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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Ode To a Palm Fan
By Wings1012

Oh pretty thing,
Though deemed worthless
By many Neopians
For your low value,
And for the fact that,
You are given out free,
At Tombola on occasion.
But I see your worth.
I fan myself with you,
And I am happy,
For long days in the Lost Desert,
Have made me sweat like a Snorkle.
And you, small palm fan,
So beautifully made,
Looked over with such care,
Are worth much.
To me.
Even if others do not see,
How much good you can do in the world,
I still love you,
My little palm fan.

Sludgy Haikus
By Mrscottmgc

Sludge, quite plentiful.
Myself, I have a thousand;
The number rises!

One thousand sludges,
Two sixty-five, I have so many.
Send me all of yours!

I'm really obsessed;
Sludges fill my home/people run away,
When I show them. Why?

Millions of sludges,
Mine, all mine; or so I dream.
Wish it were true, though.

Give me all your sludge,
And nobody gets hurt, or else!
Why do you need it?

No sense of smell here,
So I can have so much sludge,
Other people faint.

My sludgy haikus,
Do they sound right, sludgily so?
Need more sludges, please!

Berries! Many, many berries!
By Lsmc88

Berries, berries, pick your own
at Meri Acres Farm.
Don't worry, you're not alone,
these berries do no harm.

Try a fishberry or blockberry,
they're both very nutritional.
But don't eat it in a hurry,
'cause it won't be beneficial.

Eyeball berries may be scary,
and watch your every move.
But don't delay to pick any,
'cause their taste is bound to prove.

Mortog, snidd, and conkerberry,
all owning a wierd name.
But they are very ordinary,
and probably taste the same.

Voidberries are black as night,
and may even engulf you.
But don't be in a fright,
because it tastes good, too.

You may not be so lucky,
and find some dung or a boot.
But soon you may be happy,
to find yourself some loot.

But if you're on luck's side,
you'll find a love or Chiaberry.
But they do love to hide,
with their skins red as a cherry.

With all these berries in the farm,
who knows what you will get?
Picking them may hurt your arm,
But it won't make you sweat!

By avril_fan_lavigne

Never stop liking Neopets
Everyone loves it
Only people who play it
Practically always
Enjoy it. I will play on it
Today, tomorrow, forever and I will never
Stop LOVING...


My Picky JubJub
By Mintgoddes

I have a baby JubJub,
she is a picky eater.
So when she says she's hungry,
I don't know what to feed her.

She fusses over chicken,
and Danish bacon, too.
She will not eat an onion ring,
nor gooseberry stew!

The only things that she will eat
are juicy jumbleberries.
And super duper sundaes,
covered in organic cherries!

I don't have lots of Neopoints,
but she likes expensive food.
So most of what I buy her,
is disgusting or half chewed!

But even though she's picky,
I still really love her.
And hopefully tonight,
she will enjoy her supper!

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