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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Tyrannian Victory Day Special

Tyrannian Victory Day
by topaasjeuh

Many years have passed since then
But we are now reminded
Of the fight that raged and when
Our friends were all but blinded

Staring at a brand new land
Which was once found underground
Lending them a helping hand
Leaving everyone astound

the fight was long and dire
Till a lupe took on the fiend
He fought with such a fire
That the enemy was cleaned

Celebrate with us today
The survival of this land
You will surely want to stay
In our Tyrammet so grand!

Tyrannian Victory Day!
by she_chose_love

Today is a very important day
in Neopian History.
Why more Neopian's don't know about today,
is still a mystery.

Today is the day,
we celebrate neopets who are so brave.
They risked everything to fight off invaders,
and Tyrannia they did save!

Today is the day,
celebrating the end of the war.
The fighting stopped on this day,
at quarter to four.

Everyone celebrated,
and was filled with cheer.
As Tyrannia was saved,
and there was no more fear.

So grab your friends,
and shout hooray.
Spend today celebrating,
its Tyrannian Victory Day!

Tyrannian Victory Day Reenactment
by edmondson29

The day looked just like the other,
as he stood in the field among his brother.
A bit cloudy- but still dry,
Across the way he did spy,
The neighboring town dressed in fur,
Without barely a stir;

But he knew in his heart;
He had to play his part-


He'd been hit--
He had to commit---

He fell to the ground with a BLOW!

Only In Tyrannia
by kahlen369

While there are many lands in Neopia,
Few are quite like great Tyrannia,
With great towering rocks and giant trees,
Plants and people here grow wild and free.

How many lands boast a cave with a fearsome Beast?
How many lands can arrange a meat-filled feast?
Only in the great land of Tyrannia can you find,
The Giant Omelette to soothe your stomach's cries.

Here we have the one and only Concert Hall,
Which hosts everything from jazz to rock-n-roll,
It's the best place on the Neopian block,
To see the one and only rockin' Moehawk!

This is also the land of two incredible wheels,
That will have your heart spinning off the reels!
Here in Tyrannia, even Monotony and Mediocrity,
Makes for a great and engaging story!

Tyrannian Celebration
by _interrupted_

Today is the day we celebrate.
For a battle had been won,
All the excited Neopets will gather,
To party in the sun.

There will be lots of things to do today,
To keep us entertained.
like spinning the wheel of Monotony,
there are lots of prizes to be gained!

How about an adventure,
Through the caves to find the beast, 
You might not be brave enough to make it the end,
But you'll have fun at least!

Why not visit Tyrammet,
and help build up the huts,
You know they use dung to keep them held together.
Those villagers are nuts.

And when you find yourself getting hungry.
and are wondering what to eat,
You could grab a slice of the famous omelette,
The taste, you can not beat!

So thank the brave for going to war.
To save this special land,
A place of prehistoric treasure,
An Ugga wonderland.

by chavo_guerrero

Tyrannia is beautiful,
A land of ancient plants,
And in the distance you can hear,
The native warring chants.

While distant mountains rise,
And rivers run their course,
The warriors of Tyrannia,
Train their army force.

The language is a mystery,
The sounds are grunts and groans,
But these Neopets have a culture,
That's based on stones and bones.

A javelin flies smoothly,
A stone ax strikes a tree,
Living in this wilderness,
Is a life that's worry free.

Celebration of Tyrannian Victory Day
by panda_girl555

A land discovered, pets they did rejoice
The thrill of exploration and new friends
But marching from the north an army great
To overthrow, destroy the land they came

The Elder Council sounded the alarm
Recruiting allies to defend their home
From winged assaults and lava’s blazing heat
Clash of soldiers, fighting unabated
The allies met their might with tooth and claw
Attackers cursed, their forces kept at bay
But would prevail once their leader came
Then ‘twixt the battlefield a booming crack

And from that chasm’s depths a beast arose
A sable hide and daggers ‘tween his jaws
Its fearsome roar did make the soldiers flee
All hope of vict’ry lost when it appeared
Its tail’s single sweep, a village razed
Each step, the earth it trembled violently
O Who could dare to face this mighty fiend?

Yet from the field a lonesome Lupe emerged
His wits were sharp, though fangs from battled dulled
His claws no match against the monster’s own
But courage in his heart, convictions strong
To keep his new friends safe, protect his home
He vowed defeat against the massive beast 

Upon the dusty plains, the two did clash
Sheer power versus one of wily tricks
And soon the tide it turned against the beast
It roared in anguish, gnashed its splintered teeth
The Lupe held strong, victorious in war

Their leader gone, the armies scattered wide
Triumphant cheers erupted, vict'ry sweet!
“Recall this day,” the Elders’ voice rang clear
Remember those who suffered for the cause
But also stay courageous and have hope
Protect your friends and fight for what is right
We celebrate those values to this day

Tyrannia's Got That Rock N' Roll
by diresheep

Sticks N Stones may break my bones,
But I'll still love that rock n' roll.
High up on the Tyrannian Plateau,
That wicked rhythm will carry you home!

Tyrannia may have the Obelisk War,
And the Lair of the Beast and a vast Town Hall,
But as long as I've got my rock n' roll,
I don't care about the others at all!

Just give me my tickets (I'll buy fifteen),
And if nothing else, you can guarantee,
I'll be up there in the very front row,
Rocking out with Sticks N Stones!

I got a banging drum solo,
A streak of guitar,
Tyrannia's greatest,
You know who they are!

And if they turn out to be rolling stones,
I'll follow that band wherever it goes,
I'll stick with them through thick and thin,
Even if they get led away on a Zeppelin.

So hooray for Tyrannia Victory Day!
I don't want your omelettes, I don't want your bones,
Just let me rock with the Sticks N Stones!

Happy Tyrannian Victory Day
by lil_reef

Say what you will, high pitched and shrill,
About your favorite Neopian land, 
About Faerieland, Maraqua, Moltara, still
I will always think Tyrannia is most grand.
Covered in rock, enhanced by chalk,
Tyrannia has passed the test of time,
Inhabited by lupe packs and pteri flocks,
Tyrannia is clearly in its prime. 
This land of the past, oh so vast,
Has everything a neopet might need, 
To the concerts to have a blast,
To the giant omelette to feed!
Never let go, dreams of the plateau,
Celebrate its prehistoric might!
Always let fly, your triumphant cries,
Remember Tyrannia's heroic fight!
On a day as victorious as this,
In a land no adventurer can miss,
We will celebrate this momentous day -
Happy Tyrannian Vicotry Day!

Tyrannian Victory Celebration
by tarak06062000

"Ugga ugg, ug
ug ugga ugga
grug ug ug
ugg ugga ug."

(In a rough translation,
the above verse would say:
Tyrannia has its celebration
on this very day.)

And so it is, across this land
from volcano to village to plateau;
everywhere, their joy is grand
with light of fire and cheer aglow.

It hardly seems so long now
this land once hidden by ice;
but finally here, and how
we've found the strangest paradise.

Though a curious sort they are
the Tyrannians mean well;
hunters spot visitors from afar
and in hospitality they excel.

Perhaps you'd like to stop by and see
their pride - the Giant Omelette?
Or spin the Wheel of Monotony
and no, it hasn't stopped yet.

A rocky wasteland - far from it
it's as bustling as can be;
and when all the torches are lit
they'll leave out nobody.

Thus, you are invited
to partake in this fest:
with sparks of happiness ignited
Tyrannia is at its very best.

The Great Tyrannian Culinary Caper
by _brainchild_

I trudge through great Tyrannia
When I find the smell
Of culinary mania—
The taste of treats so swell!

I munch on many Trilo Bites!
The most terrific taste
Is, to me, exactly right!
I gobble them in haste!

The Shopkeeper shall grin at me. 
"May I recommend
The Nautilus or Chunk of Meat?
You'll love them to no end!"

"Sure, I'll try the Nautilus."
This most delicious treat
Is sure to build a massive fuss—
The tentacles are sweet!

Finally, I've had my fill.
The Shopkeeper shall smile
And hand me— What? A giant bill?!
I'll be broke for a while!

Out of cash, I saunter home.
I want to throw a fit.
Sad, I write a heartfelt poem—
You've finished reading it.

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