Neopets Poems
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Chomby Day Special
Mutant Chomby
by sky_lady
Chomby is known as a giant dinosaur.
If he is angry, you will hear him roar.
Most of them are friendly and nice,
they are big but are also afraid of mice.
A Mutant Chomby can be a great pet,
just make sure your neohome is all set.
This giant Chomby needs a lot of space,
get a big room or it will be a disgrace.
Prepare his diet, they don't like meat.
Get him a plate and a strong chair to sit.
Be careful with all your fragil furniture,
or you will buy a new one in the near future.
The Mutant Chomby is like the other Chombies,
he's less scary than most of the Zombies.
He can even be afraid to go to the battle,
so don't push him and give him a baby rattle.
You must give him love and lots of big hugs,
he will help you get rid of those pestering bugs.
A Mutant Chomby is a friend for a lifetime,
his friendship won't even cost you a dime.
Chomby Day
by she_chose_love
Attention Neopians,
far and near.
I have to say something,
that I think you should hear.
So grab a seat,
and lean your ear this way.
We need to talk about,
a very special day.
Today is a day,
full of laughter and cheer.
This very special day,
only happens once a year.
Today we celebrate,
one of Neopia's best.
A great species of neopet,
loved slightly more than all the rest.
A species that is old,
and has been around for years and years.
An adventurous neopet,
without any fears.
They have a heart made of gold,
so loyal and so kind.
This most special species,
that you will ever find.
By now you must know,
which neopet I speak of.
Today is the day,
we show Chomby's some love.
I hope some new items,
are released today.
Also a new Chomby color,
to make everyone say hooray!
So Happy Chomby Day,
to one and all.
I hope you celebrations,
are a ball.
Chomby Day!
by bernardo_genio
If you ever venture through the lands of Tyrannia
A curious creature you might find
Playing around or just eating grass
This Neopet really is one of a kind
Chomby is it's name, as you may have guessed
Taking care of one is no easy task
'How can I get one?', someone might ask
It's not that easy, just like a test
They're limited edition, so there's no way
To create one yourself, if it isn't their day
Which is good news, if I dare say
Because Chomby's day is not far away
So let's all appreciate this wonderful date
That many Neopians can no longer wait
For it to come as sure as our fate
To play with their Chombies and to celebrate
You can sing, you cand dance, you can play
Enjoy this event however you may
Maybe at home you just wanna stay
But you should enjoy it for its Chomby day!
Chomby Carnival
by fullonparanoid
Break out the beads
Break out the masks
Break out the candy
Before anyone asks
Get ready for the music
And the clapping and cheers
Get ready to celebrate
Like all the past years
It's Chomby Carnival
Prepare for the fun
A day of great joy
For everyone
A day long festival
Capped with a parade
Feel free to join in
Don't be afraid
Chombies are huge
And their footsteps thunder
But they're kind as can be
If ever you wonder
They lead the parade
Marching two by two
Prepare for the rumbling
As they march past you
Your teeth will chatter
And your balance will sway
It adds to the excitement
Of their special day
So enjoy the festivities
Of the Chomby Carnival
Where everything is grand
(The Chombies most of all)
The Chomby - A Poem in Limericks
by c3sabertooth
I met a Chomby from Neopia,
Who found a large plant cornucopia.
He ate past his fill
And began to feel ill
But would not leave his food-filled utopia.
I aimed to help but he made a fuss,
He refused to stop eating and thus
Each plant that he ate
Gained a pound to his weight
And soon he was the size of a bus.
The beast had an insatiable thirst
And I feared the poor Chomby would burst.
I soon had to sweet talk
Frederick, my Xweetok
For this Chomby could not be coerced.
I approached the brute with my Xweetok,
And when pushing the Chomby, we gawk
We then fell in a slump
For the beast was so plump,
We had to recourse to a plea talk.
I began with a cordial greeting,
Then I told him, “You cannot keep eating!”
“Each new plant that you scarf
May compel you to barf!”
Though I admit my prospects were fleeting.
To my shock, the huge Chomby confessed:
“Each new plant that I see, I ingest,
As for food, I must roam
Since I don’t have a home,
And for this bounty of food, I felt blessed.”
Although the Chomby and I had just met,
If I left him to stray, I would fret.
He smiled with glee
As my new adoptee,
And now he can eat all he wants as my pet.
The Return of Admiral Blackbeard
by equinewhispers
‘They’re back! They’re back!’ came the cry,
From those gathered on the quayside.
They’d seen the flag nearing the coast,
The sign of those they loved the most.
The finest ship to sail the sea,
It is, of course, the Jolly Chomby.
Those who sailed her are blessed indeed,
To be the crew of the mighty Blackbeard.
Known across the Neopian seas,
As the bravest of all chombies,
He leads his men through stormy weather,
And brings them back laden with treasure.
At the helm, with his long beard flowing,
He bellows to his crew ‘Just keep rowing!’
The pirates do as they’ve been taught,
And bring the Jolly Chomby safe to port.
Families gather to meet those home from sea
But the Admiral himself has somewhere to be.
He strides along the old sea wall,
And heads up to the Food Club Hall.
He’s just in time for the round to begin,
The regulars mutter ‘He’s sure to win.’
The menu today could not suit him better,
Asparagus Pie and Hot Tyrannian Pepper.
For during all those weeks of sailing,
There’s something Blackbeard has been craving.
He’s sick of skilly and bored of duff,
As for cheese he can’t stand the stuff!
What this fearsome pirate finds most delectable,
Is a plate piled high with all types of vegetable.
It's Chomby Day!
by luscinia17
Hey, hey, haven't you hear?
No, really, there's nothing to fear
Just 'round the corner is a special date
For our lovely friends, it celebrates!
This day, we play our music high
Start the carnival with a cry
Buy yourselves some food and toy
Decorate the place with laughter and joy
Yes, it's the Chomby Carnival
As it'll say in the NT articles
Do you have a Chomby 'pet?
If so, bring them here and sweat!
Ode to the Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby
by icysnowe
This poem is about a pet who is a little like me
Known as the Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby.
You see, we know him as this ruthless monster
But digging deeper, from the truth this couldn't be further.
So dig deeper we shall, into the obscure history
Of how this huge, notorious creature came to be.
For his voracious appetite he is greatly feared
Though in a few circles, he's idolised and revered.
The story begins in a distant land called Tyrannia
Where Chombies rule and claim the terrain each year.
Once, a tiny blue Chomby was born in this place.
He had a strange quirk - not letting food go to waste!
No matter what his family fed him every day
Nothing would take that empty feeling in his stomach away.
In desperation, he raided the shops of Tyrannia
Doing everything he could to rid himself of the hunger.
Shopkeepers across Tyrannia were enraged
To find their shelves of fodder had been rampaged.
Those seeking a meal at the Giant Omelette
Were dismayed to find in its place - a pile of dirt!
Eventually, the hungry culprit was found
Sitting in a pile of food, greedily chowing down.
The citizens furiously rallied against the thief
Confused and upset, the Chomby took his leave.
Since then, the Chomby has roamed Neopia
As an outcast; a nomad; a perpetual foreigner.
And just as quickly as he was banished before
The little blue Chomby was suddenly not so little anymore.
As his notoriety grew so did his resentment
And along with Giant and Hungry, he became known as Malevolent.
For his insatiable appetite he hated to be known
So he lashed out at opponents in the Battledome.
So this concludes the ongoing story
Of how the Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby came to be.
Though not considered benevolent anywhere
Perhaps his given title might be just slightly unfair.
Chombies Love Such Crunchy Leaves
by _brainchild_
It’s very accurate to say
That Chombies love their leaves.
They munch on plant life every day—
The crunch is sure to please.
The taste of leaves so succulent
Shall make the Chombies dance.
There's nothing else to supplement
A meal as well as plants.
Which leafy food will most delight?
A salad full of ferns?
Fantastic flavor, oh so bright,
Is easy to discern.
A bowl of Chomby Leafy Crunch
Bests other breakfast meals.
The Chombies love to eat a bunch
Of plant life which appeals.
All Chombies ought to try these foods—
They'll love the yummy taste.
Pure bliss is what the plants exude—
No leaves will go to waste.
The foliage is never dull,
So every dinosaur
Will find the taste remarkable—
The crunch is not a bore.
Chomby and The Fungus Balls Play Tonight!
by geneames1
Tonight is the big concert
And I can hardly wait
Chomby and The Fungus Balls
You know it will be great!
They always play their big hits
And start off every show
With a featured local band
You really need to go
I saved my neopoints all year
For just this one occasion
So I can buy some souvenirs
Of my favorite sound sensation
Perhaps a brand new T shirt
Or a poster for my wall
A cap or a new CD
Or...heck, I'll buy them all!
Chomby Day Menu
by a_ramsell
Hooray for Chomby Day!
One of the best days of the year.
A day to celebrate a Neopet
So many Neopians hold so dear.
Just in case you're wondering
How to celebrate today,
A special Chomby Day menu
Could be the perfect way.
Start your celebrations with
This colorful breakfast treat--
Purple Chomby Pancakes;
Buttery, warm, and sweet.
For lunchtime why not try a bowl
Of steaming Chomby Day Potato Soup?
This savory dish is so delish,
You'll likely want a second scoop.
After eating all these goodies,
You may be feeling a little parched.
So pour yourself some Chomby Juice--
Refreshing, thirst-quenching, and tart.
For dinner, a juicy Chomby Tail Burger;
Will cause you true delight;
The tail-shaped patty and bun
Are a truly wonderful sight!
And finally, dessert!
(Though it may be too cute to eat)
A delicious Baby Chomby Cookie
To make your Chomby Day menu complete!
Three cheers for Chomby Day,
And all the delightful food;
Hopefully this yummy menu
Put you in the celebrating mood!
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