Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Le Plot: Haiku Style
by Hrosanna
Plots! My dearest addiction
Endure cliffhangers
And remain to see who wins
Usurper -- the king collapsed!
Finding who ate what
Two million to the winners
At the Ski Lodge people died
Impaled, poisoned, cooked
Poor Maverick, shot by Sloth
Dr. S and Virtupets
Running out of air
A living computer code
Kass, high in the Citadel
Burning Meridell
Little Lisha breaks the spell
Garin of the Black Pawkeet
Dread Captain Scarblade
The battle for Maraqua
Coltzan's crown; it's disappeared!
Two Meerca brothers
Took the crown and left a note
Stone faeries! What will be next?
Can't get any worse
Faerieland falls from the sky
The Haunted Woods Plot of Woe
Drove me up the wall!
No way; I'm NOT fighting that.
The finding of Altador
A land lost in time
Or: the Darkest Faerie Plot
Finally, the Obelisk
What'll happen next?
With Thieves, Awakened, and Sway.
I constantly troll the boards
And SunnyNeo
I'm really hopeless at plots....
Wrawk The Merciless
by Flufflepuff
O’er his hand floats bubbles, full
Of greenish hatred, pure,
Present when his wrath’s incurred,
Its strength, few can endure.
The bubbles welled up in his heart,
Every time someone
Wrecked his plans and hindered him
From getting his work done.
Wrawk stroked his beard, he paced, and tried,
So desperate to remain
Calm, but those incompetent
Would have to be slain.
And so he flew across his house,
The hatred boiled up
And channeled into magic blasts.
When all was still, he stopped.
The Merciless Wrawk got his wish:
He was, at last, alone,
But at the cost of his success --
He’d fail when on his own.
by Shadowbird97
She gazes emptily and fails to see
The beautiful ocean blue and free,
For cursed and clouded is her mind,
Ruined and wrecked and broken blind
They say jealousy is her greatest flaw,
She wanted what her sister saw,
They made Isca the heroine, but her?
Caylis the villain -- a banished blur
She knows they fear her prophecies
But she never chose this destiny,
She sees demons rise and kingdoms fall,
Predicting wars that will result from brawls
She mourns, abandoned and alone,
Brooding in the darkness of her home,
She knows in Maraqua she will never belong
And that her life will always be wronged
If you close your eyes within the deep
You may just hear dear Caylis weep,
With a heart of ice and mind of stone
She sees horrors we have never known
As the sun dips into whirlwind waves
And we reach the end of another day,
The darkness of night has just begun
She fights for a battle never to be won
The Thoughts Of A Cheater
by Bswenderwilcox
The empty-eyed stare
That watches as you choose,
That evil glare
That becomes happy when you lose...
It isn't fair,
It's never right,
Will you lay down the pair
That will start a fight?
Is lying a sin?
Is it wrong to cheat?
He laid four 3's again?!?
Oh, I'll bring the heat...
How do they catch me every time?
Why do I let them slide?
I really thought cheating was a crime.
I'm not good, but at least I tried.
I only have three Kings remaining,
Is that one of the choices?
It is! I won! The happiness I'm containing!
If only I could hear their voices!
Jelly World
by Peanutbutterrk
Out of curiosity,
I stumbled upon this mysterious land.
Out of amazement,
I cannot believe what I see in my eyes.
Out of mesmerization,
I stepped on these bouncy jellies.
Out of naivety,
I grabbed greedy slabs of jelly,
Jamming them into my mouth.
Inside these cozy jellies,
I take a deep breath,
Inhaling the citrus-y aroma from the jellies.
Out of utter laziness,
I fell asleep, guarded by a castle
Of warm, soft jellies.
Out of disappointment,
I woke up without jellies protecting me.
As I expected, I was only dreaming.
The Jelly World never existed,
It is just my pure imagination.
Or is it?
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