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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Uncommonly Icy
by Flufflepuff

Multi-faceted and proud,
He cannot be beat.
Ice is thicker in his hair
And both his little feet.

This Chia's (somewhat) safe from Lupes,
For he looks nothing like fruit.
He's inedible through and through,
And isn't custard, to boot.

An unpleasant experience for
Him is when his Puppyblew
Licks him in greeting; he's gotten stuck
So much, his poor little tongue grew!

Glittering icy Chia stands
With Puppyblew in his arms.
Thankfully, his zapped design
Can keep them both from harm.

The Chia Friends I Know
by Blessed_faerie

On Chia Day, there's much to smile about:
Fancy clothes to wear 
And new colors coming out.
Chocolate items that are deliciously sweet;
All in all, Chocolate Chia Day is a treat!

Today I think of the friends I know,
The Chias who have helped me so,
And who always made me smile and feel glad,
Even when I'd been stuck feeling sad.

My favorite Chias live in the ice and snow,
They always keep 
A garage sale going, though!
Mika and Carassa say, "This stuff is a steal!"
I'm so happy when I find such a good deal.

My stock broker, Nigel, is a Chia, too;
He'll research and buy the best stocks for you.
His advice is sound and his commission is low,
Nigel, you've made me more than you know!

I also love Adee, and so does everyone,
She's always popping up 
When you're having fun.
Adee gives advice and helpful reminders;
Ice Cream Machine is the place 
Where you'll find her.

I bet you know who all these Chias are.
On Chocolate Chia Day, they are the star!
While you're waiting for the news to post,
Spend time with the Chia you love the most.

Florg The Fraud
by Yukitora_exe

What if Florg was a fraud?
He's kinda large for a Chia;
Perhaps he wears a giant costume
To make himself look bigger

What if Florg was a fraud?
He's still a mutant Chia;
Perhaps he's felt rejection,
A feeling he'll always fear

What if Florg was a fraud?
He saw lost Petpets in fright;
Perhaps he thought of a way to
Save them from evil's appetite?

What if Florg was a fraud?
He doesn't eat them at all;
Perhaps he stuffs them in his costume
And loves them all, small and tall

Perhaps Florg is a fraud...
He's really a good character;
Then I might not feel so bad
When trying to get that avatar

Briccriu, Pea Chia
by Mamasimios

Briccriu, pea Chia, round and green,
Stands holding a Super Attack Pea,
Is it redundant? Pea with pea?
Then why do all around her flee?
I see she is not heading home,
But rather to the Battledome,
And sliding into battle gear;
Ambient whispers are tense with fear

Who will challenge Briccriu?
The call goes out, but all refuse,
And mischief twinkles in her eyes
As the Chia highlights her small size.
Pretending to fall onto the ground,
Briccriu flails and rolls around,
But spying the Attack Pea in her hands,
No one is moved to take a stand

Briccriu rises and, with a sigh,
Turns to the wall, lets the Pea fly,
And after the explosion of bricks and dust,
She retrieves the Attack Pea without a fuss.
Poor Briccriu, pea Chia, she only wants to play,
She leaves the Battledome
To return another day,
Striding in her Chia Cape, 
She feels near ten feet tall,
Pea tossing pea into the air, 
Having a Chia ball

Chia Day Riddles
by Fleur_411

Well, hello there. How do you do?
Tell me, what is your name?
Have you got a moment or two
To play my riddles game?

Well, that’s just great!
We'll start right away --
And if you guess them all right
You’ll win a prize today!

What’s cold and icy,
Grape, lime, or orange;
They’re sold on Terror Mountain
And we all just adore ‘em?

Well, now, you’re right!
It’s a Chia ice pop!
You’ll start eating one and
You won’t want to stop!

So, now, please tell me this:
What is this thing?
It’s soft and pale pink
With a halo and wings?

You’re right again --
It’s an Angel Chia Plushie...
It’s really, really cute
I want one for me!

One more riddle I ask of you:
What comes on a stick,
It’s sweet, crisp, and red,
It’s covered in syrup, so thick?

It’s a Candy Chia Apple!
Once more you’re correct!
Now you’ve earned you prize
And all of our respect!

A Trip To The Igloo Garage Sale
by Heartsnothaters

On trips to Terror Mountain,
I hardly ever forget,
to stop by the Igloo Garage Sale,
run by the nicest Chias I've met.
Both Mika and Carassa nod
as I enter the snowy store,
with the wide array of goods they sell
the trip's never a big bore.
I am a shameless hoarder,
it's pretty hard to stop,
I got the Pack Rat avatar
but never ceased to shop.
I buy food and books for my 'pets
and other pretty items for friends,
I pay for every item with a smile
and vow to return again.

The Post Office Shopkeeper
by Chavo_guerrero

In Neopia Central
Is a quirky little shop,
Shaped like a cardboard box
With an envelope on top.

This is the Neopian Post Office,
Which sells so many stamps,
Run by a yellow Chia,
You'd be forgiven for calling "Gramps."

His hair grows only in tufts now,
He had wrinkles on his face,
He needs eyeglasses to see his stock,
But still this Chia's ace!

He remembers the name of every stamp --
And it's price he knows by heart.
Among Neopia's collectors
He's considered super smart!

He works with letters and parcels,
But that's not why he does this work,
He's addicted to the stamp life
And hopes to always be a clerk.

Every day's delivery
Is a new exciting game,
Checking out the stamps
To see exactly which ones came.

He hopes to see a rare one
In the batch when it arrives,
If he finds what he's after
He'll give everyone high-fives.

So, every day he works hard,
Waiting for the post,
And then he checks the stamps out,
For he loves this part most!

Edible Chias, Please?
by Diadems

Chia Day is approaching near,
What kind of fruits and veggies 
Could be new this year?
There's banana, watermelon, apricot, and kiwi,
Cucumber, cantaloupe, grapefruit, and broccoli.
I hope you hear our Chia holiday cheer!
We want food Chias every year.

Our pleas outnumber the pounds in a marrow,
So give us these Chias to behold as a 'pet,
A caulifower, coconut, or a hot habanero.
These are just a few more ideas 
To strengthen the bet:
A Brussels sprout, green bean, 
Or even a potato...
Have us Neopians convinced you yet?

How about a few sweets to make us merry?
Honeydew, acai, raspberry, and cherry.
TNT, give us these too out of fury, 
Turnip, olive, beet, and celery.
If you do this for us, 
We'll be happier than a faerie,
Please, TNT... hurry, hurry, hurry!!!

Between these options we do feel torn,
Not releasing the colours makes us mourn,
We could also get a radish 
Or maybe an ear of corn,
I hope our ideas hit as sharp as a thorn.
You know a color I would love to see born?
A Negg Chia would be something to adorn!

One day I hope you come to agree,
Give us these colors out of the Chia pop tree,
Give us a squash or maybe a cranberry,
Or even a lovely-shaped strawberry.
Oh, and one more idea that hasn't been taken,
I'd love to see a piece of Chia bacon.

Chocolate Chia Day
by Sheynacruz

One fateful day in Neopia,
In a shop on Bakery Street,
The Breadmaster was baking
A Chocolate Lupe Treat

Its mouthwatering fragrance
Wafted out the Bakery door,
And customers flocked in
To see what was in store

But lying in the oven,
The Chia thought to himself,
"I don't want to be eaten
Once I leave the Bakery shelf!"

As the oven door swung open
And the tray came sliding out,
The chocolate Chia leapt off
And bolted, prompting shouts.

"Where do you think you're going?!?
You haven't yet been sold!"
But, of course, the Chia refused
To do as he was told.

Triumphantly he crowed
As he bolted for the street,
"Try as you may, you won't catch me --
I'm the Chocolate Lupe Treat!"

He nimbly evaded
The furious Breadmaster,
When hungry 'pets gave chase
The Chia only ran faster

He ducked and he dodged
All their scrabbling paws,
But alas! He turned the corner
And dashed straight into Lupe claws.

Just when hope seemed lost
And the Chia seemed to be beaten,
He wriggled out of the Lupe's grasp
Unwilling to be eaten

The tale of this heroic feat
Soon spread across Neopia,
A tribute to the indomitable
Spirit of the Chia

And, from then on, to celebrate
The Chia who got away,
We named this very special date
"Chocolate Chia Day."

Ballad Of The Mighty Warrior
by Appajak

A silhouette across the 'dome,
The one to send opponents home
On stretchers begging for their mums,
To lick their wounds and suck their thumbs

His Hit Points, far too high to count
(At least upon your hands!),
His strength and def, some high amount
(He's as tough as my old Gran!)

Two Scarab Rings he bravely wears,
And, with keen eyes, he scorning stares
At his nemesis, in frightful pose,
With orange hair and honking nose

The Chia Clown, a foe of yore
Who's slain so many more before
(I guess maybe my baby sis...)

Forward the mighty warrior leaps
Toward scourge of Neopia he streaks
Towards the mighty painted one,
"Roll up roll up, it's time for some fun!"

It was then the two titans clash
(Like two empty cans of tin),
One would stand and one would crash
(Do we even care who wins?)

A silhouette falls to the floor
As has happened all times before,
The great warrior, his muscles big,
Was felled by flower and rainbow wig

The tickler reigned supreme
(Worst fight ever in the 'dome)
And lost the warrior's epic dream
(Is it over now? Can I go home?)

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