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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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On Valentine's Day
By Battlesunn

Acaras are strolling
'Round the glistening lake.
Aishas are gazing into each other's eyes
And the other's heart they take.

Blumaroos are jumping,
Their paws firmly entwined.
Bori are marching up the mountain,
Leaving no one behind.

Bruces are skating 'cross the frozen pond,
Etching hearts into the ice.
Buzz fly in fond formation,
Their hearts and bodies light.

Chias gambol through the grass,
Their faces warm and bright.
Chombies run through Tyrannian valleys,
Their beloved by their sides.

Cybunnies meet shyly in the glen,
Their ears twitching and eyes bright.
Draiks blow smoke in lacey shapes,
Their flames lighting up the night.

Elephantes trumpet romantic sonnets,
The sound brash but sweet.
Eyries soar into the sky
The pairs accomplish beautiful aerial feats.

Flotsams leap together in the sea
Below the setting sun.
Gelerts nuzzle and bark happily,
Each pair longing to be one.

Grarrls recite roaring poetry
To the other's charmed delight.
Grundos sit and watch the stars,
Setting their hearts alight.

Ixi trot in Meridell's meadows,
Pausing to touch noses.
Jetsams smile with jagged teeth
And present each other with sea-roses.

JubJubs hide behind their feet,
Shy and still disarming.
Kacheeks pick each other flowers
In a gesture that is charming.

Kaus gallop in the fields,
Locking horns together.
Kikos bob in the tranquil waves,
Content to stay with the other forever.

Korbats screech out songs of love
Whilst hanging from a down.
Kougras pairs prowl the moonlit jungle,
Their soft footfalls not making a sound.

Krawks lounge side by side
On the shores of the Neopian sea.
Kyrii comb each other's hair
Tenderly tugging a knot free.

Lennies, few as they may be
Have each other on this day.
Lupes howl their love to the shining moon
With the other they will stay.

Meercas zip through Neopian streets
Playing pranks with the other.
Moehogs trot with glee through the park
With love that can't be smothered.

Myncies swing with clasped hands
Through the lush tops of trees,
While among the lilypads
Nimmos sing together in the reeds.

Peophins swim in pairs underneath,
The moon of glowing silver.
Poogles run, side by side
Basking in love's splendour.

Pteris skim, wing to wing
Above the Tyrannian thermals.
Quiggles croak to one another
pledging love eternal.

Rukis present their affections
With a ripened Tchea fruit.
Scorchios blaze messages
Of devotion, so astute.

Shoyrus glide across the sky,
Whilst smiling with emotion.
Skeiths set up a courtship dance
That causes a commotion.

Techos sit in the branches
And talk for hours on end.
Tonus, to express their love,
Burst boulders with their head.

Tuskaninnies lounge in the surf
And exchange tokens of adoration.
Unis whinny and prance about
And engage in lighthearted flirtation.

Usuls climb the trees
And twirl flowers in their fur.
Wockies link their tails
And sound a gentle purr.
Yurbles bat their eyes
At the Yurble they adore.
Zafaras entwine their tails
And all their troubles they ignore.

Every pet in Neopia
Is filled with love, they say,
On this date of great affection
The fourteenth, Valentine's day.

Happy Snowy Valentine's Day!
By Kushbi

On Terror Mountain Neopets sing
Songs of utmost felicity.
Snow valleys echo the warmth
Of friendship on this day of fun.

A JubJub shares his slushie treat
With a Kougra pal, how sweet!
Packs of Lupes pass cards around,
With words of fuzzy affection.

Bouncing Blumaroos give out
Bottles of Love to new friends found.
An icy Bori squeals for joy,
Receiving three red roses.

Valentine's Day is here; rejoice!
Shout to friends in one big voice!
Neopets scurry in the snow,
Spreading messages of love.

Valentine's Day in Neopia
By Extremevenkat

"It's Valentine's Day!!!"
Everyone in Neopia shouts.
That it is going to be a great day,
No Neopet doubts.
Cards and flowers are being sent everywhere,
And the Happiness Faerie comes out
With a certain flair.

Illusen is wearing a scarf filled with hearts;
The Soup Faerie is handing out rose-shaped tarts.
Kauvara is making many Bottles of Love,
While the Lennies drop chocolates, flying above!

The Tombola Man hands out slices
Of Valentine cake,
Not to be undone, the Kitchen Quest Flotsam
Sets cookies to bake.
King Skarl actually stops
Being grumpy for the day;
The Snowager stops guarding his treasure,
And goes out to play!

A very joyous and love-filled day it is indeed,
Neopets are sending presents
To others at all speed.
Every Neopet, young and old, join in the fray,
Only because it is Valentine's Day!!!

Chocolate Covered Clawmatoe
By Birchin820

The chocolate covered clawmatoe
Won't give up without a fight.
Milk chocolate, white, or dark,
They're the Valentine treats that bite!

Special order or off the shelves,
They're awful hard to find!
From the darkest of the Haunted Woods,
For your beloved Valentine!

So send them to your lovers!
They're just 25 NP per pound!
Send them to foes and friends alike,
And spread the pain around!

Valentine's Wait
By _ashling_dreamer_

I sit here by the window,
Heart shaped it is you see,
And stare out over Uni Meadows,
Oh, where could my pet be?

I said goodbye this morning,
And asked her to be home by noon,
She went to do some shopping,
Oh I do hope she gets back soon!

Ah, here she comes home now,
Prancing in her special way,
Bearing her gifts so proudly,
Ready for her first Valentine's Day.

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