Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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The Pirate Paintbrush
By Sonsofwar
One swish from this brush,
And my life is changed,
It does not seem warped, awkward or strange,
And through a portal, of ships of old,
Of scourges, galleons and buried gold!
A world of treasures, and buccaneers,
Where the riches far outweigh the fears,
A magic land, cast out on the tide,
Where Flotsams embrace moonbeam wide,
Onto islands, platoons and plains,
Caves may conceal much to gain,
Maps may show a hidden treasure,
Artifacts, riches beyond measure,
Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls,
All hands on deck, as the sail unfurls,
Cannons blast cruel steel balls,
That ricochet off cliffs' steep walls,
Where rapiers clash with swords unsheathed,
Above the rows of coral reef,
Peg-legs, bandannas and eye-patches,
Battle-scars, or minor scratches,
Imagining this bloodthirsty scene,
Makes me glad that I stayed green!
By Asher_the_dragon
The stock market is a wondrous place.
To gain the fortune, terror you must face.
Will your company prosper and with you share?
Or will they leave you with nothing
But a barrel to wear.
NAKR, SKBD, and all the rest.
Which one will make it big? Can you guess?
A game of strategy and luck,
One bad move and you're stuck.
Risk, Risk, Risk it all. Can you take the heat?
Come on now coward,
Stand on your own two feet.
Can you stop depending on
The Money Tree and Wishing Well?
Where in Neopia would you be if they fell?
In the poorhouse, the Soup Kitchen,
The cockroach motels,
No more chocolate, or plushies, or jingly bells.
But on the other paw,
What if you suddenly saw,
A company, sellin' real cheap,
And then they took a drastic leap.
The shares suddenly sell for hundreds a pop,
And you suddenly find that you're on top!
Paintbrushes, Faeries, books galore,
Into your hands, the Neopoints pour!
But hark! A new puzzle has come
What will you do with your vast income?
By Candy_cat_77
I wasn't convinced by this new paint brush,
I actually voted for the Tartan one.
But when I saw those sweetie babies,
I said to myself: "I must get one".
I went running to the Hidden Tower,
And I fainted by seeing the prize.
I was so sad and disappointed,
I only wanted to cry.
But then I started thinking,
And I cleaned the tears off my eyes,
"I will go baby-sitting
Those Neopets of little size".
The first day wasn't easy,
The babies all started to cry.
Lupe was running after Chia,
He wanted a big bite.
Shoyru yelled desperately,
He didn't want to take the bath.
Skeith took Usul's toy,
And didn't want to give it back.
Aisha wasn't easy to handle,
Her shouting was so loud,
She woke up the sleeping babies,
I was really freaking out.
Acara turned red suddenly,
She needed a diaper change,
"Boy, these kids do eat a lot"
I said deep to myself.
Blumaroo was learning to walk,
I couldn't find him anywhere.
A loud screaming came from the basement,
Peophin had fallen down the stairs.
After 3 hours and 24 minutes,
All babies were sleeping,
The house was up-side down,
It was a little creepy.
While watching them sleeping,
I realised one thing:
"Sure, babies are cute,
As long as they're asleep".
Since that day I had a new rule:
"Just one baby at a time".
I did get the one I wanted,
And I considered him mine.
He's sweet and cute and tender,
And he likes to take the bath.
Every time he starts yelling,
I just give his bottle back.
A Chomby Garden
By Omega57
A garden is a great thing
To have with your home
You can fill it with flowers or maybe a gnome
Best of all, it's somewhere
For your pets to roam
And it looks kinda pretty as well
I once had a garden of beautiful green
With plants the likes of which you'd never seen
However, my Chomby got slightly too keen
And now my garden is bare
My Chomby ate everything, even the weeds
The grass is all gone and so are the leaves
The plants that I had are now mere memories
Who knows if they'll ever grow back
So at this point in time, no garden for me
No beautiful flowers and Buzzers flying free
My gnome is the only thing left now, you see
And he looks a little alone
So one little tip to those green fingered ones
A garden is great, it can be lots of fun
But my Chomby took on the flowers and won
I just hope yours isn't the same!
Pirate Ahoy!
By Minotaurmyth
As I was strolling down Neopia,
I noticed a shiny glimmer in the ground,
I rushed to it, hoping for NP,
But it was something else I had found!
In the Neopian sun,
It was shining bright,,
It had golden locks a-shining
I almost fainted at it's sight!
It was a golden treasure chest,
With twenty-seven locks,
I knew how to open them,
Bang 'em with some rocks!
As doubtful as this may seem,
It worked and the locks fell down,
I wondered what would be inside,
A sword, a shield, a crown?
I opened up the majestic box,
And shut my eyes tight.
For a great, big gleam emerged,
One I could not fight!
With my eyes closed,
I reached down into the chest,
I felt something large,
And pulled it out with almighty zest!
I shut the chest,
And the gleam dissolved,
I opened my eyes,
To see no gold!
What I pulled out,
Was an old brush,
Dripping with multi-coloured paint,
Oh whoopie! What a rush!
The chest had magically gone,
And all I got was a hunk-of-junk,
And what's more,
It's covered in magical gunk!
Whoops! Some has fallen,
Onto my dear, poor Neopet,
And he changed from red to piratey,
Then came the best change yet.
He walked up to a stranger,
And stole from a wealthy Neopet,
I know it's bad. I know its naughty
But at least, I'll never be in debt!
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