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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Terrific Tonu
by Sarika_ambrielle

I'd love to own a Tonu,
to that wish I'd said adieu.

Daily visits to the Pound,
pleasant names cannot be found.

Free to visit every day,
routine stats from the lab ray.

Though they come in many styles,
transmog, morphing in the pile.

Saving up for a potion
seems like a silly notion.

Play around with a plushie;
so soft I feel all gushy.

As the day's here to create,
I no longer have to wait.

February 21st,
make a Tonu, go headfirst.

The Leaf-Loving Tonu
by Sugarypixiestix2

Her home is made from leaves;
she developed it with weaves.
The interior is of the same,
which was her conscious aim.

Each leaf has a special place
that she does fully embrace.
Nature immerses itself on her,
earthy shades form in a blur.

Leaves are even in her hair
and she styles it with flair.
All her clothing is leaf-sewn --
it gives her a meadow-y tone.

Meridell is where she resides,
forests are what it provides.
They are peaceable and lush,
particularly with sagebrush.

Butterflies are her support
whenever she needs a consort.
A guardian of her grassland,
because it'll never be bland.

The Faerie Tonu
by Indulgences

Mistaken for being a lumbering beast,
The Tonu is quite often misunderstood.
Most folks regard it as clumsy and huge,
But Tonu for sure can be dainty and good.

The Tonu is graceful, it's lovely and wise.
The Tonu is lovely when painted anew.
It shines as a faerie, so aqua and pink.
Its wings are so shiny, so pastel in hue.

Its horn simply dazzles, like crystal and ice.
Its toenails are painted with glitter and gems.
Its eyes are the brightest of sapphire and black.
This faerie is surely a fine specimen.

The Day of the Tonu is here at long last!
Go paint your own Tonu with brushes so bright.
I must recommend faerie colors, for sure.
The soft, sparkling colors will surely delight!

The Color Master Loic
by Dr_tomoe

So many wonderful items
at the NC Mall are for sale,
but sometimes the perfect clothes
just aren't right there.

Sure, something could come close,
but not completely perfect.
Usually the color was off
and wouldn't work in a set.

But now, as of last year,
you can get off the fence,
as a great invention came along
with a mix of magic and science.

Loic developed a way
to alter an item's color,
from a cool winter look
to a bright, cheery summer.

This Tonu alchemist
would make his fortune and fame
with his dyeworks potions
in his shop of the same name.

And now, those old clothes
that weren't quite right
could now be perfect choices
any day or any night.

So, thanks to Loic
and his Dyeworks hues shop,
now we can spend all our time
customizing until we drop!

Tonu At Play
by Binky1260

In the jungles of Tyrannia,
An ancient spirit dwells,
Embodied in a Tonu
In whom past and present melds.

Amid the fronds, he lumbers forth,
His goal as yet concealed;
For, the purpose that inspired him
Is yet to be revealed.

But in the distance a sound is heard,
Thunderous as a storm,
A steady rhythmic pulse
That compels the creature on.

Then, deep inside a clearing,
His motive becomes plain,
For, gathered there, his kin engage
In an uproarious game. 

A Tonu charges a lone tree stump,
Succeeded by another;
Each attempts to down the stump
And, thus, outdo his brother.

And so, the jungle echoes
Throughout the joyous day,
With the festive sounds of Tonu
Engaged in raucous play.

Tonu Charge!
by Treeword

The Tonu takes no break
‘Mid the many fights,
He battles forth on turf,
By many days and nights.

They glance upon his color,
They notice not his look,
His scars, his shattered eyes,
Or how much he is shook.

For, he holds no choice,
Whether he doth win or lose,
And he continues the fight,
Despite the recent bruise.

Yet, this Tonu has not
A spirit of grief or sorrow,
He readies himself
For battles come tomorrow.

Secretly he enjoys the fight,
He relishes the time when
He can hear the phrase,
“Tonu Charge!” once again.

Tonu Food Galore
by Fairygold

Tonu are so wonderful
and are glamorous as can be.
They also can be really cute,
or smart, or even sporty!

But one thing Tonu also have,
an important characteristic:
TNT always makes delicious food
that makes fans and Tonu alike go ballistic!

There's Assorted Tonu Chocolates,
with chocolaty goodness galore.
There's Blue Berry Tonu Hard Candy
with surprising flavours in store.

There's Cheese and Tonu Crackers
if you're seeking more savory,
and a Chocolate Tonu Cookie
if you want to have a treat.

Don't forget the Coconut Tonu Cake
with a Mystery Island feel,
and a Dark Chocolate Tonu
for a delicious dessert meal.

Also, there's a Dung Berry Tonu Cupcake --
disgusting, yet oddly efficient,
and the Island Berry Tonu Cupcake
is more than just sufficient.

A Large Tonu Day Burger
will fill you to the brim,
and Lemon and Lime Tonu Hard Candy
has a hint of whim.

Mega Tonu Day Burger
exceeds the large version's capacity.
A yummy Milk Chocolate Tonu 
is like the dark one, really!

Peanut Butter Tonu Crackers
are a good and tasty snack.
Raspberry Tonu Hard Candy is sour,
you'll be definitely taken aback!

Squibble Berry Tonu Cupcakes
have a mysterious ring to them.
A Strawberry Ice Cream Tonu Cake
really is a mouthful, then.

There's so many more treats that you can eat,
the possibilities don't end here.
Some may be good, some may be bad,
and some may be a little... queer.

The Tonu Ballet Dancer
by Chavo_guerrero

My Tonu wears a tutu
And slippers for ballet,
Despite her heavy size,
She puts on quite a fine display.

She can pirouette and plié
As lightly as a bird,
She performs the Pas de basque
The best out of her herd.

I don't know why she started
On this unusual pursuit;
One day she started dancing
With a shuffle and a scoot.

And how the others laughed to see
Her jumping through the air,
They said a Tonu could not dance
And filled her with despair.

So, I decided to enroll her
At a proper ballet school,
Where she could learn to Chassé
Without looking like a fool.

And now, she is so graceful
That she dances all day long,
And all the other Neopets
Must admit that they were wrong.

Tonu Race
by Patspocobars

A herd of Tonu, running down the hill.
Are they going somewhere? Is it for thrill?
Who can tell what's in their horned noodles?
They just stomp away, even faster than Poogles!

A herd of Tonu, stampeding by the Omelette.
How can they go by without eating a bit?
These fuzzy Tonu are determined, indeed.
They refuse to stop, not even to feed!

A herd of Tonu, tumbling out of the Plateau.
Disco ones dance and glowing ones glow.
They tumble and trip but never stop,
And still down the path the jelly Tonu flop!

A herd of Tonu, crashing into the Jungle,
Then they all stop by some unspoken rule.
All the Tonu begin to buck and play,
And a baby cries out, "Happy Tonu Day!"

The Tonu That Wanted A Negg
by Vinanas

"Mom, can I have a Negg?" the little Tonu asked.
"No, you can't. You're allergic 
To that," his mom replied.
"You can't eat them, even if they're dried."
The little Tonu got sad and a lot of time passed.

"Mom, can I have a Negg?" you heard his voice.
"No, you can't. It's not good for you." 
His mom has spoken.
"Just play with your toy, although it's broken."
The Tonu left because he has got no choice.

"Sir, can I have a Negg?" he asked a yellow Chia.
"No, you can't. I don't 
Have it right now," the Chia said.
"We restock every 
Eight minutes or so, so go ahead."
The Tonu departed with a brand new idea.

He went to the Neggery, 
Located at a cold mountain,
Walked up to the faerie and asked sweetly,
"Miss, can I have a Negg?" 
The little lad began to beg.
Little that the faerie knew, 
She said, "Sure! Here is your Negg."

The Tonu got his hands 
On a Negg and began to eat.
His nose started to tingle, but he didn't care.
The Negg had a taste that was kind of sweet.
He began to sneeze -- was something in the air?

Still sneezing, he went to back.
His mom saw him and screamed, "Ack!
Have you eaten a Negg? I told you not to!
You've now got Neezles, look at you."

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