Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Yurble Day Special
The Frustrated Furry Yurble Janitor
by _brainchild_
One day in pleasant Altador,
A vicious scream was heard.
This outburst couldn't be ignored—
It scared away the birds.
The janitor was furious,
His shouts beyond belief.
This Yurble’s feelings were quite bad—
He needed some relief!
"Argh! You broke the gears once more!
When will you get it right?"
My pets and I rushed out the door
And far out of his sight!
While we would love to help this land,
The gears confound us so.
Plus, we cannot lend a hand
To this furry orange foe!
I guess we'll have to wait some time
And come back in a day.
Maybe then he'll feel quite fine,
His horrid wrath at bay.
Yurble Steak
by indulgences
This item makes me quake a bit.
It's made of Yurble meat.
It looks so grim and hideous.
It's hardly meant to eat.
It's gruesome, grisly, morbid, sad.
It's shocking, dreadful too.
It's hard to see this item chewed,
Or added to a stew.
A piece of sorry, yellow bone
Within this ghastly steak
Reminds me that it's Yurble meat.
I tremble and I shake.
I wonder what would happen if
I offered this strange food
To living Yurbles near and far.
Would this affect their mood?
Would they be melancholy pets?
Would they all weep and sob?
Or would they eat this steak with glee,
No matter how macabre?
This Yurble Steak is odd for sure.
I don't know how to feel
About this piece of Neopet
That's meant to be a meal!
A Royal Pair
by kahlen369
The Royal Yurbles are truly a sight,
The very picture of power and might,
With their shimmering shining robes,
And their crowns of silver and gold.
First, we observe at the Royalboy's look,
With brown curls that flow from every nook,
Those gleaming silver ties at the ends,
Truly prove to be a worthwhile expense!
He wears simple but elegant white robes,
With a bright blue scarf over his clothes,
His fur is an appropriate royal purple,
A colour that quite befits the Yurble!
The Royalgirl look is similarly good,
Whose queenliness is quite understood,
From the swirl of her wavy golden hair,
It is quite clear that she is most fair.
Her bright pink fur is a feminine delight,
And her gleaming dress shines just as bright,
The blues and golds compliment the white,
Truly, the Royalgirl makes quite a sight!
Yurble Parade Slide
by edmondson29
His costume was so heavy,
He started to get sweaty!
Even too hot in the shade,
He needed some marmalade,
Everyone was dressed all alike,
For such a mightly long hike,
In full Yurble dress he displayed,
This costume was handmade-
But he slipped in the mud--
And fell with a THUD!
Now he was afraid,
He had ruined the parade!
For a moment it was iffy-
But then in a jiffy--
His friends helped him stand,
And as if it was planned;
The crowds cheered and cried:
Yurble Day
by she_chose_love
Today we celebrate,
a neopet with a large, fluffy mane.
One with curled up ears,
who doesn't really like the rain.
A neopet with a large appetite,
who is always happy and full of cheer.
Today is Yurble Day,
a fun day that happens once each year.
Yurbles love the outdoors,
and going on camping trips.
they love exploring new places,
and creating new friendships.
Yurbles love to run,
through the woods and tall grass.
Yurbles are very smart,
the top of their class.
I wonder what exciting things,
will take place today.
Hopefully a new Yurble color will be released,
something bright and fun with a hint of grey.
Happy Yurble Day Neopia,
I hope your day is filled with excitement and fun.
I hope you enjoy celebrating,
every Yurble under the Neopian sun!
Naughty Tax Beast
by _interrupted_
There is a naughty Yurble,
Who likes to make an attack.
He will steal your hard earned Neopoints,
And never pay them back.
For this Neopet is the Tax Beast,
He'll make you quiver with fear.
As your money will decrease,
When this Neopet is near.
He often steals ten percent,
Of Neopoints on hand.
But catch him in a bad mood,
And its twenty five he'll demand.
This Beast can take a large amount,
But as he laughs and walks away.
He may reward your account,
With a high score for that day.
So keep your Neopoints safe,
And deposit them in the bank.
Unless of course you want that,
Prestige trophy rank.
A Yurble of Trades
by vicamarbu
I’m a Yurble of many trades but one temper;
a memorable character who is bound to give a lecture
of the plot at hand and to keep you on track.
You haven’t seen the last of me; I’ll be back.
I’m just as recurring as a negg festival.
I’m a Yurble with no name but a story to tell:
I’m akin to a farmer’s folly,
despite the chances being oddly
a gear grinding stalks in the wrong way;
screeching like the wind as I mill over
the mess you’ve spilled over
on the hall floor; another daily chore.
I Mop n’ Bop across the hall,
shining floors brighter than Siyana of Altador.
But these pesky Petpets
keep leaving a mess
and make me so upset!
I think a change of scenery is needed;
from Ionic columns to stained glass,
I’m moving to Brightvale so I can relax
with book keeping rather than dust sweeping
and zero chit-chat.
I’m enjoying the peace and quiet,
and if it gets too loud,
I can just yell, “Silence!”
Happy Yurble day!
by puhapaev
Hey, guess what? It's Yurble Day!
And this means I can proudly say:
A Yurble is Neopia's best pet -
Even those whom you have never met.
If an undergrowth is where you'll be,
There's someone you may possibly see:
A hungry Yurble out scurrying for food!
And you can say, "Hello, little dude!"
You'd love to pet their prominent mane,
As long as they're not caught in the rain!
They do not want to get too wet,
'Cause their thick fur would make them upset!
Upon their heads, they have rolled ears,
Where they can hear excited cheers.
A Yurble's body is quite stout,
But height is not what it's all about!
Whether they have come from near or far,
Like Neopia Central, or even the Bazaar,
There is something you cannot dispute:
It's that Yurbles are adorably cute.
Happy Yurble Fishing Gnome
by panda_girl555
Yurbles are a fun and curious species
That love to eat and play
I decided to get a new Yurble friend
To celebrate their very special day
I was browsing in the gardening shop
When I came across a little gnome
A Yurble so lively and cute
I just had to scoop him up and take him home
This tiny blue Yurble gnome
Is a cheerful little chap
With a mane of white and a hat of green
And a fishing rod in his lap
In my garden, he looks perfect
Perched upon a speckled shroom
I placed him next to a trickling stream
And the aurora lilies in full bloom
His fishing rod at the ready
He smiles day and night
And he never seems discouraged
When he doesn’t catch a bite
Whenever I am feeling down
I step into my garden, survey the scene
Amongst the plants, my smiling Yurble gnome
Just one look and I am serene
Yurble Day Hooray!
by lil_reef
Spiky and cute,
No one will refute,
How perfect yurbles are.
They jump and dance,
And we all will prance,
Down the great Neopian streets.
Balloons and cake,
Are some of what make,
Yurble Day so very great!
I always wait,
For this day so great,
My yurble and I celebrate!
Happy Yurble Day!
Angry Yurble Janitor Psyche-Out
by dortho
The Angry Yurble Janitor,
Always seeming so upset,
Over the land of Altador, he does monitor
But have you met him yet?
Rumor has it he's not that mad,
Just doing his job, that he's glad to have!
He likes to help keep everything clean,
And he also has eyesight that's very keen!
Dropped a few NP at the most recent game?
They're his now! You left them for him to claim!
You had left, and not able to be found,
So they're in his pocket now, safe and sound.
Leaving your cloak, with no name tag?
Just something else he can tuck away in his bag.
He could use a hoodie to hide his face,
Or just wear it, showing it off with grace.
A favorite plushie, or any souvanier, too,
Don't forget to take them with you!
The not-so-angry Yurble Janitor might spot it,
And retrieve the item since you forgot it.
Be careful with those slushies and hot dogs, too.
Those have to be swept and mopped and thrown out.
No longer any good, he takes care of the fans and the arena, including YOU!
If you really want to have him as a janitor to stay,
Intentionally leave a souvanier for him to find to wish him a Happy Yurble Day :D
Oh Yurble Day
by dr_tomoe
Yurble Day has arrived
and tell all your Yurble friends
today is all about them
until the clock hits the ends
From the Slorg-blasting farmer
to the angriest of custodians
Every Yurble all around
will want to join in.
Be sure to brush the mane
because knots are no fun
and don't nibble on their ears
even if they look like cinnamon buns
So don't believe the hype
when it's said all Yurbles are angry
Most are actually cheery
and notoriously hungry.
So invite all you know
for a night of fun
all except the Tax Beast
everyone knows he can't come.
The Yurble's Colours
by dinha_reeves
The Faerie Yurble
Is a very beautiful pet
I just can't belive
You don'te have one yet
The Halloween Yurble
Looks like the Tax Beast
Take care of your money
You should, at least...
The Desert Yurble
Looks like a Pharaoh
So intelligent tha he can
Guess the Weight of the Marrow
The Mutant Yurble
He has only one eye
If he doesn't see you
Better don't ask him why
The Maraquan Yurble
Is the prettiest maraquan pet
Just be careful with him
Near of a fishing net
The Robot Yurble
Is all mechanical
Maybe you'll need
To read his manual
The Tyrannian Yurble
Looks like so prehistoric
If someday I get one
I'll be euphoric
And there is the Chocolate
Grey, Ghost and Ice
Don't forget the Plushie
He looks very nice!
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