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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Fruits and Vegetables
By Kitokat_mh

It's Chia Day today, and look!
There are Chias everywhere!
There are red ones, blue ones, oh what fun!
Wait... isn't that one PEAR?

No, no, it can't be -- I must be wrong.
I'll have to check my eyes!
But there's a Chia resembling a grape
Of such miniscule size!

And look there's asparagus!
This is just insane!
To change into such edible forms
Must have caused them pain...

There's chokato and a blueberry!
And an orange -- what to think?
And also there's a thornberry
In a delightful shade of pink!

And if you stop to look around
Your feet you just might see
A tiny little Chia
Resembling a pea!

This is crazy, I can't believe
This incredible sight!
With all this food wandering around,
I must suppress my appetite!

So when you're around Neopia
On this wondrous of days,
Watch your step and watch your food
In this fruit and veggie craze!!!

The Highland Chia
By Stariell

If deep in the Highlands
Ye ever should stray,
Where tatties they eat,
And bagpipes they play,
Then ye'd better be wary,
For this is the home
Of the fiercest Chia
In the Battledome.

Ye'll know if you glimpse him
There down by the road,
His face is turned blue,
With a dye they call woad.
He'll be hefting a caber,
And wearing a skirt,
But call it a kilt,
Or ye might just get hurt.

He's muckle and mighty,
And doughty and strong,
From the haggis and porridge
That he's eaten so long.
And once ye've met him,
Ye'll have to agree,
He's the biggest Chia
That ye ever did see.

If ye thought he'd be nasty
Because of his giant size,
Then I must tell ye, lassie,
Ye're in for a surprise.
"Och aye the noo!"
He'll cry when ye greet,
And a more friendly Chia
Ye never could meet!

Tiny Tim the Chia
By Tree_rhymer

Little, little, Tiny Tim,
A Chia with no home,
And no cool weapons or magic skills,
Went to the Battledome.

Little, little, Tiny Tim,
With scruffy yellow hair,
Saw all the strong and potent Neopets
That showed off talents there.

Little, little, Tiny Tim,
Got challenged by a Neopet.
A huge red Grarrl with a flashy sword,
And really big teeth, I'd bet.

The Grarrl thought he would have a laugh
So all his friends could see.
He'd squash this little Chia flat,
And walk away scot free.

Now cheerful and happy on this day
Was little Tiny Tim,
He smiled and waved at all the fans
He thought were cheering him.

But the big red Grarrl just laughed,
And boasted all the while.
But he should have paid attention
To little Tim's sly smile.

"This little guy's so small," said he,
"I almost missed even seeing him!"
And this made everybody laugh,
Except for maybe Tim.

The fight began in quite a bang,
And the Grarrl let out a roar.
He ran at Tim, big sword upraised
And shook the very floor.

Little, little, Tiny Tim
Never once did frown.
He stepped aside real quickly
Just as the blow came down.

The big Grarrl's sword shattered,
Just as Tim knew it would.
And the Grarrl went sailing across the floor,
'Cause Tim had tripped him good.

With paws folded behind his back,
And a grin upon his lips,
Tim asked the Grarrl quite nicely,
"Did you enjoy your trip?"

The Grarrl groaned and said to him,
"How did you get me in this mess?"
And Tim replied with confidence,
"You just missed seeing me, I guess."

Oh! Hear the Highland Chia!
By Laurelinden

Oh, hear the Highland Chia!
He sings upon the hill--
Brandishin' hammer
O' stout sturdy wood,
Wearing plaited kilt!

Oh, hear the Highland Chia!
Clansman MacChia brave--
"Ye fight like a lass!"
Is his war-cryin' call,
His ma's: "Henddrie, ye behave!"

Oh, hear the Highland Chia!
He'd be fearsome in a blouse--
Preferin' a kilt,
He sings upon hill
Ter figh' fer his muckle house!

...Sighs the Pirate Chia
By Kushbi

Oh! Lamentable it is to be
A Pirate Chia, 'tis me.
No plush hat to adorn my head
From the sunny scorching beam.
This patch covers my ruined eye,
A reminder constantly,
Of a careless moment when I tripped
Onto the enemy.

Aye, how much I yearn for
A hook and golden rings,
But none have ever come my way,
Just the wooden leg, a stick.
I really must whine long and loud
About this shirt of mine,
Red and white stripes, that design
Is far out of fashion's time!

Not much fun there is for me
On board the captain's ship,
The crew are mostly Krawks and Lupes,
Oh, they bully me with glee.
Heavy tasks I have to do,
Like turn the massive sail,
My puny arms ache at the joints,
At night I silently wail.

Arr, pirate Chia is what I am,
Oh, nothing can change it,
Envy of those with better clothes
Gets me thrown into the sea.
Grateful though I truly am,
Just one tiny wish for me:
To be adorned with pirate's loot
And no more stripy tee.

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