Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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The Carnival of Terror
By Blaharky
Wearing evil like a shroud,
Shadows shift within the crowd.
Instinct makes a little Lupe stop.
He waits until the grounds are clear
And pushes down his raging fear.
He wishes he'd never taken that silly bet.
A battered sign calls him forward,
And he takes a few steps toward it,
Forgetting warnings he had been given.
From his mother came directions,
(It was for his own protection),
Not to wander deep within the camp.
"Horrible things have come from there,
I don't even want to share
The things that I once saw."
No warnings now were strong enough,
And through the gates went this
Tough young pup.
Suddenly he changed his mind,
But the gates slammed from behind,
And a dry laugh echoed across the grounds.
A crooked smile, an empty grin and,
The clowns begin to circle in,
Around our little Lupe friend.
Oh! How he wished he'd listened dearly,
And now he shook quite nearly,
Right out of his little Lupe skin!
Once a year these horrible clowns
Would come and visit all the towns
And trick the young into coming.
Now this is just a little warning,
But to avoid such a swarming, I'll say,
"Little ones, beware... I swear!
Stay away from the Carnival of Terrors!"
Spooky Stories
By Richerooni
As you walk in the dusty shop
You see volumes sitting on top
Of eerie tables, shelves and chairs
You wouldn't want to sit down there...
A leering keeper of the store
Watches you walk around on the creaky floor
You dare not go near the big black hole
Lest it open up and swallow you whole.
You peer and you see a thick book
Pages bleeding red dye as you look
A wide black ribbon marks the spot
That the last reader has forgot
A deadly white skull adorns the front
Ink black, and the vinyl is blunt
Its yellow words send chills down your spine
And you know that evil is in line
You run out and swear never to return
To the Haunted Woods and let dinner burn!
Korbat's Lab
By Darkfairy3456
The mossy door creaks unwillingly to your hand
And you find yourself in an forgotten land
Dank, dark, poisonus to your soul
As you creep through the threshold,
You break a cracked bowl.
You stay still, afraid of the revealing sound
You see a pair of orange eyes,
And your heart plummets to the ground
Something rustles, and you
Jump to the side in fright
Yet you see it's just the wind of the night.
A few more steps and the door slams shut
You shriek with fright as you wrestle the door;
It doesn't make the cut
Lamps begin burning in a sequence that's quick
You kneel to the floor and begin to feel sick.
Ultrasonic sounds of Korbats' high pitched shrieks
And an abnormally large Spyder
Makes the wood creak
You take a hesitant step and get caught in a web
You suddenly realize you don't want to be here;
you'd rather be dead.
But then you turn around and the door is gone
And you realize you were nothing but a pawn
In the Korbat's Lab evil magic game
And you look for an opening;
The stone wall stays the same.
Something swoops at your head,
You swing the bat
And you hear the sound of a Korbat
Near your ear, on top of your neck
If you don't do something,
You'll be done in a sec.
You hit the Korbat again and again
But the bat breaks and you have no other friends
A dark space where you lay
And you begin to fall without delay.
Into a pit of Korbats and Spyders
You find a prisoner's corpse,
And sit down beside her
For you realize that there is no running away...
Your very life will end today.
You are swooped upon, then feel great pains
And nothing's left but a few remains
There you now lay on a rock slab
All because you ventured into Korbat's Lab.
Ballad of the Haunted Woods Beasts
By Mrs_fluff
Oh, we are the beasts of the Haunted Wood,
We come out to play in the darkest of night,
We scream and cause havoc,
We're up to no good,
We love to fill people with fright.
For during the day, we live in a relative truce
With all that is good, pure, and right,
But when the sun sets and the night lets us loose,
We love to fill people with fright.
We used to be regular pets, just like you,
But we stayed in the woods after dark,
The other beasts found us and what could we do?
They made us like them, and left their mark.
Now we hide in the trees
With our red eyeballs staring,
You'll never be out of our sight.
We're waiting for you, yes, to give you a scaring,
For we love to fill you with fright.
We watch at the Fairground,
Pets testing their strength,
And the Stone Dome, pets having a fight,
And we assure you we'll go any length
To catch them and give them a fright.
We used to be regular pets, just like you,
But we stayed in the woods after dark.
The other beasts caught us,
And what could we do?
They made us like them, and left their mark.
One last word of warning 'fore our ballad's end,
We are almost done, but not quite.
Come not to the woods in the dark, little friend,
And surely not Halloween night!
The Malevolant Sentient Poogle Plushie
By Sonsofwar
I strolled along the empty street,
Seeking a gift for my young pet,
Perhaps a Petpet, food, or treat?
I hadn't found anything (cheap enough) yet,
When suddenly it caught my eye,
A dark, and grimy old toy store,
I did not think to reason why,
It chose this eerie, strange decor,
I stepped inside, with a silent greeting,
No clerk was there to aid my search,
And as I browsed, my heart was beating,
And suddenly my heart, it lurched,
Proud beyond each grisly item,
It sat alone, with cuteness, plain,
The Poogle plushie, made my heart brighten,
I'd found the gift with little pain,
I gripped it, it felt strangely warm,
As I checked the price tag fearfully,
I marveled at its perfect form,
And bought it almost tearfully,
I brought it home, to my pet's joy,
Hugs and laughter would fill the day,
He was so pleased with his Poogle toy,
He ran off to his room to play,
When it reached near early evening,
He came down, looking pretty confused,
"Dad," he said, "my toy is speaking."
"That's nice..." I replied, quite amused.
Again he came, whilst I was sitting,
Comfortably in my chair,
"Dad," he said, "my toy is yelling!"
"Dad," he said, "I'm really scared..."
Once more he came, as I was reading,
A book I'd had for quite a while,
"Dad," he said, "my toy is breathing!?"
I just gave him an encouraging smile.
And then he came, while I was talking,
To my friend, upon the phone,
"Dad," he said, "my toy is walking,"
He let out a worried moan.
His act had been most convincing,
I heard his footsteps on the floor,
They sounded light, as if he was wincing,
"Oh boy!" I thought, "Here comes more..."
He tapped me on the arm with force,
I turned 'round, without much glee,
My jaw dropped when I saw with great remorse,
The Poogle plushie had come after me!
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