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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Getting Game Avatars
by Indulgences

My mind is spent, my nerves are shot,
My manic efforts all for naught.
This game is far too challenging.
The av score just ain't happening.

I try my very best, and yet
I lose the game, I frown and fret.
But sadly, this is not the first.
At games like these, I'm truly cursed.

The scores that give out avatars
Are not for gaming amateurs.
And yet, that's what I really am.
I flail my arms and curse. "Gosh... darn it!"

I take a break, I stretch my back.
At games like these I have no knack.
But still, I try my honest best
Since avatars are my true quest.

And even if I cannot get
The avatar, I can't regret
The hours of experience
That give me such resilience.

I try again. I cannot quit.
I'm fierce and stubborn, I admit.
I'll get the avatar someday.
Until then, I've got games to play!

Beginner's Luck
by Agua_bambino

I thought with newbie's luck
I could make a buck,
But all I got was a boobie prize,
No matter how hard I tried.
My 'pets are blue and yellow,
Not dapper painted fellows,
And my shop only holds five things...
Still waiting to hear cha-ching.
But an Ultimate Riches bank account
Is a dream I haven't ruled out.
With high game scores
And Shop Wizard wars,
Stock market stalking,
Selling and shopping,
I will have enough NP
To send my 'pets somewhere sunny.

Unconverted And Unaccomplished
by Waning

In years past a event happened
That caused great dismay.
Old Neopets were styled new
With quite the clothing array!

I must admit, I love to customize --
My 'pets enjoy their hats, toys, and clothes.
Though this conversion left many sad,
With unconverted woes.

Old artwork was given a revamp,
While the old were preserved in time.
People now seek the old styles,
Trading up into a tiered line.

TNT, won’t you bring unconverteds back?
I promise I will still buy NC clothes.
I wish to complete those dusty dreams
And end these unconverted woes.

Rags To Riches
by Twizzler0194

Take a chance, you may enter a trance.
Pull a card, or two, or three,
and wait for thee to please.
It might seem boring, it might seem dull,
but when you try, even you will plead.
From ghosts to kings may take them.
Even you can't please them,
but try again.
From hundreds to thousands, 
to millions and billions...
maybe even trillions....
anyone can feel rich.
You may even hitch...
heck, don't get a stitch...
oh, the riches you will buy!
Oh, the places you will go!
From Fyora's Hidden Tower
to Kreludor and beyond!
Spend wisely, my friend,
spend wisely, my enemy,
for there are many secrets in Neopia,
that we never seem to know.
There are liars, thieves, and bandits...
but we can never even band them.
And, so, enjoy your riches.

Journey Through Geraptiku
by Galyxies

Forgotten tomb in the night --
treasure great, out of sight.

Secret coins I do seek, 
'round several corners I will peek.

Coiled vines, green and gold,
creeping over stone of old.

As I sneak, arrows pitch;
I barely miss a deep, dark ditch.

Darkest dark consumes me whole, 
hunger starts to take its toll.

Stumbling blind through foggy abyss, 
hoping the treasure I will not miss.

Just as I think all hope is lost,
I sit on a rock, counting the cost;

And there, before me -- I stare amazed --
a shiny chest, its gold well-glazed.

How did I miss it? to myself I think,
and, as it is opened, I hear a clink.

What's in this old, forgotten chest?
Gold, silver, rubies, or emeralds, at best?

And then, as I look, my spirits fall:
inside is a big, blue rubbery ball.

What joke is this? I'm not amused.
It's over, it's done, my energy used.

I sink to the floor in deepest despair...
and, to my surprise, I smell fresh air.

I look about, a smidgeon alarmed,
when in comes a Tonu, quite heavily armed.

"Is it true? Are you she?" Aloud he wonders,
while I'm on the floor, a bucket of blunders.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused,
and he looks at me strangely, 
most likely bemused.

He laughs, eyes gleaming, and takes my arm,
then pulls me out of further harm.

Who is this strange Tonu? How did he find me?
I doubt I've met a 'pet as cheery as he.

We enter the jungle into Geraptiku surrounds,
and I ask who he is, 
but he keeps with his bounds.

At long last we cease all our wandering about
And the Tonu replies, "That's for you to find out."

He turns around and rapidly runs,
and I'm left in the forest -- 
does my body weigh tons?

Realizing the strange 'pet is not coming back,
I shrug, turn around, 
and head toward the Tiki Tack.

Forgetting the treasure, I walk 'round a bend --
because, after all, every adventure must end.

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