Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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The Mynci And His Nova
by Treeword
Ado was a young starry Mynci,
Who looked up every night
And dreamed of living in the sky
With the other stars so bright.
His legs were good for climbing,
His tail would grasp so tight,
Yet even the tip of trees
Did not reach quite that height.
So, he had another idea:
To jump with all his might,
To try and reach the stars,
Though he always fell mid-flight.
Then he saw a Nova fall,
Much to his delight.
He cradled the poor thing,
Which shared his dreary plight.
Now, every time the stars did shine,
The Mynci and Nova sat upright
And dreamed of living in the sky
With the other stars so bright.
My Sweet Chocolate Mynci Gnome
by Sugarypixiestix2
He comes with his own stand,
which is really quite grand
because chocolate is brittle
and the Mynci is very little.
I hope he doesn't turn sour
or need any sugar or flour.
It's tough not taking a bite
of such a chocolate delight.
But I will not be provoked
by the hunger it has evoked.
Instead, I'll admire my find
that a fun gardener designed.
The Mynci's chocolate shell
has a wonderfully rich smell.
Candy scents fill my grove
like a whipped cream clove.
My garden is surely admired
for the minds it's inspired.
Someday I might add another,
then he will have a brother.
M*YNCI Rocks!
by Dr_tomoe
They've been playing for years
and they just keep getting better;
the act that's so hot
and just gets hotter.
M*YNCI is at the Concert Hall
and can be found there often --
a regular stop on their tours
as they travel around, rockin'!
The five Mynci group
just gets better with age,
with lyrics so smooth
and rhyme mastery so sage.
It's hard to find anyone
who doesn't have a CD
And the number of fans
is easy to see.
And even after all these years
they still have their looks,
which, mixed with their lyrics,
give them their hooks.
So, come see a show
and you'll be ready to tell
that a concert with M*YNCI
is more fun than a barrel of themselves!
Tips From A Mynci Beach Volleyball Player
by Sergente__hartmann
Hit the Pawkeet with the ball:
Did the net turn very small?
If so, play a flat, low shot
with the forefront that you've got.
If the net is high instead,
use the top of your own head
or a warm-up: don't be chump
when you play with superjump.
If your body size just grew,
it is easier now for you,
but if you got superspeed
careful movements you now need.
Giant ball is hard to drop,
though opponents will not stop:
sending Turdles will them stun,
hoping never to get one.
You might wonder without shame
why just Myncies play this game:
it's because our big round heads
are the hardest of all 'pets!
by Indulgences
This item is a classic,
Nearly every Neopian knows it,
But it's made of real Mynci chunks
And that makes me vomit.
I'm not a vegetarian,
And I do love a good steak,
But when the foods are Neopets,
My heart just breaks.
There are a lot of foods on this site
That are regrettable, for sure.
They're pies and stews made up of 'pets,
And I don't understand their allure.
I eschew these evil, wicked foods.
If I accidentally eat one,
I quickly spit out what I'm chewing.
Eating Neopets is no fun.
The Mynci's day is here at last,
But please don't eat this treat.
It would be rather strange to celebrate
By eating Mynci meat.
Mynci Volleyball
by Linnipooh
Today I'm heading to the beach --
An avie, try to gain.
Persistently playing day by day
In sunshine or tropical rain.
Setting up a perfect serve,
Hitting the ball so high,
Heading toward my lucky spot,
Soaring through the sky.
Everything is going well,
The ball's about to fall.
I think I'm going to score a point
When back comes that beach ball.
Little red Mynci over there
Dove and hit it away,
Returning back to my side,
Much to my dismay.
Here it comes, o'er the net,
The sun is in my eyes!
I reach out my little hands
And, much to my surprise...
The ball falls to the ground,
I just lost the game.
I'll be back tomorrow --
I hope with better aim!
A Plea To My Nose Picking Mynci Gnome
by Binky1260
My Nose Picking Mynci Gnome,
Please muster up some pride.
Your habit should be private,
It’s a challenge to abide.
So many things that you could pick,
Such as a lovely rose,
But instead you are a spectacle
When you pick your nose!
Let’s journey forth to Meridell
Where you can Pick Your Own;
Select a luscious Loveberry
And leave your nose alone.
Here’s a musical option,
A better choice by far...
Instead of picking at your nose,
Strum on a Steel Guitar.
So, little gnome, heed my advice --
You’ll profit in the end.
You’ll lose a nasty habit
But gain a loyal friend!
Mynci Volleyball
by Femmefatale_1
On the court, there’s only one absolute --
You need skills that you can’t substitute,
And there’s only one famous pair
That make the game
Of beach volleyball seem so fair:
It’s that marvelous Mynci volleying match
And they make
That sandy game seem like a catch!
Watch them now, they’re about to play,
We’ll see them whack those balls away!
Serving, setting, spiking, slapping,
Taunting, teetering, thumping, tapping
Look at those Myncies go!
Not many are as good as they,
That brother-sister Mynci duo.
They rule the sand court on Mystery Island’s bay
And they volley those balls with a fervor so cruel!
Crowding, calling, covering, cupping,
Pumping, pushing, power-upping,
Look at those Myncies go!
Volleyball Duo
by Pradian
"Two Myncies playing volleyball on the beach:
A Pawkeet resting on top of the net, her dark
blue eyes rising and falling. She squawked.
A Turdle waddling across the court to practice
for the races. He longed for Meridell.
The ocean tumbling on the beach to get a better
view of the game. Things were heating up.
And the ball plopped onto the sand with where
the sun disappeared."
Mynci Beach Volleyball
by Vinanas
Every day I visit Mystery Island Beach
to play a game of Mynci Beach Volleyball,
But my skills are absolutely horrible,
The ball never gets in my reach.
I try to hit the ball with my hand,
the sun is shining in my eyes.
Playing further with no advice,
I fail and fall in the sand.
Jump to the left, to the right,
hitting the ball over the net,
My forehead covered in sweat,
I train until the night and sight.
Why is this so hard? I ask myself,
Dreaming of the avatar I could've won.
Maybe it would be achievable without the sun?
"I just want a trophy for my shelf."
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