Neopets Poems
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New Years Special
Countdown to New Year's Day!
by azusa_k
Y18's coming to an end,
Y19 here we go!
Anticipation running high,
Since days and weeks ago.
We'll definitely get to see,
A bunch of brand new stuff.
Neopia does not cease to surprise,
We'll never get enough.
For starters, fashion will transcend,
Designs all hot, unique.
Shopping's a must, we can't miss out,
Those clothes will be so chic!
The menus could add so much more,
Mouth-watering food, treats.
Whether it be healthy salads,
Or spooky foods or sweets.
And don't forget the stamps and books,
Editions, prints, all new.
Of unseen toys and furniture,
They'll soon make their debut.
A new plot might be in the works,
To give our wits a test.
Games, puzzles, adventure, battles,
To determine who's best.
So let us start the New Year with,
A happy thought, a grin.
Ten seconds left to midnight now,
Let the countdown begin!
New Years Day Neopets
by angelhazeleyes2006
It's New Years Day, a fresh new start
You should love you Neopet with all of your heart.
Your Neopet is hungry, golly gee!
Don't forget feed you Tuskaninne.
Time to start fresh, time to stat new;
"Merry-go-round ride?," says your Shoyru.
Love your Neopets, give them something new;
How about that cute Petpet, Puppyblew!
Or perhaps they want to visit the Wheel of Excitement.
If you don't land on what you want, don't give them a bill of indictment.
Instead show them affection, perhaps with a toy?
Or maybe that new Paint Brush, Royal Boy.
Its a brand new year, a brand new day
You should come play with your Neopet everyday!
New Year's Resolutions
by kahlen369
It's that time of year again
When you start talking to friends
About all the things you could do
To make yourself grow and improve
With this coming Happy New Year,
Comes all your New Year's Resolutions
Where you show your newfound devotion
For all your new tasks without fear
What do you what to do better?
Finally get that trophy for Petpet Sitter?
Maybe you want to collect all the avatars
See if you can become a Neopian Times star?
There are so many things you could do
Just be careful about which you choose
Say you want to pull that Lever of Doom,
You might lose all your neopoints on that moon!
Whatever your New Year's Resolution
Remember to pursue it with great passion!
Because whatever goal you decide upon,
Will be something you can look back on!
A Neopian New Year
by angel_anna_uk_babe
Neopets of short and tall come together near the Central,
Putting aside old-time rivalries, everyone is quite sentimental.
For very soon it shall be midnight, on this cold December evening,
And bringing in a New Year is not the time to be judgemental.
Many excitable Meerca’s play loudly,
Right over beside the music shop.
And joining them a group of happy Blumaroos,
perform the two step hop!
A family of Gilert’s huddle,
Hovering next to the Wishing Well.
The little ones all whisper a wish,
Shhh! It won't come true if you tell!
The charitable chef from Pizzaroo,
Delivers a free pizza to The Pound.
He hopes that surely this will be the year,
That these Neopets' new homes will be found!
Even the Kaodoaties won't cry tonight,
They halt their begging for rare foods.
Instead they sit happily in their coops,
Freshly bathed and shampooed.
For tonight is a night filled with hope,
It's a time to start anew
Everyone waits eagerly
For 2017 to make its debut.
And as the clock strikes midnight,
All the Neopets begin to cheer.
Many voices cry out in unison,
"Have a happy, happy New Year!"
A Year of Memories
by stargirl346
A new year is approaching and the
month of celebrating ends, but what
wonderful memories did Y18 hold?
Meercas threw snowballs,
Wockies wobbled and danced,
Boris sat in cafes and ate
cake while sipping Borovon.
Bruces sled merrily across
the Terror Mountain slopes,
Ogrins sang happy tunes,
Usuls laughed and skied.
Xweetoks picked berries,
Pteris took to the sky for
their flying championships,
Vandagyres spent their NPs.
Korbats dressed up in their
finest Neopian bests,
Jetsams swam and raced,
Eyries enjoyed soaring by.
Grarrls played Keno,
Draiks hatched from eggs,
Skeiths devoured everything
at the Annual Chocolate Ball,
Techos played buzzer games,
Poogles paraded around.
Grundos celebrated their
Independence from Sloths claws.
Blumaroos helped Faeries
in their annual festival,
Peophins splashed about,
Ixis remembered when they
first arrived to Neopia.
Kikos popped balloons,
Tuskaninnys lay on the
beautiful sandy beaches,
Flotsams floated around.
Rukis gathered with friends,
Acaras enjoyed celebrating
their lovely aquatic festival,
Yurbles told many tales.
Kaus galloped on ranches,
Moehogs explored the lands,
Hissis enjoyed getting new
petpets and petpetpets.
Kois blew bubbles,
Shoyrus laughed joyously
on Tyrannian Victory Day,
Krawks played Food Club.
Lupes went on quests,
Lutaris pulled pranks,
Kougras danced and played
on the Mystery Island sands.
Cybunnys ate cotton candy,
Scorchios burned marshmallows
and ate delicious amores,
Tonus charged around the world.
Chombies held their carnivals,
Myncis stuffed their faces with
fruit at Gadgadsbogen.
Chias enjoyed Valentine’s day.
Unis enjoyed their vain holiday,
Aishas counted sheep and
slept happily in their sheets,
Buzzes were all abuzz on festival day.
Zafaras gathered ingredients and
mixed a plethora of magical potions,
Lennies contemplated conundrums,
Kacheeks played hide and seek.
Gelerts ran and played catch,
Gnorbus have mixed feelings
about their shearing day.
Elephantes wore I heart Sloth shirts.
Quiggles caught flies,
Jubjubs bumbled around,
Nimmos collected lilly pads
and sang deep songs.
Merry moments come to a close.
A new year slowly approaches,
What memories will Year 19 hold?
Happy New Year!
by she_chose_love
The new year is almost upon us,
Year nineteen is practically here.
Christmas season is ending,
and a new year will bring us lots of cheer.
All of Neopia will celebrate,
the start of year nineteen.
There will be fireworks on Terror Mountain,
the biggest display Neopia has ever seen.
At twelve-o-clock midnight,
You will hear a giant cheer.
As all throughout Neopia,
everyone will yell "Happy New Year."
A new year brings so much potential,
it is such a magical time.
Full of endless possibilities,
you can almost hear bells Chime.
I hope this year brings joy,
I hope its full of happiness and fun.
Welcome to Year 19 my fellow Neopians,
Year eighteen is officially done!
New Years in Everywhere
by dinha_reeves
Baloons on the floor
Fireworks in the sky
Come on my friends
It's time to say goodbye
The new year is coming
Dance with the Kauvara
Sing with the Abigail
Let's go party in Moltara
Hug the Ghost Lupe
Make a wish
Let's celebrate
With Edna the Witch
It's New years, my friends
Give the hands to your pet
Put on a New Years Hat of Happiness
Let's go party in Sakhmet
Year 19 Arrives!
by anjie
Hear the paper, flipping soft,
A page doth turn so slow.
Calendar from year to year,
Does like time’s passage go.
Think back, my friends, on ages past.
Of what we’ve done and seen.
To even start to reminisce,
Is to reach Year 19!
Wars of ages long ago,
Tyrannia in waste.
Maraquan cooking pot arrives,
We sought the ocean’s taste!
AAA did frustrate all,
We sought to beat his game.
A mystery in the desert lands,
Did rise in dead king’s name.
Faerieland did rise and fall,
We sought the fountain’s gleam.
Bonju, the avatar we chased,
Impossible, did seem.
Clothes at last, and NC Mall,
We fought for who dressed best.
Sloth caused panic, yes, again,
(He’s been nought but a pest!)
Tale of Woe and Atlas Plots,
Shenkuu found with glee!
Altador- The cup, we sought,
Who’ll win next year? We’ll see!
Keyquest comes and Keyquest goes,
In battledome, we fight.
We do debate on Neoboards,
(And stress our point- we’re right!)
Lab Ray fired- baited breath,
With glee we spin each wheel.
Trudy brings her big surprise,
What will each day reveal?
So merry cheer I bid you raise,
For all the fun we’ve seen!
What will the future bring, my friends?
We’ll see in Year 19!
New Year Longing
by klarevoyant
We've waited 365 days
For what we do not know
We've seen our share of sun rays
And a little bit of snow
We're 365 days older
Maybe somewhat wiser
The nights are getting colder
The sun is now a late riser
We look back on all that's happened
Neopia has changed in 365 days
We have a new King and
We're all a little phased
Neopia, welcome to the New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Kacheeks and Cybunnies will cheer
Forget your worries, just have fun
Happy New Year!
by natashabelx
Dear friends,
Even when we are scattered over different lands,
One of us in mystic Shenkuu,
The other floating around in Faerieland,
My heart will stay connencted to those of you,
When the sun illuminates the lands while the moonlight lifts its covers over the ocean,
Neopia will continuously celebrate together,
Until the sun dims its light and the wind starts to stir the ocean into motion,
And sleep will take us away like the wind a light feather,
Even when we are miles apart,
We are still looking upon the same starry sky,
And together we will be having a fresh new start,
Telling the past year a good old "goodbye",
Happy New Year!
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