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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Chia Day Haikus By El_gran_gordo

Something has happened.
That is what the event said.
A baby Chia!

Look at this weapon,
bought it the first day it stocked,
Chias deserve the best.

Chia Day is here!
Time to open Jellyworld,
and make food for Lupes.

Brainiac Chia,
it's Chocolate Chia Day!
Time to read new books.

Look, my plum Chia!
Is it not the coolest thing?
But now I am poor.

In Memory Of Nipall:
The Chia Who Fared No Fare

By Merenia_wright123

It was the coldest day in Neopia,
Yet the sun had reached its peak,
The snow was light,
But came down fast,
And numbed the Petpets' feet.

The Neopets ran to help them,
But for some it was too late,
And through the snow,
Many had come,
To a cold and heartless fate.

The land was barren and cold,
It moaned its lonely calls,
And the only answers came,
From a young Chia named Nipall.

He was brave and feared no fear,
The ice melted at his feet,
His flaming coat,
And cottoned hands,
Felt nothing but his heat.

Off he went on a sled,
Lupe pulling at the reins,
Picking up all they could,
'Til, they too, felt cold's pain.

Back to his cave Nipall went,
Staggering in the night
Appeared a wizard,
In the form of a blizzard
It was an amazing sight.

"Please help the world of Neopia,"
Said Nipall in an attempt of great belief
"If I do, what will YOU do?"
Asked the wizard named Narsheet.

"Anything," said Nipall,
As he looked at the wizard for help
The coldness was felt, but he knew deep inside
The wizard's heart would melt.

Soon the world was restored,
Neopets happy with glee,
But Nipall's fate was cold as ice,
And never will he be free....

Famous Chia Limericks By Too_kule

I'll start with the weird Chia Clown,
Who has never been seen with a frown,
He's strange in every way,
He is laughing all day,
His mood never seems to go down.

Then there's also Hubrid Nox,
Who's face looks just like Neopox,
He is just so mean,
He'll turn your pets green,
If they just catch a small whiff of his socks.

Do not insult Kasuki Lu,
The Chia who weighs 502,
He's tough in a fight,
So be real cheap and bite,
Or else he will surely cream you.

There's the Chia who rocks at Gormball,
She's great even though she is small,
She throws the ball in a blur,
So you must concur,
That at the game Thyassa won't fall.

Let's not forget the Chia named Florg,
Who could eat four Flossets and a Slorg,
He's a mutant in space,
So while eating he won't pace,
He'll end with a juicy Snomorg.

Chocolate Chia Day By White34

So why do we call this special day,
a Chocolate Chia Day?
A day to honor our pets that are Chias,
is now "chocolated" and cliche?

My Chia, uh, if I had one,
is not chocolate, that's for sure,
so I began this search for some chocolate Chias,
around Neopia, I took a tour,

thus to the baker's shop I went,
and up and down I looked,
to find some chocolate Chias,
that I thought should be ready and well-cooked,

but wrong! I don't find Chias there,
I searched the Battledome...
alas! A Chia punched my nose!
I started heading home,

but I chanced to see around the corner,
a store labeled "Chocolate Factory",
"Well, gee," I thought,
"Maybe there's something there,
that's yummy and oh-so chocolatey?"

So I go in to the Chocolate Store,
but the Kiko tells me they have... no more!
I start walking out the door,
when I spot something on the floor!

A secret bag of chocolate Chias,
he tried hiding under the stool!
If he didn't sell me just one of those Chias,
why... that would be so uncool!!

I walked home with a "chocolate Chia",
for Chocolate Chia Day,
my Neopet can't wait, that's for sure,
it's not Chia Day everyday!

So on this special day for Chias,
er, it's great! To say the least...
since I'm a genuine Lupe-owner,
chocolate Chias = feast!

The Day No Chias Would Die
By Cowhugginghippy

Young Ray, the Chia,
stepped out the door with dismay,
"Today," he sighed,
"Will be a dreadful day!"
His bright yellow face,
suddenly turned gray with gloom,
as he trudged down the street
toward his awful doom.
He started towards Neopia Central,
to sit near a tree,
when two Lupes appeared,
their faces filled with glee.

"Run run run, but you will soon be found!"
The Lupes chased poor Ray
like a rabbit and a hound.
Ray was so tired and out of breath,
he was sure his lungs would burst,
so he plopped down and cringed,
expecting the worst.
"Before you attack me,
I have something to say."
The Lupes looked with interest back at Ray.

"Why hunt Chias?
What have we done to you?
It doesn't matter the species, the age,
whether you're pink or blue.
Don't say you need food,
don't you dare say for fun,
these are Neopets, for Balthazar's sake!
Make the hunting be done!"

There was a moment of silence,
the Lupes deep in thought,
Finally one said something,
after thinking a lot.
"You know what? You're right!"
said the Lupe, "Hunting is bad!
All it does is
make friends of the Chias sad."
The second Lupe nodded in agreement,
and said something too.
"After considering everything,
I agree with you."

"From now on,
we will not hunt anymore,
Besides, all of our food
can come from the store.
There's no need for hunting,
it's disgusting and mean,
now luckily, no more will be seen."
Ray smiled at the Lupes, and bid them farewell,
This was a wonderful day, he could tell.
He stepped in his home, grinning as he cried,
"This is the first day no Chia will die!"

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