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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Cybunny Carnival Special

Cute Riddle for Cybunny Day
by plutos

Here is a riddle, I'll give several clues
I solved it in five; can you try too?

Roses are red, violets are blue
Jumping is fun, and hopping too

Fluffy manes, and bouncing brains
Long ears to match, they eat no grains

Oh what then, do they devour?
Surely not, those plentiful flowers?

And how about neggs? Nope no not nil
Well how about candy? No neither still

Tell me then, what do they eat?
Especially to support, their strong thumping feet?

If I tell you, I'll give it away
Share one more clue, if that's okay?

At this time of year, you'll see many around
To celebrate the Negg Festival, chocolate abound!

A bunny perhaps? Is my guess better?
Indeed indeed! Just add two letters!

Cybunny ^_^

You Can Do It, Grey Cybunny!
by alyssa1700

Another wintery day
on Terror Mountain.
The snow was glistening in the sun.
Merry little Cybunnies
were enjoying life,
frolicking and having fun.

They were having a grand
snowball fight and giggling,
content and absorbed.
Yet someone felt left out,
shunned, alone,
isolated and completely ignored.

Yes, in a corner stood
a misfit Grey Cybunny
who gave a heaved sigh.
"Why won't anyone play with me,
or even notice me?
It makes me want to cry."

"How do I make friends?"
the Cybunny pondered.
"Why does this seem so scary?"
"Keep trying, you can do it.
Don't give up!"
Encouraged a passing Snow Faerie.

Just then another Cybunny
came bounding over.
She had noticed the dejected Grey
by herself and smiled,
reaching her paw out.
Maybe today is finally the day?

A Cloud Cybunny named Sally
had offered an invitation
to go to the ice cream cart
that was downhill,
in neighbouring Happy Valley.
It's nice to see Neopians with a warm heart.

As for the shy Grey named Clara,
her eyes shone with a twinkle.
Mustering up the courage she could,
she asked the other to go shopping after.
The two went on to be lifelong friends,
as we all knew they would.

Mint Cybunny Cake
by a_ramsell

The Mint Cybunny Cake
Is a most scrumptious treat
That celebrates the Cybunny
In a way that’s oh-so-sweet.

This light and airy sponge cake
Is a delicious way
To celebrate an awesome pet
On its very special day.

The minty cake is fluffy,
Much like a Cybunny’s tail.
And the addition of mint jelly
Is the perfect extra detail.

And finally, to top it off,
Is a dollop of fresh cream.
This delicate, divine dessert
Is every Cybunny-lover’s dream.

Head over to the bakery,
And grab some cake right away.
Then give your ‘Bunny an extra hug
To celebrate Cybunny Day!

Celebration of Cybunny's Day!
by xghoul447

Cute and small.
What could it be?
Has a liking for carrots and sweets of all kinds.
Hides in the tall grass, which makes them sometimes hard to find.
Oh wait, could it possibly…
Yes, it must be! The Cybunny! 

One of Neopia’s most lovable pets.
And definitely the fluffiest, I bet!
Oh, Cybunny, thank you for all you've done!
So, here enjoy your special day,
And have some fun!

Happy Cybunny's day!
Thank you for being you all these years, 
You deserve a big cheer!
Oh, we love so dear. 
And we can't wait to celebrate your special day again, next year.

Rainbow Pool Selection: A Cybunny Haiku Collection
by sk8zac

Pastel, pink and proud
Fluttering in Faerieland
Up above the clouds

Spooky, ghastly ghoul
A stare so sharp and fearsome
A cotton-tailed ghost

Swift beautiful swirls
Paint on a living canvas
A true work of art

Pink, plush, and cuddly
A perfect snuggle buddy
Stripes, seams, and stitches

Wrinkles on the skin
Silver hair and spectacles
Wise and full of grace

Pouty and distressed
Like an antique photograph
In wash of grey

Lurking in shadows
Sneaky, silent, self-assured 
Stealth wears midnight blue

Plastic parts abound
Bendy joints and spring action
The fun never stops

Cybunny Constellations
by sunbathr

Raise your gaze toward the skies,
and watch the cosmos drift,
and in the depths of inky blues
you'll see The Dancer lit.

The Cybunny twirls and leaps
immortal in the stars -
Sasha dances in the night,
twinkling from afar.

Skirts awhirl and fur so blue,
she dances with a smile;
In her hand a tambourine
shaking all the while.

In the halls of Altador
her statue stands so tall,
her movement captured in still rock,
her dance inviting all.

Her constellation shines above -
her statue in Hall of Heroes sits,
but it's in the Council Chambers that
she guides Altador with keen wit.

Mecha Topsi the Cybunny: Kari's Take
by _brainchild_

Oh, I was quite surprised to hear
That Topsi, Cybunny so dear,
Was ol' Sloth's robot all along.
However, there is nothing wrong!

Remove the rogue programming, and
We have, again, our pal so grand!
Just 'cause he's metal doesn't mean
He's someone we should all demean.

No longer is that poor Space Faerie
Target of his wrath so scary!
Fearsome fighting has since let up,
So I'll ditch this cosmic getup!

I hope no one saw me dressed as
Mira, in blue, sparkly, bright jazz.
However, what has mattered more
Is Topsi's health outside of war.

Cybunny Colour Celebration
by flusia

Cybunny Baby, with large, round eyes
That stare at you and hypnotize
To do their will, their each command
To give whatever they demand.

Cybunny Faerie, with wings so airy,
Your fur so soft, and very hairy,
Fly through the sky, with poise and grace,
And show the world your lovely face.

Cybunny Halloween, evil and menacing,
What will be your newest scheme?
Those dark red eyes, and piercing gaze
And don't forget the pointy fangs!

Cybunny Plushie, the softest of all
So squishy and adorable!
A colour exquisite and grand,
The cutest toy in all the land!

Snap Crunch Crunch
by icethemoon

Snap Crunch Crunch

On the busy streets of Neopia,
A thousand
Hundred thousand
Citizens from all the world
Gather together-
Some calm,
Some excited,
Some brave,
Some unsure-
To celebrate something beautiful

Snap Crunch Crunch

A lenny laughs
A jetsam jokes
A grarrl giggles
As they walk through the festivities,
And a cybunny hops around
Smiling and singing
And eating

Snap Crunch Crunch

Sitting on display
For everyone to see
Sits Neopia’s finest collection
Of the most beautiful
Highest quality
And everyone wants a bite

Snap Crunch Crunch

For just a moment
A joyous moment
All their troubles and worries just
And the abundance of delicious foods-
And the smiles
And the laughs
Are what mean everything instead

Woes of a Mutant Cybunny
by bex2633

“I used to be cute, just like you,” the mutant Cybunny said.
“But now all I inspire is fear and dread,
How did this happen, I hear you wonder?
Hear my tale of woe, and blunder.”

“Many years ago, I could not have foreseen, 
What would happen at the Neocola Machine,
I inserted a token, out popped a potion,
Little did I know, my fate set in motion.”

“Grey, bubbling, noxious, and vile, 
I stared at the potion in my paws for a while,
Why did I drink it? What do you want to hear?
I was thirsty; I was curious - I have no idea.”

“I drank the strange potion, coughing and gagging, 
And immediately my skin started sagging, 
My eyes turned scarlet, my fur dull grey,
I ran to a mirror, crying in dismay.”

“And so I was ruined by my own curiosity,
Doomed to spend life as a monstrosity.
What lesson should you learn from my tale?
Simply that caution should always prevail.”

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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