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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Ode to Robo Grarrl By Noremac9

A rocket soars above my head.
My opponent stands a mass of lead.
An antenna rests atop of him.
He fires at me on just a whim.
His mighty claws and clamping jaws.
I fight him with my tiny paws.
His eyes so red and teeth so black.
At first I dodge and then attack!
I hit him with a burning ball.
He stands his ground forever tall.
I use my Supernova fast.
It strikes him with a crippling blast.
He falls to the ground a heaping pile.
Across my face a growing smile.
I raise my hands in victory.
He stands back up and attacks me.
I soar across the Dome's expanse.
Now I've lost my only chance.
He's won the match and I have lost.
It looks like pride does have a cost....

Cheat By Lzed16

I look at my hand – 13 cards to go
I think, "Should I cheat?" I just don’t know.

I glance at the Princess, to see what she’s played
There! She’s cheating! I played the same Spade!

"You cheated!" I say, without a doubt,
She collects the cards, while wearing a pout.

00 Hog is next in line,
I doubt it will be as easy this time.

He’s cool and suave as he lays down his hand,
And he smiles that smile that I just can’t stand.

Who knows if the pig’s cheating or not?
I’ve found the competition that I have sought.

I sighed as I let that stupid piggy slide,
But I knew by the end of the game;
He’d have no more pride.

And last came Spectre, who is easily the best
At this game called "Cheat," he’s beaten the rest.

"I win!" he said, as he laid down his last card.
Man, I didn’t know that "Cheat" was so hard!

So I go up, and started to walk away,
But he stopped me, and smiled as he said, "Hey."

"You’ve got to practice if you want the fame."
So I decided to stay, and play one more game.

Fungus Cave By Sja4890

Fungi hanging from the ceiling,
Fungi growing from the floor,
Why do I have this strange feeling,
That there is something more?

I turn a corner then look around,
There is nothing in my view,
Little bugs and slugs abound,
Tell me, what am I to do?

Something seems to urge me on,
As if it has a secret to tell,
I've been searching since before dawn,
And oh my, does this cavern smell!

Hey, what is that noise I hear?
Sounds like a crocodile, no an alligator,
The sound is coming very near,
Maybe I should come back later?

I want to run but to no avail,
I freeze in my tracks with what I see,
A giant Krawk looking very frail,
It needs food so I'm taking it home with me!

Though "Sam" looks savage or even fierce,
He is the loyalest pet I have ever had,
He really rocks my universe,
So get a Krawk if you are feeling sad!

Geoffrey and the Chia Bombers By Repiv

Geoffrey was out playing with his friend
When all of the fun just happened to end
His friend got hit with a huge splat
"It was mud!" Geoffrey thought
As his friend yelled, "Who did that?"
Geoffrey looked over
And saw the enemy for the first time
And before he knew it, he was covered in slime
He wiped off the mud and ran for home
His friend quickly followed and started to roam
He saw a water-balloon gun
Colored orange and green
Then he remembered,
"Those Chia Bombers are mean!"
Geoffrey quickly grabbed the gun and ran outside
His friend watched from the window
Getting ready for the ride
Geoffrey was shooting them both left and right
Maybe soon they’d be out of sight
He finished the first army with no time to waste
He had to drive them off with much haste
He drove out many armies and was very proud
Then the armies started to get loud
He thought he was doing all fine and nice
And splat! Before he knew it, he was hit twice!
He was knocked out
But his friend came to save him
To him the light in the skies looked very dim
He awoke to see, his friend pulled away
By a golden Chia Bomber that came that day
He got up quick and shot that way
But the Bomber was going to make Geoffrey pay
Geoffrey knew all the citizens were caught
And by the Chia Bombers he was highly sought
Gold Chia Bombers were surrounding him
He could tell
And the mud in their slingers
Of course he could smell
Three appeared from behind the rocks
They all shot with their mud-slinging blocks
He quickly ducked and got covered with mud
But he wasn’t knocked out
And his next balloon was a dud
They shot again with all their might
And splat he was knocked out
In complete fright
He woke up to see his friend in pain
And just then it started to rain
Geoffrey heard something from the south
It was more Neopets
But he couldn’t move his mouth
The Neopets of the world
Had come to save the day
The Chia Bombers heard it and ran away
But the Neopets caught them
And guess what they said?
"Just wait for the Monoceraptor,
Then you’ll all be dead!"

A Zafara Ballad By Bashley14

Standing in the Neopian town square,
A young Zafara did wait for someone to care.
She stood up straight, and dusted off her paws,
After leaving the Battledome
She looked quite mauled.
She stood quietly and watched people pass by,
Then walked up to the pound,
Trying hard not to cry.
The scary Techo looked at her with a small nod,
Too often pets came to him beat up and clawed.

"It's alright," he said, but she just turned away,
"We get pets just like you
Who come here everyday,
Pets that were created, and born without care,
Made only to fight in the Battledome,
Scars they all bare.
For, too often do we see pets like you,
Created by owners who don't have a clue,
You fight your first fight,
Without many hit points to bare,
All too often you're injured,
And it just isn't fair.
And owners don't want you,
Because your stats are too bad,
Your attempts to be a fighter
Just turn out so sad,
But it is not your fault,
You just were not trained,
And we both know there's only
One person to blame.
But don't worry, forget it,
You came to the right place,
You'll be adopted again,
Put a smile on your face!"

All this just went in one ear and out the other,
The Zafara smoothed out her fur,
And gave a bit of a shudder.
She knew no one wanted her,
Why was she even born?
She looked at the other pound pets,
Wearing clothes that were torn.
Then she took her place, in a cage near the door,
And she sat herself down, right there on the floor.
Then in walked a lady, with bright shining eyes,
She looked over the pets,
And to the Zafara's surprise,
Picked her right up, and gave her a hug,
She brought the little pet home
With her others, Chex and Snugglebug.

The Zafara ate, behaved,
Grew strong, and grew wise,
And years later she asked
The woman with the bright shiny eyes,
"Why would you want me? Why did you care?"
The woman smiled, hugged her again,
And told her right then and there,
"Zafara I love you,
You're sweet, kind, and strong,
You always were and always will be,
And your old owner was wrong,
You're a wonderful pet, and you were all along,
You only need a loving family in which to belong."

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