Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
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April Fool's Day
by she_chose_love
Today is a day for pranks and tricks,
for it is April Fool's Day.
The Neopets Team likes to play a joke on us,
each year pranking in a different way.
In year 3 TNT got us good,
and told us they made over each neopet.
The new designs were comical and scary,
it made all of Neopia sweat.
In year 4 Neopia was quite afraid,
as The Pant Devil took all of our stuff.
All inventories and Safety Deposit boxes cleared,
It was hard to keep calm and act tough.
In year 5 Neopia was full of chaos,
as we leaned that neopoints were no more.
The whole site was different,
and all of Neopia was in a uproar!
In year 6 Neopia was taken over,
Quiguki's had appeared everywhere.
From trading cards to buddy icons,
the takeover caused quite a scare.
In year 7 there were pet days,
to be held every three days for the entire year.
Fifty new species of neopets were released,
which caused some Neopians to cheer.
In year 8 Neopians got very scared,
as neocharge was introduced to us.
You must pay for each page you visit in Neopia,
think prank caused quite a fuss!
In year 9 the battledome closed,
making all of that training go to waste.
A huge part of the site was gone,
many Neopians felt very misplaced.
In year 10 Neobuddies made their appearance,
and popped up on every page.
They annoyed all of Neopia,
and sent everyone into a rage.
In year 11 all of Neopia was very sad,
We were told that our pets were a thing of the past.
Now to be replaced by Neoplants,
this change happened way too fast.
In year 12 Neopians pranked each other,
by turning their neofriends pets into piles of soot.
Pies were thrown all over Neopia,
we were all so glad when someone put down their foot.
In year 13 infection took over Neopia,
and everyone's neopets got very sick.
The hospital had no cure,
Just a countdown clock that made a tick.
In year 14 there was a giant confusion,
as everything regarding spending neopoints was not right.
From The Shop Wizard to The Trading Post,
nothing worked right on the site.
In year 15 Neopian merchandise was everywhere,
from a D.I.Y. Cosmetic Surgery Kit to Edible Socks,
the new real world items were quite scary,
and were the topic of many talks.
In year 16 the pound closed down,
making pet traders very sad.
A Neo-foster program was introduced,
filling accounts with more pets then were aloud to be had.
In year 17 Jumpstart took over,
filling Neopia with red and blue.
Adding features like viking of the week,
There were many new things to do.
In year 18 The Neopian Net Worth Calculator came out,
telling each Neopian what their worth was,
The calculator wouldn't stop thinking,
some users left it running for hours just because.
Now April Fool's Day of year 19 is upon us,
who knows what will happen this year.
Many Neopians wait in anticipation,
to see what prank will cause us fear.
April Fool's Day
by fullonparanoid
Beware the hand buzzers
And the squirting flowers
Watch out for whoopie cushions
And cold water showers
"Kick Me" signs
And invisible ink
Salt swapped for sugar
(as gross as you think)
Plastic wrapped doors
Missing t.p.
Styrofoam peanuts
As far as can see
Snake in a can
And short sheets in bed
Don't let the pranks
Go to your head
It goes without saying
There's no need to say
Be very wary
It's April Fool's Day!
A Day of Fear
by zigzagoon12345
The first day of Eating is better spent
In hiding or planning how to circumvent
The mischief that is sure to come:
April Fool's is not for everyone.
Clothes get torn and food gets burnt,
Alliances turned and friendships spurned,
In someone's hair, you'll find some gum
and someone'll cry before the day is done.
The Food Club's meals are sure to turn garish
And the Chia Clown, even more nightmarish.
And Faerieland might seem safe at first,
But Fire Faeries are the worst!
Yes, I know, that some mean well,
Their pranks are harmless, so they tell.
Maybe I can tough it out,
Just one time, I think out loud.
I step outside, expecting war,
But an empty lawn is what's in store.
What a breeze, I laugh a bit.
And that's when all the pranksters hit.
Rotten eggs and balloons galore!
This is not what I was asking for!
I shriek and yell and stumble back
Into my house, away from attack.
In the end, I was proven right.
April Fool's is no delight!
I scrape away the yucky mess
That has collected on my dress.
To me, this day is a day of fear,
And I'll trust no one to let them near.
Better and safer to stay indoors,
"I won't be played for a fool," I swore.
So you can knock and you can tease,
Call me boring if you please.
April Fool's is not my thing,
Too much chaos this day brings.
April Fools Day
by tallydepp
Today's the day that most folk dread,
Though some anticipate with glee!
Neopians all across the lands
With baited breath, wait warily.
Suspicious glances, uncertain looks,
What will be this years trick or ruse?
Last year we believed we could change the names
Of our pets - alas untrue!
Behind the scenes, with playful minds
And grins as craftily they scheme,
Working hard to create the joke,
Are the mischievious Neopets team!
This year we say we'll be prepared,
We'll fall for tricks no more!
But imagine if there was no bluff -
Oh wouldn't that be a bore!
So don't be a spoilsport or a grinch,
Don't give the game away!
Embrace the fun and frolics!
Have a hilarious April Fools Day!
Foolish or Fun?
by peacelovebliss
A rogue 'Pet hops
around our town
to the faint sound
of jingly bells
Nobody knows
the chap's name
because he
never tells.
The "fool",
as they call him
tends to share
his crazy stories
about a distant land
made entirely of
colorful jellies.
Others never take
him seriously
("That 'Pet is
out of his mind!")
but he does not
bother me,
as he is really
rather kind.
I like listening
to his stories
about this
small, jiggly land
My friends call me
quite foolish too
They just
do not understand.
Where I live,
the strange 'Pet
is regarded
as a loon
for the crazy tales
he shares from
sunrise until
the last hours
with the moon.
Although a
world of jelly is
quite a kooky thought
I would rather be
a fool spreading fun
than a "smart" Neopet
who does not.
It is the first
of the month
Happy April Fool's!
Hug and thank
your local jests
on this day -
interesting 'Pets
are like jewels!
April's Fool
by hshtagcoffee
April brings the day of fools,
Of tricks, and games, and pranking duels.
And all the pets, both young and old
Wrack their brains for jokes to pull.
And on this day, one pet does shine
Tricking those at Coltzan’s Shrine.
Begging for rich treasures there
On their knees, their souls they bare.
Promise them from behind the stone
Everything they wish to own.
Snickering at their shouts of joy
Falling for his cunning ploy.
Laughter quiets to quick regret
At the devastated face of every pet.
And soon he finds the truth to be
The biggest fool is none but he.
Round the shrine, he makes his way,
Apologizing on this day.
Pranks are fun when pulled by friends
Who know just when to make amends.
And so they say, from that day on
The prankster sat from dusk till dawn,
Fixing wrongs and setting right
Mistakes once made in prankster plight.
Gag Bowtie: Lament of an April Fool
by _brainchild_
I loathe that silly Gag Bowtie—
It squirted me right in the eye!
Its trickery I shall regret—
The forceful water made me fret.
The tie bears dots so whimsical—
They're most enthralling, never dull.
Enticed by them, I spent my cash,
Yet I would rue my choice so rash.
I saw a button on the tie.
Nowadays, I don't know why
I pressed it. Argh, I must've felt
Quite curious. The shot was dealt!
My makeup ruined, I cried out.
I'll never wear this tie, no doubt!
Whoever made it is a loon;
I plan to toss it very soon.
A Day of Oddities
by agedbeauty
Today at the lab ray,
The Scorchio grinned at me funny.
It wasn’t until I left that I realized,
He’d given me the tail of a Cybunny.
Then when I went for my omelette,
The Lupe didn’t even growl,
He only giggled and perturbed,
I didn’t notice my breakfast was foul!
Next I thought I’d do a quest,
In the fair Illusen’s glade,
Yet when I left I noticed,
My hair was a different shade.
On this strangest of days,
I was afraid to head to Coltzan’s shrine,
And when I finally made why way there,
The only prize was an unexpected decline!
I couldn’t begin to figure out,
Why my jelly smelled so weird,
Or why the Kau at the Fruit Machine,
Had such a mysterious beard.
Finally it dawned on me,
As I left the oddly-hued Grundo Plushie,
Today was April Fool’s Day -
I ought to skip my daily slushie!
Marshmallow Dream Pet (April Fool)
by tallydepp
Oh how I dream of owning a Marshmallow pet!
I voted for that - it was truly the best.
Blurry hurt my eyes, and I did not like Inverted.
When I saw Marshmallow, I was immediately converted!
Alas I had no room - pets I had four,
So I booted one out, showed him the door.
"Off to the pound with you!" I said.
"You are no longer my favourite pet!
Forgive me my actions, I know they seem shallow,
But you are Darigan, I now want Marshmallow!"
I crossed my fingers, but I had no doubt
That Marshmallow would win the April Fool vote.
Wait ...
Oh no ...
It was all a ruse?
Oh how I feel like such a fool!
Now my dreams are dashed, I will never receive
The Marshmallow pet of my dreams.
Feeling bereft, full of sadness and woe,
Off to the Neopian Pound I go.
But my abandoned pet has gone to a new happy home,
So I adopt ... a Marshmallow Grundo!
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