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Neopets Poems

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Shoyru Day Special

Sammy The Shoyru
by she_chose_love

Sammy the Shoyru woke up bright and early,
the sun was shining bright.
The birds were singing outside,
everything felt right.

With a hop and a jump,
Sammy got out of bed.
He flapped his wings once,
and put on a scarf that was red.

Today is the best,
day of the year.
It is a day that Sammy,
holds very dear.

Sammy went to Neopia Central,
where he met with a friend.
They went to a special party,
that all Shoyru's attend.

The party was full of laughter,
and a lot of fun.
They drank neocola,
and ate hotdogs without a bun.

Sammy loved this day,
he couldn't help but cheer,
As this was Sammy's favorite day,
of the entire year.

Happy Shoyru day Neopia,
I hope you have lots of fun.
As you celebrate with Sammy,
and every Shoyru under the Neopian sun.

Shoyru Day Celebrations
by casperiscaptain

This is a special day, oh yes,
I make sure that I dress my best.
Off to the festival, I then go,
To watch the Shoyrus put on a show!

Enormous crowds of Neopians unite,
To observe this winged species in flight.
A buzz of anticipation is growing,
Suddenly above, the clouds are glowing.

One from the left, another dives from the right,
So graceful and swift, and at such a scary height. 
The crowd is hushed by all of their wonder, 
When one flaps his wings, I swear I hear thunder. 

There's so much to watch and nothing to fear,
I join in with the crowd as they start to cheer.
One final lap, a loop around the mountain,
Then they all land elegantly by the fountain. 

The Fire Shoyru was the brightest of their kind,
And the Faerie one was the that cutest I could find. 
But when the Stealthy Shoyru made his arrival,
I felt great respect for the master of survival.

He spoke to us all with a roar of his voice. 
"Thank you for this honor, for making this choice."
Without hesitation, I drop down to a knee,
It was the least I could do for someone so free. 

On my initiative, the crowd kneeled as well,
A unity of pride was starting to swell.
The opportunity to honor this species was great,
The ones who continue to show no cruelty or hate.

The ground shakes as they all lift off to the sky,
And we wave to them as our final good-bye!
Until next year brings them back to our town,
We will remember the Shoyrus and refuse to frown!

Cog the Shoyru: A Mechanical Miss
by _brainchild_

You don't have to be a guy 
To make machinery. 
Miss Cog, a Shoyru, makes divine 
Inventions, sure to please. 
Her stock consists of wearables. 
So flashy in a crowd, 
Her wares are awesome, never dull. 
Their statement is so loud! 
Have you ever wished to own 
The grooviest guitar? 
Its notes are chilling to the bone, 
Impressing near and far. 
Or maybe, if snow bothers you, 
A coat is what you need. 
While wearing it, you won't feel blue. 
With warmth, you shall succeed! 
If coats don't boast metallic gleam 
For eyes of yours, my friend, 
The zipper, made mechanically, 
Is needed to no end. 
Miss Cog shall make it. Else, the coat 
Won't zip, and then I'll freeze, 
Upon the wares of hers I'll dote— 
My thanks will never cease.

The Purple Shoyru: Warrior of Blazing Will
by _brainchild_

Those Shoyrus of grand royalty, 
Along with turtles of the sea, 
May be the ritziest around, 
Yet someone else shall best all gowns! 
I love the Purple Shoyru's hue, 
A pleasing sight to me and you. 
Its brilliance, impressing all, 
Is eye-popping—she will enthrall! 
This Shoyru also flies with might 
When waging battles. Every fight 
Shall bring the wretched foe's demise. 
The torch of war burns in her eyes! 
Her beauty and her blazing will 
Shall cast a spell—she's sure to thrill. 
This warrior of ages old 
Is sweet yet valiant, oh so bold.

A Dance (With the Wind)
by miu1109

The Shoyru invites me to a dance,
A bow, a hand, an undeniable chance
I takes his offer up and he kisses my hand
Smiling gentlemanly as he stands

It starts with a waltz, then a foxtrot, 
Simple rhythms on the spot
But neither of us are satisfied
So up, up, to the sky I guide

In this vast, borderless, infinite space
Smoothly, softly, serenely, we grace
We match our touch, our breath, our flight
The full moon our light and our stage the night

When the dance comes to an end
Hesitantly he descends
Me a curtsey and he a bow
To return once again is his vow

Weapons Handler Kentari
by luscinia17

If you’d ever visit Shenkuu
That Wonderous Weaponry shop
You’d surely meet a Shoyru
Amongst these mountain hilltops

He once sailed as a crewmate,
A member of Cyodrake’s Gaze
A fearless, peerless warrior
But that was all yesterdays

If you think he has weakened
You’d surely be mistaken
While his blades might have dulled
His mind is still unshaken

You might find a deck of forty-eight
You might challenge him to a game
Sure, you might have more cards
But he would’ve win (or so he claims)

Strength does not depend on weapons
Or strength, or mindless powers
How he has won his battles
He would show you in these hours

Shoyru Coffee Shopkeeper
by tallydepp

If you're on Roo Island for your vacation,
There is a place that deserves a mention.
If you've built up quite a thirst,
Here is where the best coffee is served!

In the Coffee Cave, the welcome is warm and true.
"Greetings!" says our friendly Shoyru.
Working behind the counter, she'll welcome you in,
With an amicable smile, a jovial grin.

She'll offer you coffee, served with warmth and grace,
Blue eyes twinkling in her congenial face.
Her customer service is the best in the land.
She serves coffee with ease, with efficient deft hands.

She works every day, with no time to rest,
Ensuring the drinks she serves are the best.
But one day a year, on Shoyru Day in fact,
She'll take a break, sit down, have a chat.

How novel it is, to see her be served
The warm cup of coffee she so richly deserves.
She'll savour the flavour of the hot, steaming brew,
Resting for a minute, our hard-working Shoyru.

Shoyru Day
by fullonparanoid

Who flies through the air with the greatest of ease?
Why, Shoyrus, of course...if you please

Loopty loops and barnstorming precision
They can perform whatever you envision

They sail through the skies like fish in the sea
Fantastic in flight quite the sight to see

Ignore the rumours that they can breathe fire
(anyone who spreads them is surely a liar)

Shoyrus are happiest when spreading their wings
A happy Shoyru is the most wonderful of things

If ever you get the chance to watch them fly
Do not miss it for they are the rulers of the sky

Let the weather be fair on this their special day
So they can swoop and dive and sail away

Starry Shoyrus
by agedbeauty

It’s Shoyru Day, so I entreat:
Behold, behold, the starry Shoyru,
Alight across the sky!

The beauty of the stars 
Backdropped against
The glittering of the starlight.

Such a creature is oft
Given but short shrift,
Without a second glance.

Yet can you truly say
That the glimmer of the colours 
Is not magnificent?

On this day, on Shoyru Day,
Can you really claim that
This creature is not full of beauty?

A wobbly jelly Shoyru
by dr_tomoe

Behold the jelly Shoyru
and the happy wobbles he makes
Traversing around in Jelly World
even though it is fake

His purple gleam in the light
reflects off the translucent gel
and the brighter he shines
reflects that he's doing well.

His wings still let him zoom
across the sky like a fire
cutting across the horizon
all throughout Wobbleshire.

And without a care in the world
and a smile on his face
a wobbly jelly Shoyru
bounces all over the place.

And this fate could be yours
if you met the fountain faerie
or had some good luck
at the secret laboratory.

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