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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Breezing Through The Battledome
by Sarika_ambrielle

I like being in the Battledome,
Pretending I'm in charge,
This works very well for me,
Although my 'pet's not large.

Clicking on the challenges
And waiting to get in,
I simply can't suppress
A big, wide, evil grin.

Even with those weapons
That are considered somewhat junk,
I can make some others
Land with a loud kerplunk.

Timing is the key,
So be careful what you do.
A snowball in the face
Will make you say ah-choo.

So, use your weapons daily
To prevent a layer of dust.
Sterilizing after battles
Will avert a coating of rust.

Learn To Love Bearogs
by Painted_dreams87

When you first glance
and see a Bearog,
in the other direction
you might start to jog.

With three heads
and tongues hanging out,
you might feel the urge
to scream and shout.

What you may not realize
is that Bearogs just want
to be hugged and loved,
not to give you a haunt.

So, instead of fleeing away,
give them a chance.
Learn to love them
and take a new stance.

You can celebrate Bearogs
with a Bearog stamp, card, or toy.
You may be surprised at 
all of your new-found joy.

The Shadow Of The Sway
by Flufflepuff

A stately walk in fine black silk
Belongs to one whose devious ilk 
Is known to those who've tried to bilk
The Duchess of the Sway.

Her mind and hair are wound up tight --
They're symbols of her clan's cruel might, 
And tell Neopia a fight
Is moot against the Sway.

Much worse are those who are sworn in --
Once they're recruited, they begin 
To toy with words and increase sin,
With no rest from the Sway.

The hist'ry books, they fail to speak 
Of influences and fates bleak
And havoc that they did once wreak:
The members of the Sway.

How do I know? I cannot say.
You see, love, I already may
Be in a bit of trouble. Pray 
Keep silent of the Sway.

Let's, you and I, along the beach
(Beware the Crokabeks who leech 
The precious stones within your speech
And wing back to the Sway!).

I hope these words will reach your eyes,
Such that your heart stirs and you rise.
It's high time we all realize:
Someone must stop the

*the letter ends abruptly and disappears from the bottom up in a hungry, growing flame...*

An Ode To Lag
by Kirable

Lag has taken hold
My pages refuse to load
Can't complete dailies

Neomails send twice
Five hours to do scratchcards
Now the site is down

Refresh once again
"Webpage not available"
Silently, I weep

Attempting to Kad
Pwned every time without fail
I'll never reach pink

The lag seems to lift
"504 Gateway Timeout"
Never mind, it's back

Staring at the screen
I've refused to give up hope
Patience will pay off

At last, lag recedes
Utter joy as I now play
Neopets is back!

A Letter To Fyora
by Binky1260

Benevolent Fyora,
Please save this wretched soul…
Send me two more avatars;
Help me reach my goal!

I've played the games that I play well;
Those avvies join the rest,
But many still elude me,
Though I've done my very best.

Let the Snowager fire a mighty blast
And drop an avatar;
It’s much preferred to anything
I've picked up there thus far.

I've combed sand for buried treasure,
But no avvie have I found,
Just an occasional Yellow Growth,
Dubloon, or Spongy Mound.

Woe to my poor Petpets,
Who have lived in constant fear
Of every visit that they've made
To Turmy through the years!

And how much more must I lose
To the cursed Lever of Doom?
I dread that I’m one pull away
From my financial ruin.

So, grant me this small favor
And fill my heart with glee…
Please help me reach an avvie count of
One hundred times three!

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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