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Neopets Poems

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Peophin Day Special

The Great Peophin Wish
by darkhound45

A Peophin was swimming in the sea.
Very excited and happy was he,
For today was a very special day.
He got one wish and yelled hooray!

The Peophin thought hard about this wish.
“Should I wish for an Anchorfish?”
He though he was thinking far too small,
And needed to wish for something tall.

Could he wish for the riches of the sea?
He knew this would make him quite happy.
He kept thinking long and hard,
And then he noticed a little shard.

He swam close to the little shard.
Turns out it was trash that he could discard.
He threw it away and then looked ahead.
There were no shards but more trash instead.

Suddenly he felt a feeling of guilt,
For a lot of things should be rebuilt.
Why was he thinking for all the riches,
When there was trash in all the ditches?

Suddenly he knew what he had to do.
He wanted the sea to be more blue.
The Peophin began to close his eyes.
He wanted all the trash to rise.

“I wish for the sea to be clean again.”
He was very excited because everyone would win.
He opened his eyes to a very bright flash,
And let out a yell for there was no trash.

The Peophin was happy but was more proud,
As he started to notice a rather large crowd.
Other Peophins saw there was no debris,
And were united again in a beautiful sea.

Peophin Dreaming
by parody_ham

In Kiko Lake this Peophin dwells,
The goalie of his team.
Season now done, off-season tells
Tales of a lakeside dream. 

He rides in tubes of white and red
And floats upon the stream
With nowhere else to be instead
Of somewhere so serene.

On glassy waters does he ride
As brilliant sun doth gleam.
In placid surface does he glide
Coupled with sunny beam.

Relaxing now as his mind drifts
Excited for his team.
He signs autographs as gifts
Goalie with much esteem.

Until next Cup, the Kikos play
They’re never losing steam.
Except when peaceful moments may
Present a mellow theme.

Cake in the Sea
by ennyra

Peophins are graceful creatures of the sea,
Swimming to and fro.
It looks as though they're gliding about,
Always on the go.

If you're lucky enough to see one,
Make sure to stop and chat!
They love to meet new friends,
And they'll be sure to tip their hats.

Kind, friendly, beautiful swimmers
Is a great way to describe them.
Drop by a beach someday soon,
To see if you can spy 'em.

Today is a day all about Peophins,
So let's gather to celebrate.
The weather is perfect, breeze is nice,
The sun is out so it must be fate!

There's only one problem,
From what I can see.
How exactly can one eat cake,
While swimming in the sea?!

The Compassionate Peophin
by frankie8492

Peopatra lives in Sakhmet and is very kind,
Always seeking Petpets that are left behind.
The Petpets she finds are lonely and scared,
But when she meets one, she is prepared
To give them love and any food she can find.

They're often injured so she takes them home,
And she heals them by using her ancient tome.
She gives them medicine and keeps them fed,
And at night, the Petpets sleep in a warm bed.
In no time, they're in good health and can roam.

After a while, everyone knows of this Peophin,
And when people see her, they give her a grin.
Peopatra is always seen doing good deeds,
Such as tending to abandoned Petpets' needs.
This is how Peopatra's Petpet career begins.

Marak the Peophin -
by roxanna203

His lovely blue skin and ferocious tail,
His long navy-raven hair without fail,
Every Neopian knew he was as he passes,
For the water disperse as the waves crash.

He became known due to a nearby town,
Being under attack, and there he was crowned.
King Altador recognized his bravery
Against the enemies - he was unwavery.

Therefore, Marak was deemed a protector,
One of the Twelves amazing inspector,
He watches over all of Neopia lands,
With King Altador, the leader, in command.

Marak will occasionally roam the waters,
His aid to those in need always up for offer.
He and his tribe live off the Altador coast,
Where stories are spread as they boast.

Thank you for all you do, Marak the Wave.

Erli Quinnock, the Peophin Goalie
by ayakae

cheers and
jeers echoing around 
but my nerves drown them out
all I see is the team across
me calculating their
best route

meanwhile my
Yooyuball teammates
are just as stoic and grim as I
three Kikos, Uni and a Peophin?
a strange team—that I
cannot deny

we are team
Kiko Lake and we love
what we do for our beloved home
three times already we have won the
championship and sat on the
grandest throne

my team
always counts on me
to block the balls as they come
now my heart is loudly pounding
to the beat of our loyal
fans’ drums

the referee’s
whistle blows, the game
has officially begun, it’s time!
to the top of the Cup’s podium
team Kiko Lake must

but then the
ball flies past me and I
feel a sense of great shame
my team needs me to be
at the very top of
my game!

so I grind my
teeth hard and get ready
this next ball shall definitely not pass!
the forward shoots the ball
and watches as I foil
their attack

our fans
cannot contain their joy
oh, how our fans support us so!
I know deep in my heart that
wherever we go
they go

that is why
I fight hard for this team
I cannot let our supporters down
I block ball after ball after ball
I won’t fail to hold
our ground

the crowd
is going wild now, and my
teammates turn back to smile
I sure know how to block these
Yooyuballs with grace
and style!

I always do
my best to defend our post
trust me, I do whatever it takes!
For I am Erli Quinnock the Peophin
the proud goalie of team
Kiko Lake

See Peopatra!
by cinnabonski

Passed all the dunes
Travel I did
To find the city
The desert has hid

Stone walls arose
Shade cooled the warm
Flew through the gate
Avoided the swarm

Slowly gazed up
For this was the home
Of wondrous Sakhmet
It's golden dome

Had wandered afar
On one simple quest
Searching for Petpet
Only the best

Rumours had told
Of dealer most fair
My quarry would be
Most certainly there

Down a small alley
But what did I spy
My destination 
Excitement did cry

Brushed by the curtain
And into the shop
Was finally there
My final stop

Welcome my friend
A voice did greet
How can I help
Her tone so sweet

There in robes
All adorned in gold
Dazzling Peophin
Beauty untold

Hello my lady
Very well met
I've travelled great distance
Seeking Petpet

Looking am I 
For a pet most rare
Have you Blobikins
Perhaps a pair

Smile she did
From ear to ear
Have what you ask
Please wait here

If it's Petpets you want 
I'll holler at ya
Shop in the desert
See fair Peopatra

Peopatra the Peophin
by myncithemonkey

In a land as ancient as time,
With humid air and arid clime,
A quiet Peophin watches her stall,
Of Desert Petpets big and small.

Peopatra of majestic grace,
Beauty radiates from her face,
She draws smiles from all who pass by,
For Peopatra is kind yet shy.

Adorned with a regal headdress,
She is no stranger to success,
Peopatra is wise and smart,
Filled with a compassionate heart.

She rescues abandoned Petpets,
Not one to leave any regrets,
Taking an influential lead,
To help out all those in need.

You'll find her guarding with care,
A collection of Petpets quite rare,
There are Gebs and Blobikins,
Scamanders with cheeky grins.

Next time you travel to Sakhmet,
Be sure to bring along your pet,
Peopatra will give them a friend,
Creating joy that will never end.

Behold The Graceful Peophin!
by tallydepp

Behold the graceful Peophin!
See how deftly she doth dive,
Deep into the water,
Where she truly feels alive.
With legs, and tail, and hooves and fins,
This creature is sublime.
With mane of hair, and scales on tail,
The Peophin is divine.

Behold the graceful Peophin!
A creature in magic swathed.
She swims in the sea and floats o'er land,
Both worlds lovingly embraced.
Beautiful and shy is the Peophin,
With gentle eyes, a kindly face,
An air of mystery shrouds our friend,
The Peophin, full of grace.

The Most Graceful Neopets
by shutianlei3333

Peophins are majestic aquatic creatures, 
With countless mesmerizing features.
They can live on land or in the sea,
But in the water is where they feel free.

They swim with their legs and their large tail,
And their body is covered with colourful scales.
They also have a mane of luscious hair,
That causes many around them to stare.

They can be shy around strangers and may hide,
But if you're friendly, they'll come to your side.
In their spare time, they practice magic for hours,
So most of them have supernatural powers.

Peophins also sing and have beautiful voices,
And for music groups, they're always first choices.
Given all the benefits, there's no reason to delay
In adopting a Peophin for yourself today,

Especially since it is Peophin Day!

Facts about Peophins
by annikkiadepp_

What can you tell me about Peophins?
tell me something I don’t already know.
With their distinctive ear fins,
they always steal the show. 

Peophins are magical creatures,
wearing a diamond-encrusted crest.
Although they have some Uni features,
they are by far better dressed. 

Nobody knows how they walk on land, 
whether they float or crawl.
How they manage is hard to understand,
for without back legs, they could easily fall.

Once Peophins used to have feet,
but one day they grew a tail.
This evolution was pretty neat,
allowing them to swim like a whale. 

While most Peophins are shy,
and prefer to be alone
they’ll be your ride or die,
if you adopt one of your own.

Statue of the Peophin Waverider
by miraday

Not much else can capture the flow of force—
Waves breaking, Peophins neighing, riptides
Gripping, grabbing and pulling with torque—
As does this statue of Marak the Waverider.

Marak’s figure emerges from the marble crest
Atop the Altadorian fountain whose waters flow
Continuously for visitors seeking to be blessed
By the magic the sculpture is claimed to bestow.

The circular pool surrounding the impressive figure
Glitters with Neopoints visitors have wished upon
And tossed in. Some wishes are more familiar:
Health, wealth and Marak’s continued protection.

The silver armour of the sculpture reflects the gleam
Of the golden coins beneath like sunken treasures.
Like the fountain, the Altadorian coastline teems
With goods from antiquity that elicit plunderers.

Disturbing the domain of a hero breaks some rules. 
When anyone endangers Altador’s sea-dwellers,
Marak is sure to be there, commanding whirlpools
To repel the uninvited pirates and profiteers.

The Magic of the Peophin
by therainbowsheep

Peophins roam the lands with grace,
Their powerful tails set a quick pace. 
In addition, their fins near their ears,
Let them swim faster than their peers.

You can find them racing each other in the sea,
Diving through waves with great glee.
Truly at home when they swim,
Their hearts are full to the brim.

But on land too this species thrives,
The travelling makes them feel alive!
When on land, Peophins float above the ground,
They quietly glide, without making a sound!

When it comes to being social they are shy,
But getting to know them is worth the try.
For with Peophins, happiness is present
Spending time with them always pleasant

They bring good fortune, as they are magic
With them, things will never be tragic.
To the mystical species, today we toast, 
And of their wonderful qualities we boast!

Sayifah Goes To Peophin Day
by valentyne_dreams

I am a little Peophin
I still move so very slow
I want to get to the Peophin party
swimming against the current I go.

I feel so very tired
I bow my little head,
everyone else moves so majestic
I feel I move like lead.

Then I bumped into a Lutari
she was swimming just like me,
climb upon my back she said,
I will get you to the festivity.

What felt like a long journey
was just our destiny,
to make a forever friend
and invite her to the party.

Peophins celebrating in the water
with fancy drinks and cake,
dancing on the Neopian sea,
what joy we all did make.

We stayed long into the night
as fireworks lit the sky above home,
Peophin day showed me I was loved
and would never be alone.

The Strange and Mighty Peophin
by psychosomatical

Beware - Beware - my friend, mon frere,
Watch for the mighty Peophin -
How they can swim even on land -
How very mighty free of them.

I wonder often how they walk
Above Neopian waters -
Are they to crawl with their front hooves
Or float without a bother?

Regardless of their magic type,
The Peophin is mighty -
Although beware, their splashing tail
Will show you - they are flighty!

Beware - Be warned - the Peophin
Not for those with less experience -
But proudly do the owners walk
With Peophins - so serious!

Their magic tamed, their shining tails
Curl up to make the waves -
An owner of a Peophin
Is as mighty and brave.

The Oil Paint Peophin: A Captivating Princess
by _brainchild_

The Oil Paint Peophin, so sweet,
Is someone you will want to meet.
The hues her body shows delight!
No finer colours are in sight.

From violet of Boingari fruits
To azure of a Bluchard Root,
This flashy beauty stuns with hues
So very certain to amuse.

The mane is silky to the touch.
Its shocking shine is just too much!
I'm blinded by the dazzling gleam.
This princess is the best, it seems!

Oh, only faerie magic could
Bestow such hues and shine. You should
Become a friend of horse so fair---
Her regal charm is in the air.

by i_lovee_icecream

Pretty Purple Peophins have Peos for Petpets,
Pretty Purple Peophins paint with perfect palettes.
Pretty Purple Peophins pour Purple Potion Punch,
Pretty Purple Peophins go for a playful plunge.

Polite Plushie Peophins like to pleasantly play,
Polite Plushie Peophins act poised and passe.
Polite Plushie Peophins say, "please" and "thanks",
Polite Plushie Peophins sometimes pull pranks.

Poignant Pirate Peophins like to cause pain,
Poignant Pirate Peophins praise your disdain.
Poignant Pirate Peophins put on eye patches,
Poignant Pirate Peophins have seafaring passions.

Pristine Pastel Peophins are perched with pearls,
Pristine Pastel Peophins play with their curls.
Pristine Pastel Peophins wear puffy ponchos,
Pristine Pastel Peophins play head honcho.

Peopatra, Saviour of Petpets
by swordlilly

Balanced on her soft brown tail,
Sailing swiftly through the sand,
The small Peophin with the neat red mane
Looks for lost Petpets from sea to land.

Whether it's a Wadjet caught in a rock,
Or a Khonsu battered around the eye,
Peopatra knows how to comfort all.
She cleans their wounds and pats them dry.

Sakhmet has been through many trials,
But to Peopatra they are all the same:
The weak and the voiceless suffer the most,
Regardless of where you place the blame.

So she does her best to find and save,
To feed, to heal, to put to sleep
The many little creatures who stumble lost
Among the ruins, crying cheep, cheep.

With every touch, this Peophin believes,
Every act of love and care,
The world becomes a little brighter:
Another Petpet comes to sniff the air.

The Darigan Peophin
by isanonymous

His sinister appearance
is but merely a disguise
with a dark, messy mane
and brightly red eyes
While other Peophins seem
to glide along as they pass,
this particular Peophin lacks
the same grace and finesse 
Some Neopians cower at the sight
of this intimidating pet -
most Darigans after all,
don’t have the greatest rep.
but I really don’t care if
he is neither cute nor cuddly
for the Darigan Peophin
is a dear and close buddy.

Purple Peophin Day
by neoreturnee

Whether you are Darigan or Faerie,
Happy Peophin Day!
To the dark wispy mane,
Of the Darigan Peophin,
To the elegant free flowing mane,
Of the Faerie Peophin.

Happy Peophin Day!
From Darigan Citadel,
Ring your bell,
The dark Darigan Peophin!

Happy Peophin Day!
From Faerieland,
Ready the band,
The elegant Faerie Peophin!

Shades of purple,
For the two beautiful Peophin,
Whether you are Darigan or Faerie,
Happy Peophin Day!

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