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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Ixi
By Eulalia91

I was walking through the woods,
Just abiding my time,
When I heard a soft sob and a tearful little sigh.
I followed the sound;
Whatever made it was in danger,
But what my eyes witnessed
Was just the slightest bit stranger.

A creature lay on the ground
In a sorry little heap,
Its fur was matted, it looked like a creep,
With twisted horns and ingrown claws,
Just at the sight of this creature,
I was greatly appalled.

Then it lifted its head, and I saw its tearful eyes,
I bit my lip, tried to keep my own dry,
It was a mutant Ixi, apparently disowned,
And I gently picked it up and carried it home.

I bathed the sick creature, gave it some food,
I couldn't figure out why it was abused,
Over the weeks, I found out she was lame,
And emotionally I knew she'd never be the same.

Her front left leg was stunted,
She could barely walk,
And after her ordeal, would not even talk.
I knew there had to be something I could do,
Because I loved this ugly creature,
It really was true.

So I worked hard, putting money in the bank,
My ideas how to help still came out blank,
But it would be something special,
Something rare,
Then I knew what would help
This poor, ugly mare.

I got enough money and bought the thing;
It glittered in my hands, it was shaking.
I smiled and felt all warm inside
And picked up the ugly Ixi and carried her outside.

I walked all the way to the Rainbow Pool,
In my hands, I gripped the new tool.
Despite all the stares
Of other owners and Neopets,
I painted her, though she never got wet.

When I was done, they didn't stare in fright,
She seemed to be illuminated by a beam of light,
She stared at her reflection;
I saw tears in her eyes,
And listened to her softly cry.

Slowly, so slowly, she turned to me,
That young and beautiful creature was she,
"Thank you," was all she whispered to me,
And she opened her wings and flew away... free

A Typical Neopian Day
By Shooflie

Run around the world of Neopia
With smiles, just you and me,
From the highest Terror Mountain,
To Krawk Island to greet the sea.

After swabbing many decks,
Pining for Little Nippers,
We win Tombola at the Island of Mystery,
Feeling rather chipper.

Pulling out of the Harbour,
We sail to the Dell of Meri,
Count a million potatoes,
Now wanting to fly with the faeries.

Round and round the wheel does go,
Excited with anticipation.
We don't really win anything, BUT--
We're rocketing out to Virtupets Station!

With wonders and stars filling our sights,
Wandering around its halls,
Finally stopping by one room--
Only to get splatted by a blue Gormball.

Wishing to understand Tyrannian,
We grunt, "Gal-aka-aka-bo! Nah-du!"
Apparently we said something wrong...
Instead of a simple, "How d'ya do?"

Feasting on a slice of omelette,
We went to the land of snow,
Sneaking past the great Snowager,
It feels like Christmas forever here,
But sadly we had to go.

With crawling shivers up our spine,
We visit Edna's Tower,
But like everything in Haunted Woods,
They desperately needed a shower.

Scorching through the sandy mass,
We journey across the Desert that's Lost.
While Coltzan blesses us at his Shrine.

We wanted to visit the moon Kreludor
And try out the Neocola Machine,
But sadly the sun sets soon...
We are out of time, it seems.

Tuck our little ones into bed,
May lovely dreams come their way.
This concludes our adventure now...
Tomorow, we'll have another typical Neopian Day.

Eliv and Gilly
By Petal11

Her lantern guttered its last breath,
Her face was scathed with scars.
The moon was a misty ghost face
Engulfed by eerie stars.

In the distance was a castle
With walls of rigid stone.
Gilly whimpered softly,
She was hungry and alone.

She entered the castle quietly,
And closed the creaking door.
A snarling figure appeared,
And threw out a challenge of lore.

"Watch as I win, young Neopet.
If I lost, that'd be absurd.
I am Eliv, master of anagrams!"
He wrote a jumbled word.

Gilly thought long and hard,
Until she found the solution.
She mustered all her courage to say,
"The answer, Eliv, is 'pollution.'"

"'Pollution,' indeed!" he confirmed miserably,
"How did you find that out?
For once, in years, I've been defeated.
I've lost, without a doubt!"

Gilly escaped from the wretched castle,
And was free to return home.
She curled up by the fire, sleeping,
No longer hungry or alone.

By Pelopidas

As this evil creature prowls through the night,
Wandering, searching, his vile net by his side,
Always on guard, as though he was the hunted;
Yet he is the hunter,
And his prey are in hundreds.

Hundreds and hundreds of beautiful souls,
Tiny of posture, yet with glorious goals,
Goals to enrichen and cheer other Neopet's lives,
Yet he is there to take them alive.

For he keeps them, and he bottles them,
Takes them away from the place they all stem,
And whenever he takes one, we all feel the hurt,
For when faeries are hurt,
It's like throwing with dirt.

So please let's consider what bottles we buy,
For we never know how they got by,
And remember the name
Of the this hunting creature,
For it is Balthazar, with most horrible features.

By Veryberry2000

She cowered in the verdant field,
Though beautiful it was;
Though a bower of blooms and flow'ry bright,
And the sun was out, a welcome sight.
She cowered still because
She had no mother, father, friends,
And so she walked alone,
When the dearest thing she wanted
Was a place to call her own,
A family and a home.
Some guardian spirit, sensing sadness,
Wiped away her tears;
Said, "Help is coming, little young one,
Cast away your fears."
She lingered, beautiful, for a moment,
Spreading joy through broken hearts,
And then Illusen, green and fair,
Shimmering, departs.
Some kind Neopian peered out their door,
And there they saw the orphan, alone;
They took her in; she wept with joy,
For now she had a home.
Illusen wanders through the woods
Mending hearts, loyal, kind,
Kind earth faerie of Meridell,
Helping you and me.

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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