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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Fountain Faerie's Quest
By Kellisan

As I was minding my own business,
I received a Random Event.
The Fountain Faerie needed my help
And on a quest I was sent.

You may wonder what it was,
What she said that she needed.
It really doesn't matter,
Just know her words I heeded.

I looked high and low,
Searched in shops all around;
And at long last,
The item I had found!

I quickly bought what I needed,
Wincing at the price I had to pay.
But the Fountain Faerie had to have it,
So I ran to find her straight away.

"Did you get it?" she was asking
When I found her by the Rainbow Fountain.
"Here it is," I answered,
"It was over on Terror Mountain."

The Fountain Faerie was so pleased,
She let my pet go for a dunk.
Imagine how surprised I was
To see him turn from glowing to skunk!

Now the Fountain Faerie is happy
And my pet is too.
I hope she gives me another quest
So my other pets can change their hue!

Turdle Number Five
By Duck_fanatic

Oh dear Turdle Number Five,
I cried for days and days,
I barely managed to survive,
Without seeing your goofy gaze.

It happened late at night,
Darigan destroyed the races,
Merely, purely out of spite,
And I lost sight of your faces.

Oh, but I missed you the most,
Nutty, I had come to adore you,
I wasn't ready to say adios,
My passion for you is true.

Of course, I missed the winnings,
Waking up I missed the bets,
But more I missed beginnings,
That endless friendship with you gets.

And then, you were back,
I shouted in delight,
You'd returned to the track,
I slept happ'ly that night.

My dear Nutty, I believe,
That we will continue to thrive,
For you my heart is on my sleeve,
Oh dear Turdle Number Five.

Escape from the Pound
By Neemy_01

Slumped in the cold;
Disheartened, desolate,
His fur matted on his back
With the filth of a thousand ages.

Impounded and forgotten,
He licks his wounds
And abandons hope,
Slipping into slumber in the damp.

Awakening to smell
An unfamiliar smell;
Unaccustomed to the tingling sensation
Of warmth upon his back.

He blinks
In the sudden sharp light,
That softens, as he fixes his
Fearful gaze upon a new face.

He quickly glances down
To his once-bedraggled fur.
It fills his sight now,
With the golden colour of sun.

She stares at him,
This proud but nervous Kougra,
And offers out her arms
In warm embrace.

Sensing new security
He stands in sudden pride
And struts toward the kindly face...
He has been adopted.

Mysterious Disappearance
By Stoneman3x

In the darkness of night, on silent feet,
In hushed and whispered tones,
They stealthily creep to a place they meet,
Far from their NeoHomes.

By the light of the moon, an unseen force,
Pulls to a hidden place,
The large army that stays upon its course,
And leaves no single trace.

O' they gather as one, purpose unknown,
Stepping like stalking thieves,
Leaving the comfort of a NeoHome,
None glance back as he leaves.

When the morning comes,
A bright breaking dawn,
Anguished wails fill the air,
Pain and shock to see the little ones gone,
Their loved ones are not there.

Desperately seeking, in anxious fear,
Neopets sadly moan,
For they cannot find the ones they hold dear,
And now they are alone.

What evil menace has blackened this day?
Who is so cold-hearted?
What villain has taken them all away?
Why have we been parted?

When they can no longer endure the pain,
Nor can they find the thief,
The little ones quickly appear again,
The world sighs in relief.

On everyone's lips is the question, "Why?"
Yet glad they are it's resolved,
Forever remains, in everyone's eye,
A mystery never solved.

By Jessicaerin2001

So you've all heard the story of King Roo.
Who was so bored he didn't know what to do,
King Roo sat in his throne room,
Totally and utterly bored.
Some say when he fell alsleep he even snored!
He played every game you could find
On the island of Roo,
Then he orded his staff
To find him something to do.

It had been weeks now,
The maids and gardeners were looking
And even his cooks looked instead of cooking
What King Roo needed
Was something different, something new.
And the Jolly Jugglers thought
They knew what to do.
King Roo slumped back even further
In his seat and gave a big sigh.

As the juggling Chias
And their magic balls flew by,
King Roo was really not impressed,
In fact he was much, much more stressed.
"I think I have something
You may be interested to do,"
Came very a soft voice from behind King Roo.
"Who are you, what could you possibly
Have that would interest me?"
"My name is not important,
But I bring a gift, you see."

The strange Blumaroo handed
The king five coloured dice.
"Each roll of these brings a suprise,
Now, isn't that nice?
No two games will be ever the same.
And so may you never be bored again."

The king stared down at the dice in his hand.
Then, as if by magic, each of the dice
Leaped into the air, only to land.
He picked them up and rolled them, then again,
And he started to smile at the game.
Which he later named... Dice-a-Roo!

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