Neopets Poems
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Grey Day Special
Feeling Grey
by topaasjeuh
Rain is drizzling down her face
Trying to increase her pace
Walking past the wishing well
No more stories left to tell
She's not going anywhere
All her time is there to spare
wand'ring through the streets alone
Tripping on a tiny stone
As she falls she drops her bag
Life feels like an April gag
Sighing, moaning, whispering
Walking just seems not her thing
Struggling to get on her feet
Grabbing the bag from the street
Shaking off the rain a bit
She wants nothing but to quit
Feeling like she fails at life
Nothing that seems worth the strife
Blue is how she feels today
That is life like when you're gray!
Baelia the Grey Faerie
by dragonsfriend1021
There once was a pretty Faerie,
And nobody was happier than she.
She'd frolic and play,
And spend every day
Soaring over Neopia joyously.
Baelia loved to fly!
She could always be found in the sky
Her gorgeous wings
Let her experience things
Floating, fluttering, or climbing high.
Baelia's happiness was quite contagious -
But one Faerie, in particular, was jealous.
Jennumara concocted a dark plot
So Baelia's joy would be shot
And she would stop being so overzealous.
The Dark Faerie created a potion
That would implement her spiteful notion.
Jennumara laughed, 'cause she knew
Baelia hadn't a clue
The elixir would stop all her motion.
One day, just outside of town,
Jennumara spotted Baelia around.
She offered her a cup,
Baelia lifted it up,
And quickly drunk the draught down.
"I feel strange," Baelia said,
As nausea washed over her head.
Jennumara cruelly sneered
And then disappeared.
Baelia woke to see her wings she had shed.
In shock, Baelia's eyes opened wide.
Her wings had been her pride!
A Faerie without wings
Can't travel to things!
So Baelia sat down and cried.
Baelia had no joy that day,
She felt like she'd lost her way.
As if she were in a tomb,
Her heart filled with gloom,
And her color began to turn Grey.
Now Baelia spreads sadness wherever she goes,
Telling others about all her woes.
Nobody can be merry
Around the Grey Faerie.
How to cure her, Fyora only knows.
Grey Day
by she_chose_love
Today is very gloomy,
the rain is falling down.
Every Neopian you meet today,
seems to be wearing a frown.
The sun is nowhere in sight,
everything is very Grey.
This is a very gloomy,
and sad kind of day.
Saddness fills the air,
and grey is all you see.
There is a reason for this gloomy day,
I know you wont disagree.
This very gloomy day,
happens once each year.
Today is Grey Day,
so embrace all of this drear.
Try to have Happy Grey Day Neopia,
and spend time with your friends.
Enjoy the rain and gloom,
because tomorrow the saddness ends.
The Grey Creature
by xx_happy_girlz_xx
In the clouds by the mountains,
Where it's foggy and cold
Is sitting a creature
With no one to hold
Its eyes are wide open
They're blinking with fear
Its heart it is broken
No heartbeat to hear.
"Forgive me my queen"
Heartbroken it cries
"I could not protect you"
But no one replies
The creature is grey
and broken of sorrow
Its wings are torn down
There is no tomorrow.
And yet a bright lightstream
Falls garishly down
It shines right upon her
But what is it now?
A friend and a saviour runs rapidly in
He saves the Grey Faerie
Who else would it been?
That creature is crying, it's moaning in tears
The Kyrii it dances, it jumps and it cheers.
"I found you my friend" he tells her and smiles,
"I've walked and I stumbled a few hundred miles,
To save you, to get you, to bring you back home",
And smiling and dancing together they roam.
And though is the faerie
still grey and afraid,
Her friends they are with her
Come there what may.
Celebrating Grey Day
by painted_dreams87
Grey Day comes just once a year.
It's a single day without cheer.
If you don't want to be sad,
then you should steer clear.
Everyone else can embrace it.
It can be quite fun, I admit.
Take a day to be down in the dumps.
Go ahead, give up and quit.
Even the sky is in pain
as it spills all its rain.
Sit inside and watch it pour down
from the comfort of your windowpane.
It's okay if you want to cry.
Today nobody will ask you why.
Feel free to let it go,
down your cheek from your eye.
Tomorrow, return to your glee.
Let all of Neopia see
just how carefree
and happy you can be.
True Colours
by zigzagoon12345
It is that time of year again.
The one day when the privileged masses
Turn their gazes upon pets like me,
With their unsolicited sympathy,
Their hollow apologies.
Do not speak to me of my bravery,
The spirit I supposedly demonstrate
By merely leaving my bed each day.
What do you know of me, of any Grey pet?
Do not foist upon us some assumed personality
When your well-wishes are merely perfunctory
And any other day of the year,
You folks avert your eyes,
Whisper "Grey" with fear,
As though it were infectious.
Bland externally though we may be,
We are at least blessed
To see the truth in society.
I am Grey, yes, I know.
And some days, I admit, I am in no mood
To entertain my friends or eat my food,
But it does not lessen who I am inside,
I am merely waiting for the right time to shine.
Have you ever seen the first rays of sun
After the rain and stormy clouds have gone?
Though April showers darken our days,
They usher forth change, flowers in May.
That is me,
Though sombre and gloomy I may appear.
I know of all the great things I could do,
If I could just overcome this feeling of blue.
But I do not need to hear it from you,
You who can only give me pity, not empathy.
Have you ever paused
Before deeming us a lost cause
Or thought of Grey pets more than just when you ought?
Because if you had ever really bothered,
You just might've seen a Grey pet's true colours.
The Grayest Pteri (Grey Day)
by dortho
There was a Baby Pteri
Happy as could be!
Breaking out of the shell,
What a sight to see!
Trees and seas and Springabees,
This little bird was finally free!
Stretching his wings, feeling the breeze,
But his mom was nowhere to be seen.
He looked to the left and looked to the right,
Even made an attempt at taking a flight.
Trying to call out from his tiny little beak,
The future was looking rather bleak.
Little did he know, his mom was sent to the pound.
Not up in the trees, or freed up on the ground.
The more he searched, the sadder he got,
and was left feeling quite distraught.
His beautiful green plumage changed to grey,
While he wishes to meet his mom someday...
(Don't forget to check the Neopian pound and adopt if you can! It could make yours and a pets life much more grand!)
Da_Super_Man, A Grey Super Hero
by _the_spardel_queen_
In the darkness of the cold night,
he was there waiting in the shadows,
watching for any motion in the light.
Da_Super_Man (Super), the hero of our town.
He was strong, powerful and quick,
and nothing would ever bring him down.
Until one frightful, stormy day.
His nemesis Emo-ti-con appeared,
with a new weapon that turned Super into grey.
Super froze as his body was transformed,
all of his emotions disappeared,
and he all at once he felt deformed.
He felt no love, no anger, no fear,
His heart didn't know what to do without,
and nothing could bring him cheer.
The townspeople tried to console,
but nothing could help that hurt that was done,
For now he was grey as was his sole.
He lie awake at night sulking in the thunder,
he wanted to be the hero,
"how could I ever?" he began to wonder.
Then a small boy came and gave him a hug,
"I drew this for you",
he said with a shrug.
Super couldn't feel it but he knew this was grand,
he stood up and smiled,
and shook the small boys hand.
He took off incredibly quick,
off to find his nemesis,
and undo this cursed, evil trick.
Although Super would defeat him and lock him away,
his emotions were forever lost,
and so he would always remain grey.
But the townspeople loved him even when he was down,
and he loved them in return,
and vowed to always protect this town.
Grey Day Heyday
by digresser
Grey day isn’t a great day—
It’s a gateway for Grade A dismay.
Make way for grey: rain to paint,
Grey mood, grey food, grey-hued.
The dun day, no fun day,
Grey day in every way.
Yesterday’s washed out glints,
Fade away without a hint.
Full gaze or flat out squint:
All shades have lost out tints.
On this glum day, numb day,
Grey day just go away.
Although...think of tomorrow:
When the afterglow grows.
Dulled through habit, the colors we know,
Will shine, shimmer, glimmer, glitter, and glow.
It’s a pave-the-way, usher-in-the-sun day,
Gray day, maybe you should stay.
Yes, stay; it’s just one day.
With three hundred sixty-four more,
There’s room for a little gloom,
If your dour powers make the flowers bloom.
It IS a great day, this slate day,
The one day, Grey day heyday.
My Grey Friend
by pinkflamecrystal
When I visit, he opens the door slowly,
He lifts a paw up to greet me.
We sit together, not talking,
Just sipping on pineapple slushies.
Some grey ice cream as dessert,
Then he talks in a warm tone,
Thanking me for coming by to visit
Saying that he has a wish - a dream.
He wants us to go visit Kiko Lake
To take pictures on the glass bottom boat tour.
I agree to go with him excitedly,
He gets the camera and some extra batteries.
On the way, I notice all the butterflies,
He takes pictures of the scorched and grey food.
On the tour I learn new things,
He asks a question of the guide.
"Do kikos swim against the current?"
He doesn't need an answer, he just sighs,
"The world is changing
But I stay the same,
Quiet, mournful, and a recluse-
Except for now when I'm with you.
I will sleep better and eat more
Because in all Neopia you are my friend."
Grey Day
by golden1188
Young Kintuana sat in bed
Her fur so dull and grey
"Please don't make me go to school,
I'm feeling sad today."
Her sister, baby Gelert Bryn
Leaped into the fray
"Don't you want to go outside?
You and I could play!"
The Cybunny pulled up the sheets
"Just leave me where I lay!
I will not do a single thing
I'm feeling rather grey."
The rain sounds on the window pane
Giving the grass a spray
Gave Brynettia an idea,
So she spoke up, "Hey!
We could always get some coffee!
So, what do you say?
We could head out to the Caverns
And hit up that cafe."
Kintuana groaned, "I've had enough!
Dear sister, go away.
Just leave me to my misery,
This is my holiday."
Brynettia hung her head and sighed,
She walked down the hallway.
She knew better than to try
When it was Grey Day.
Grey Faerie Snowglobe
by indulgences
Suspended in a tiny tear-shaped globe,
The Grey Faerie wears a ragged dress of grey.
Her wings are feathers shredded and torn.
Trapped in the snowglobe, she cannot escape.
No matter that grey sparkles shimmer within.
No matter that they surround her with scintillating light.
She wants to escape her sorrowful captivity.
She's full of despair, and her mind is a blight.
Her hair is matted and coarse, stringy and grey.
Her eyes are brimming with tiny tears.
Her tiny hands are clenched with fright.
Her life is empty, and she's full of drear.
Oh, Grey Faerie within the snowglobe,
May you someday escape your sad plight.
May you someday travel to distant lands.
May you someday experience day and night.
Day of Grey
by cmdrjane
A look outside the window
Shows a bleak and boring scene
The skies are full of clouds and there's no sun to be seen
Rain drizzles on the pavement
And the sky is shades of grey
It's a very sad and somber scene in Neopia this day
Still even in this listlessness
Pets alike are seen around
For even on a day like this there is color to be found
So gather all you grey pets
And join in hand and hand
To celebrate a sad grey day across our beloved land
Happy Grey Day
by lady_elemental
The skies are grey
and no one cares
Across Neopia
no one dares
To smile or laugh
to cheer or say
“I hope you have
a Happy Grey Day”
Today’s the day
to be dreary,
bleak and dismal,
and NEVER cheery
At least that’s
You’re supposed to do,
but sneaky Neopians
like to make it fun too
They will give out
dark balloons
or wilted flowers
and chocolate spoons
Anything to cause
a giggle,
a smirk, a smile
or a happy wiggle
Quickly hidden of course
as they try to stay
in the theme
of the gloomy holiday
So instead of a cheer
I’m proud to say
I wish you all,
A Miserable Grey Day!
A Very Grey Day
by medusala
The sky is grey and gloomy
The clouds cry and soak me
Wandering down this lonely road
I feel as moody an Ee Mote
My skin is grey, my eyes so pink
This is terrible, I cannot help but think
For on my journey, as I go
My only company is a shadow
Oh joy stolen from the world
Even the Grey Faerie is a happier girl
Oh how I weave my own Tale of Woe
As my rain boots splash in the treacherous shoal
I stumble and tumble and lose my pace
Then sigh and frown, stuck in a muddy place
Only my reflection, I can see
A Grey Aisha in the puddle at my feet
Her watery eyes glance up at me
As I lean over and with my own mouth, greet:
"Today is a very Grey Day, indeed."
She echoes my words and away we go again
Through the rain, and along the Grey Road,
seemingly without end
A Grey Day
by dr_tomoe
A sad day has arrived
for dreary and dread
for small dark rain clouds
to appear above your head
A grey day has come
and it's dour and dark
where sadness and sourness
comes to stories and art.
A holiday for pets who
are saddened and down
Who never find reason to smile
and can only frown.
But don't look down on grey pets
especially on their holiday
they're deserving of affection too
They're just painted this way.
For Spring is full of colors
and joy and elation
but its fine to take
a temporary grey vacation.
This day is for you
for those grey clouds above
so give them some cheer
and show grey pets some love.
Grey Day
by fullonparanoid
It seems it is the day
Where everything is Grey
Today just seems so dreary
My bones they are so weary
It will be a while
Before you see my smile
I don't know what to say
My happy face has gone away
There are clouds in the skies
Tears fill Neopians eyes
Quite the opposite of glad
Everyone seems so sad
It happens every year
A day that has no cheer
Tomorrow will be fine
All will smile and sun will shine
But for today we mope
Feel a distinct lack of hope
For every year there is a day
Where everything is Grey
Baelia Rejuvenated: A Faerie’s New Role
by _brainchild_
O'er spacious skies flew a faerie
'Till she lost wings to cruelty.
Stripped of wondrous spells and flight,
She's victimized by lack of might.
Baelia is the faerie's name.
Her days will never be the same
As a grey girl with no powers.
At the start, she used to cower.
She has no magic of her own,
Nor any choice but to hone
The spells of other nymphs so grand
To fill each quester's demand!
Yet these people don't complain.
Sometimes they will go insane
When they receive a Fountain Dip
For a color truly hip!
Baelia has found her own role,
Granting quests to grateful souls.
Even though she has no powers,
Her life is no longer sour.
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