The kitchen was now where I went:
To bake something was my intent.
An hour I worked,
No trouble I shirked,
Until to the oven 'twas sent.

Just after an hour or so,
My Neopets were all ready to go!
They knew of my plan,
So quickly they ran
While I tied up the cake with a bow.

Illusen of Meridell fame
Waved gladly as closer we came.
I set in her hand
The cake -- it looked grand!
Then gave her a card with her name.

"Oh, thank you!" she said with a smile,
Then held up a forest-green vial.
"This gift is for you,
For I know that you too
Should celebrate this day in style!"

Illusen knew somehow quite clear
That I wait for this day every year!
For my birthday falls
When Illusen Day calls,
And so for Illusen I cheer!

I opened the vial with a pop,
And suddenly time seemed to stop,
For there on my lap,
Slept a young Feepit chap.
"Of all Petpets, he's at the top!"

And so for the rest of the day,
Illusen and I will both say
"I'm glad today's here,
I've been waiting a year!"
While everyone else shouts "Hooray!"

Breath of Green
By Schefflera

Dare you walk or dare you whisper
In the kindly faerie's glade?
Glade of power, glade of blessing,
With the sun and shade caressing,
Dare you go in Meridell beneath the gentle shade?

Deep in forest, deep in shadow,
Find where sun breaks through the leaves,
Leaves of green in vigor growing,
Leaves of mystery and knowing,
Deep in woods of Meridell,
Illusen lays her weaves.

Sweet her eyes and sweet her voice,
So long as her blade she sheathes,
In the glade at work and resting,
From the glade she'll send you questing,
Sweet her smile and kindly,
But there's power as she breathes.

Green the fields and green the forest
When Illusen came to dwell,
Though at first unearned, unduly,
Soon her blessings made it truly
Green of faerie magic spreading over Meridell.

Earth is strong and earth is solid,
But a faerie has her whims,
Within limits a defender,
But due honor to her render--
Earth she loves of Meridell,
But know her wrath is grim.

There is refuge, there is healing,
If you seek Illusen's glade
Glade of peril, glade of power,
Earth and leaf and tree her bower,
There she dwells in Meridell
Where sunlight glints through shade.

Heralding Illusen
By Kushbi

Leaves falling, slowly drifting,
Carried by the gentle breeze.
Scent of dewy earth adrift,
Waves of fragrance never cease.

Fresh sunlight spreads upon
Rolling hills of luscious grass,
Giving life and warmth to plants,
Thriving in a land so vast.

Flowers open to the sky,
A myriad of gorgeous blooms,
With each petal vividly
Colored as in its high noon.

Chirping insects, twittering birds,
Nature's noise is musical,
Playing to welcome one of theirs,
An earth faerie so magical.

The forest of ancient trees
Parts to form a narrow path
On which Illusen walks,
With Nature as her herald.

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