Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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The Shoyru Day parade!
By teen_and_tan
Like a whisper in the night,
The excited Shoyrus prepare for flight.
It is time to show what they have made,
The Shoyru day parade!
Dressed smartly in their finest clothes,
They wait patiently in long rows.
For when the time to take-off is near,
All the Shoyrus will fly off without fear.
1, 2, 3 and off they go!
Gliding merrily to and fro!
All Neopia comes to see,
As these Shoyrus fly happily.
Little pets gasp, and jump up and down,
As the Shoyrus almost touch the ground.
Up and down these creatures dive,
Going forwards and off to the side.
You really must go to the Shoyru Day parade,
To watch these Shoyrus
in the performance they made.
Take all your pets and Petpets too,
And observe these creatures,
known as the Shoyru.
Shoyru Qualities
By wonderweezel
My pet Shoyru came up to me
his face was sad and long,
so I had him come and sit with me
and tell me what was wrong.
He said that when I chose my pet,
I made a big mistake.
He doesn't want to be a Shoyru,
he would rather be Draik!
"Couldn't you get a Lab Ray map?"
He had his fingers crossed,
but I looked at him and then I said,
"Do you know how much those things cost?"
"How about a morphing potion?"
I was losing it... he knew.
But then I held him close to me,
"Let me have a talk with you."
"You Shoyrus are a special breed.
You guys are the cream of the crop.
Ever seen the popularity charts?
You're always at the top!
Shoyrus look way cool
In a crowd they always shine,
And all Shoyru things in the Battledome
are the top of the line!
You guys have awesome powers
and you have the coolest eyes,
and look! You guys even have wings,
so you can soar across the sky!
You can be painted all those colors
and you always look alive!
You can use Shoyru Inferno,
Shoyru Hover and Shoyru Dive!"
And I told him how proud I was,
and it only took a while
before he felt quite proud of himself,
and he began to smile.
He said, "You know, you're right!"
And then he stood up tall,
and said, "I guess it's pretty cool
to be a Shoyru, after all!"
The Picky Shoyru
By rinirookiesachi
I once knew a Shoyru
Her name was Celeste
And the food she would eat
Was only the best
The expensive foods
Were the ones she adored
Which left me broke,
And feeling deplored
I hoped that she'd stop
Eating foods that were fine
I was always nervous
When we went out to dine
But still she goes on
Eating fine, going strong
If she has not the best,
she will of course mope...
Now you might see why I have no hope.
The Sweet & Simple Shoyru
By Baby_Strawberri
The sweet and simple Shoyru
Nothing more graceful or kind
Flying high above all other Neopets
With the sharpest speed and time
The sweet and simple Shoyru
Lives high up in the sky
They love to float up on a cloud
To see the Faeries fly
They can be mean, they can be rotten
But only when they're mad
Like when you push, or when you shove
Or when you make others sad
They know what's right
and they know what's wrong
They learn from their mistakes
They'd never try to steal or swap
A poor Neopian's milk shake
They protect and care for everything
All trees, flowers, Neopets and their pets too
Are safe and sound
With the all sweet and simple Shoyru
Shoyru Poem
By hexxxie
Shoyrus are a lovely breed,
Pure of heart, untouched by greed.
They are full of honesty
They keep secrets for you and me.
They love to fly and to sing,
With voices strong and powerful wing.
When in battle they obey the rules
And then defeat the over-confident fools.
The fools who challenge them to a match,
They challenge a pet whose strength is unmatched
For Shoyrus are strong and possess great speed.
They are a powerful contender, indeed!
Shoyrus are pets who love to play
If it were up to them, they'd do it all day!
Squeezing a plushie, rolling a ball
Shoyrus aren't boring at all.
Since they are kind, and full of care
A Petpet would be a gift without compare
Preferably one that is able to fly
An Airax or Buzzer to take to the sky.
If you own a Shoyru then treat it right,
Or else your Shoyru may diminish in might.
Give your Shoyru lots of love and TLC,
And they will grow to be joyful and happy.
If I were to ever get
A fourth, final, Neopet
I wouldn't think a second time
Before making a Shoyru mine.
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