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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Acara Day Limerick
By radicalrozy188

In the one month when all pets relax,
When even the beast cuts down tax,
On day twenty-eight,
Not a day early or late,
Do Acaras live to the max;

My Acaras for so long, have waited,
For the best holiday ever created,
Today is that day,
No need for delay,
Their elation could not be abated;

My oldest walks up and he begs,
"May I go see Cap'n Threelegs?
I'll make a large brunch,
'stead of breakfast and lunch,
We'll all have some delicious pink neggs!

'Cause today he trains me for free,
Today I get strong without fee,
So allow me to go,
Please don't say no,
And free of pesky me, you'll be!"

My youngest chimes in, "Me, too!
I want to fight Commander Garoo,
Today I'll get strong,
My brother's not wrong,
Just let us go this once, can't you?"

I laughed as my pets came near,
I gave them my answer so clear,
"Yes, you may go,"
How could I say no?
As today only comes once a year!

The Queen of Cheat!
By Stellawen

Sparkling eyes and a warm smile,
Hide her crafty mind.
Her ivory gloves run over her cards,
Her manners quite refined.

Her blue eyes wide with innocence,
She picks out one "Ace".
Throwing it down carelessly,
A faint smile on her face.

Is she cheating, or is she not?
One can almost see the wheels turn.
After her life in the castle,
The Princess had a lot to learn.

She's picked up a few tricks.
No matter what Spectre might say,
Fernypoo is the Queen of Cheat!
Especially on Acara Day!

Acara Aquatic Festival
By Chantz

Oh, the Acaras, they do delight--
Frolicking by water, day or night!
Their giggles, laughs, and voices do cry
Of fun and teasing of stopper-bys.
No pet is safe at this time of year--
Gather your pets and toys now, beware!

These slippery, sly, and delightful creatures
Will not hesitate to bomb their teachers!
For the twenty-eighth day of relaxation,
Is far from that for the major population!
Water ballons, pistols, and pretend guns
Are just some of the tricks
That they've planned on!

They'll hide, they'll trick, and they'll decieve--
The day is not safe, and neither is the eve!
Oh the day wears down, and the sun sets low.
And still, the Acaras aim their throws.
But wait--what's that? Is that a snore I hear?
Seems like we're safe for one more year.

Acara Beach Party
By Kellisan

The Acaras decided to throw a beach party
On a bright sunny day.
They planned to have a picnic
And lots of games to play.

Some Acaras competed at Gormball;
Others went diving for treasure.
And there was plenty of Acara ice cream surprise
For the little Acaras' pleasure.

The party lasted for hours
With lots of swimming and splashing around.
Five Acaras found a huge treasure chest
Filled with golden Neopoints and a crown.

As the day came to a close,
The Acaras all agreed they had lots of fun
Swimming, searching, dancing
And playing in the sun.

If you're sorry you missed out
On such merriment and joy,
There will be other Acara parties
With lots of fun for every girl and boy.

By Firemaster133

Her beauty is flawless, a reflection... a mirror
Her heart is cold, frozen, a glimmer
Her mind is twisted as is her soul,
By a demon of the night, who so long ago
Made her beautiful, but at a cost,
Her young heart did not understand loss
And so she traveled, for a year and a day
Giving out mirrors that showed only dismay,
And convinced their masters to do evil deeds,
Driving them mad with vanity and greed

Till they became as selfish as her,
And only then did the mirrors say,"Good work,
You have won your beauty back,"
But then it was too late,
For then their souls were of ugliness and hate,
And Vira sees this in her meadow and laughs
The sound echoes down the paths
And is heard by all in the near village,
They shiver in their homes,
For they know what was done,
Another victim has fallen to kingdom come

Villagers bend on their knees and have begun
To pray in the faith of their kingdom
While the mirthless laugh reminds them again
To never believe what they can't comprehend,
And still the demon that made her so vain
Glides through the world to betray once again.

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