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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Why We Have Faeries
By Dead_to_world

Fluttering, twinkling,
High in the sky,
A great mass of sparkle
Twirling right by.

Jhudora, Illusen,
The beautiful Queen,
Thousands on thousands,
Ne'er to be seen.

Up high in the clouds,
Or in forests and glade,
They dwell and abide
Where homes they have laid.

Most friendly, some not,
Some small, but none hairy,
Guess what I've been saying,
"All you need is a faerie!"

Mootix Drop
By Ebunny91

We're skydiving Mootixes, bulging and bold.
We're dazzling and daring; a sight to behold.
We leap from our airplane at dizzying heights
To soar through the sky on spectacular flights.

Our airborne maneuvers are one-of-a-kind.
We spin in the air with our antennas intertwined.
We tuck and we tumble, we twist and we twirl.
We somersault freely, we wiggle and whirl.

We flip and we flutter while turning our tails,
Unfurling our parachutes like magnificent sails.
We swivel and swim in a synchronized crawl,
Or swan-dive in spirals as earthward we fall.

The onlookers gawk in an awestricken trance
To witness our wonderful aerial dance.
They clap at our kicks and rejoice at our rolls,
And shriek as our landings leave walloping holes.

Ode To Thee, Vira
By Sarcastic

Awaken the book, a dark evil it bands,
Kisses brush against, the flowers once stand,
'Tis a vain kiss that poisons the air,
Pollutes your dreams,
Leaves you in fear.
Tangles your image, a bespelled black mirror...
Twists your mind,
Delirium sets,
The beauty fades,
You live in regret.
Vira whispers,
She can get only colder,
Beauty only lies
In the eyes of the beholder.

One Courageous Heart
By Tree_rhymer

I was strolling in the Haunted Forest,
When what could I have found,
But a sad little Buzz with big red eyes
Lying sobbing on the ground.

His yellow coat was filthy,
His wings were scratched and torn,
And the poor mutant thing was curled up tight
With eyes so tired and worn.

I dropped slowly down beside him,
To offer a comforting smile,
I patted his head and soothed him,
As he was crying all the while.

I asked him what was wrong,
That he should cry so hard this way,
And he answered me so softly,
So I heard all he had to say.

"My owner has just left me,
'Cause I'm repulsive to his sight.
He went away and left me lost,
And I've been here all night.

My former friends were laughing,
Oh, I hate that cursed Lab Ray,
It turned me ugly, you can see,
That's how I got this way."

His hideous chin dripped with tears,
As he cried again some more,
But it was the loveliest sight
I had ever seen before.

"But oh!" I said, smiling proud,
"What a handsome form have you!
You're muscled and strong; it's plain to see,
And a wonderful gold shade, too!

"You're the most charming Neopet I've ever seen,
And to you I tell no lie,
Your wings are graceful, your claws so sharp,
And I'll bet you can really fly!"

"That's true," he said, sniffing a bit,
Looking up at me in delight.
"And it's true I am more powerful,
I can't be bested in a fight!

Hey, look! My wings are smooth as silk,
And my nails are pointed keen,
I'll bet I'm the handsomest mutant Buzz
That you have ever seen!"

"You're right," I told him laughing,
For he had no trace of tears.
His smile was broad, and his eyes did shine,
As he banished all his fears.

I won't forget that day,
When I strolled through the Haunted Woods,
And met a Buzz who learned to love himself,
Like all of our Neopets should.

He looked inside his heart to find
Acceptance, not more tears,
And a heart of gold can outshine all,
When courage outshines fears.

Kasuki Lu
By Whistle_valley

He, Kasuki Lu,
A Chia born of great strength,
Born for Battledome.

His will is to know,
As we who gaze at the shore
In its ageless might.

Against desolate vastness,

Believing fate that
Brought him to training, brought him
To ever-learning.

Kasuki Lu's path
Is long, arduous and
Utterly alone.

Total Poetry Pages : 2794

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