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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Heartbreak Holiday
by Dr_tomoe

A sad time for all
who want this holiday done.
Heartbreak and sadness
just isn't much fun.

Yes, with pink all over
and hearts in the air.
For those who are alone
it's nothing but despair.

The valentines are all torn
and the hearts are all broken,
for the painful side of the holiday
that is not-often spoken.

The time brings feelings of dread
for the sad holiday, you see,
when the practitioners all
write depressing poetry.

So, leave the loners alone
as you celebrate all the pink,
they'll hide behind black-painted windows
until the end of the week.

Grey On Valentine's Day
by Laughititus

The NC Mall is full of pink,
Of hearts and arrows it's hard not to think,
But have you ever thought on Valentine's Day
About those pets who are feeling grey?

They mope and whine all the year round --
Sobbing, moaning, making a dreadful sound.
Their eyes are red from constant crying,
I don't envy their owners all the tear-drying.

Sure, these 'pets have always felt grey,
But especially so on Valentine's Day.
With their wailing they have emotionally scarred
Everyone who might otherwise send them a card.

So, consider this year giving a gift
To the 'pets whose spirits are hard to lift.
I'm sure they'll appreciate 
The thought you put in it
And might even stop sulking for one tiny minute.

My Ruthless Dark Valentine Sword
by Sugarypixiestix2

To defend myself against all love,
there's a weapon I never let go of.
It's a sword of unmeasurable force
and I seldom reveal its source.

Forged from a dark faerie's sigh
as lightning fell from the sky,
I carry a Dark Valentine Sword --
with it I am not to be ignored.

In its sheath it stays beside me,
whether I travel by land or by sea.
When I sense even a hint of caring,
I fight to turn it into despairing.

Even the mere mention of my name
makes others see sadness and shame.
A Dark Valentine Sword forms grief
as easily as a tree grows a leaf.

With severe steel against my hip,
paper hearts are made with a rip.
Anyone who even speaks of romance
must go up against my grisly lance.

Love Always Stays
by Nostalegia

I gift you Loveberries,
you return them back,
saying you love them
but you only eat half.

Love chocolate shakes, 
that's what I share.
You drink it all
and you won't pay back.

What would I pay?
What could I give,
just to be
your Valentine today?

I'm the Dark Queen,
Jhudora's my name...
I love you with all my heart,
even though we are apart.

Our love is forbidden,
but love always stays.
One day it's simply there,
alive inside your heart.

If you love me
as I love you,
take over my wand
and take me with you.

Unlucky In Love
by Dzudea

Wanted: a valentine this year.
No applications needed.
I baked a cookie
for the 'pet I admire,
but her starving sibling
ate it.
I went to Meri Acres Farm
to pick a few Loveberries,
but the whole place had none of those.
After a visit by the faeries,
Maybe some nice clothes, I thought,
for my close friend down the block.
I didn't find anything pleasant, though,
not even a single sock.
The chocolate shop
had nothing sweet enough
to satisfy my dear owner,
so until I can find
this year's valentine
I'll be home as an unlucky loner.

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