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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Valentine's Day Rush
by Bloodpandah

Valentine's Day is coming fast!
Hit the shelf, the treats won't last.
Roses, flowers, maybe a card.
We know for sure the choice is hard.

Book a reservation at the kelp.
The Meepit trio will be there to help
you win your sweetheart with a kiss!
Be careful! This can be a hit or miss.

Make sure you get this trio in  time,
or else you will be last in line,
and save some Neopoints for the feast!
Just enough for the one you're with, at least.

Then end the night in the garden of love,
While watching the sunset in the sky above.

A Valentine's Gift For My Neopet
by Indulgences

Translucent Faerie Wings of pink,
How long I've longed for you!
Adorned with swirls and coils and curls,
I love you through and through!

My favorite pair of wings thus far,
I'm awestruck by your grace!
You flutter through the air so light,
A vision wrought in lace!

My 'pet is looking forward to
The day she'll wear a pair.
I'm saving up my Neopoints!
There's nothing I won't spare!

The artist group at TNT
Did one amazing job!
The users are all flocking to
The Clothing Shop in mobs!

Translucent Faerie Wings of pink,
You're lovely as can be!
My 'pet will someday wear a pair
For everyone to see!

Valentine's Plushies
by Fleur_411

A Valentine’s Day present --
Oh, where to start?
It has definitely got
To include a heart!

Something soft and sweet,
That’s cute and cuddly...
I know the perfect thing,
A Valentine's plushie!

A Valentine's Kiko Plushie
That’s round and red,
Pink and white hearts
Cover its head!

A Valentine's Kadoatie Plushie
That’s made of pink and white,
Something tells me that
This present could be right!

But the Valentine's Grundo Plushie
Really is quite adorable,
Not buying one of those
Would be deplorable!

And then there’s the Hasee,
And the Cybunny, too,
Not to mention the
Chia, Quiggle, and Bruce!

Now, what do I do?
It’s time to make a call...
The best idea is probably
To just buy them all!

Sealed With A Gift
by Chavo_guerrero

Sealed with a Gift
Is a lovely little thing
That's just inside the NC Mall,
Already in full swing.

Buy a special opener
To open up a card,
Then find a prize within it,
It's really not too hard.

For seven days the mailman's been,
And raised the flag atop --
The special pink-themed mailbox,
That's a pretty Valentine prop.

The gifts are quite romantic
When they're decorated thus,
And, among the customisers,
They're making quite a fuss!

For, everybody wants some love
On this happy Valentine's,
And these are brilliant items
That make adorable designs.

So, treat yourself this special day
And open a letter or two,
This Valentine's, The NC Mall
Is thinking about you!

Sweetheart Grams
by Mamasimios

You are ever in my thoughts
As Valentine's Day does draw near,
I think I'll send you a Sweetheart Gram
To show that I do hold you dear

As a dear Kacheek displays the options
Of what Love is in the Air might send to you,
I realise the hardest part
Will be deciding what to choose

A Hearts in the Sky Background
Is cheerful with its fluffy clouds,
And the Sparkling Wisp Wings
Would, as a gift, make me feel very proud

What about  the Floating Hearts Dress,
With pale blue tulle in frothy rows?
Then there's the Valentine's Daydream Wig,
With its adorable little bow

As I nearly have decided 
On a Fly Away With Me Carpet,
The Disheartening Sweetheart Gram appears
And I nearly have a fit!

To the Valentine Shopkeeper I say
"This is the problem with the NC Mall;
How do you expect me to choose,
When, in truth, I want them all?"

Be Mine?
by Trubiekatie

It’s my favourite day today!
I can hardly believe it’s here.
Waiting is so painful,
For it’s only once a year.

From all my Valentines,
I expect lots of treats.
I love the smell of flowers
And all those tasty eats.

I just want one Valentine
To give a homemade card.
You just need some paper;
It’s really not that hard!

The gift is quite simple,
You can pick just one of three:
Chocolates, flowers, or plushies,
Or go on a shopping spree!

My favourite is the sweets,
Or Scorchio Valentine Cake.
If I don’t get one this year,
I’ll feel my poor heart ache.

My Neohome is all red,
With garlands all around.
Taking them all down
Will surely cause a frown.

Please, just be my Valentine!
Is it really much to ask?
A card and a gift:
It’s such a very simple task!

A Love Poem To Neopets
by Coco_bella

Happy Valentine's Day, dear Neopets!
This is my love poem to you.
For you are special, lovely, and wonderful,
and my love for you is true.

I have played you since I was eleven --
why, that’s over 10 years ago!
And, while I may have come and gone,
my love for you only continued to grow. 

I have traveled the world with Roxton
and witnessed the ruin of Faerieland;
I have discovered constellations with Finneus
and seen the sinking of Krawk Island.

I remember my very first 'pet --
although what his name was, I can’t recall.
And since then I have had many others,
but I have truly loved them all. 

I always visit you daily,
even if it is just to say hello.
Although I always wish 
My stays could be longer,
I just wanted you to know. 

Sometimes I am working for Neopoints,
or maybe a new avatar or trophy -- or two.
You always make my stay enjoyable,
and I really cannot wait to see what is new.

So thank you, dear Neopets,
and the amazing staff at TNT.
For you have done so much,
and have brought such great times to me.
How to fully thank you, I haven’t a clue...
But I’m hoping that this poem will do!

Mysterious Valentine's Card
by Rielcz

Mysterious Valentine's Card,
What mysteries do you hold?
Were you given to Hanso from Brynn,
Or crafted by a faerie's hands? 

Mysterious Valentine's Card,
Oh, your past is most untold,
Did their lover's heart they win?
With you, did all go as planned? 

Mysterious Valentine's Card,
Oh, I see you in the Gift Shop,
Snatched away soon after
Your placement on the shelves

Mysterious Valentine's Card,
Of Valentine cards, you're the top,
Provoking passionate laughter
As two fall deeper into themselves

Mysterious Valentine's Card,
You're a lovely piece of paper,
Proof that love can still exist
In today's busy life

Mysterious Valentine's Card,
With you, hatred tapers,
And beauty shall persist...
On Valentine's Day, you will be rife!

A Mysterious Valentine's Card
by Thisisbutterfly

This morning in my mailbox,
Outside my Neohome,
I found an envelope in pink
Just sitting all alone.

Inside there was a message,
Scrawled neatly in red ink.
'Twas both lovely and cryptic,
For Valentine's, I think.

But who would send this message --
This ode of love unashamed?
I sat down in my kitchen
And began to rack my brain.

Perhaps it was Jhudora,
Whose quests I seek to serve.
Perhaps she recognized my plight
And responded with such verve.

No, this is not quite her style.
Back to the drawing board!
Who else might be the 'pet or friend
Who thinks I should be adored?

Ah! The Health Food Quiggle!
I'm often at his place.
He sells me his prized Protein Bars
With a sweet smile on his face.

But, alas, I know
He'd rather send me Celery.
Could there be another Neopian
Who thinks this fondly of me?

My thoughts go to Krawk Island,
Where my Yooyu loyalties lie.
Perhaps the team is sending thanks
For making Yooyus fly?

If that's the case, they'd have
A billion cards to send around!
And I look through all my neighbours' mail -- 
No thanks cards to be found.

I'm at a loss! Who could it be?
Who sent this note of love?
Perhaps the fire faerie
For whom I found some Garden Gloves?

No, she already granted me
An increase in my 'pet's strength.
Surely she wouldn't also send
A card to me as thanks.

Maybe I'll never ever know
Who thinks of me so high.
I tucked the card inside my vest
And breathe a defeated sigh.

Just then, I'm tackled to the ground
By some quite familiar paws.
"WE LOVE YOU, MUM," my 'pets all cry,
And tickle me with their claws.

I guess it's not a mystery;
I shouldn't wonder who!
If you take care of your Neopets,
They will take care of you.

The Day Sloth Did Valentine's!
by Fantasylady

Sloth steepled his fingers
In his office on the Virtupets Space Station...
And frowned.

That day was coming,
The 14th of Awakening, Valentine's.
What rot!

Sloth never got cards, nor cookies, nor flowers.
He was never sent chocolates 
Or confetti showers.
Wearing his heart on his sleeve 
Was not his best look
And few shades of pink were good in his book.
He shouted to his Grundos all through the land,
From all over they scurried to hear his demand.

Sloth roared, a small smile on his face.
"I thank you all for coming to this place.
I have an announcement, a request to make,
For I fear my heart is soon to break.
So, this Valentine's Day 
You all must present me
With a wonderful gift, and chocolates aplenty."

Sloth grimaced, or grinned, 
They're both quite similar,
And said to himself, 
By Sloth, this plans a winner!
He jumped to his feet in tense anticipation
(He had never been good 
In a patient situation).

The pink, the candy, the confetti and glitter,
This year it would be his; 
If only the day would come quicker.
He clapped his hands and stamped his feet...
Who would have thought Sloth 
Would celebrate Valentine's this week!

The faeries would be shocked, 
Maybe even fall from the sky;
Fyora herself would think it a lie.
Sloth pondered aloud,
"Perhaps I'll send her a card!"

And so, the day came around 
And he was good as his word,
He sent Fyora a card -- at least, so I heard.
The Grundos, they brought him 
Every gift imaginable,
Some of them really were quite impossible.

There were robotic flowers 
So beautiful he smiled to see them,
But at a touch of a button, 
They wilted and became rotten.
Sloth read the tag, 
They deserved congratulations.
It said, "For the Evil Mastermind, 
With the upstanding reputation."

There were candies, cookies, cakes galore,
All shaped like hearts! Sloth smiled some more.
There were oversized plushies 
With grins on their faces,
Even a Slothy-looking bath buddy 
For those bubble bath races.

When the day came to an end, 
Sloth was quite exhausted.
He'd had so much fun that day; 
Who would have thought it?
Sloth lay back in his chair, 
Reciting Valentine's verse,
When, from a computer monitor, 
He heard a soft curse.

A Grundo Engineer, so dejected, stood.
Sloth decided to help any way that he could.
"What troubles you, chappy,
On this day to be happy?"

The Grundo, he said, "Oh, I'm so full of woe,
I didn't buy my Valentine a gift, and so..."
The Grundo broke off into sniffles, 
Sloth clapped him on the back.
"Don't be silly, don't fret, don't worry old chap!"

Taking a spare card he proceeded to write in it,
Muttering to himself a well rehearsed sonnet.
With a giggle Sloth stood 
And put down his pen.
He beckoned the Grundo 
And said, "Well, then?"

Inside the card was a poem Sloth wrote,
The words brought a lump 
To the Grundo's throat.
"Roses are red, violets are blue.
If Sloth can do Valentine's, then I can, too!"

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