Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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My Love Of The Lenny
by Regida
My love of the Lenny is very clear,
Their beauty is not common or hidden,
This Neopet I do hold near and dear,
Perfection like this should be forbidden
Because their beauty is so distracting,
Many find their smart brains hard to believe,
Yet that does make them very attracting,
And so does their persistence to achieve
They are one of the most logical 'pets,
As displayed by the conundrum wizard,
Getting one would leave you with no regrets,
I heard that they can fly through blizzards!
So, go get yourself a Lenny today,
And know that it will be with you to stay.
Wheeler And His Bicycle
by Blessed_faerie
If you live on Mystery Island,
Be careful where you hike.
Always keep your eyes open
For this yellow Lenny on a bike.
You turn a corner and there he'll be,
Peddling along you, right beside.
Around Neopia he's called Wheeler,
Because he's always on a wild ride.
He runs errands for the Flotsam chef;
Rumor has it he's the fastest around.
You'll catch him making deliveries
And cycling furiously all over town.
He's got a basket full of ingredients,
On the back of his bicycle of bamboo.
I've seen him ride up to a fence
And keep peddling straight on through!
Wheeler has no fear of obstacles,
Nor fear of speed or air.
You'll catch him going off jumps
And doing tricks you'd never dare.
Sometimes he weaves from side to side,
And rarely is he watching the road.
It's amazing, he gets to every destination
And always delivers his load.
He's the only delivery Lenny
And the best of all species, they say.
Wheeler's speed can help you out,
If you make sure to stay out of his way.
Quite The Conundrum
by Dr_tomoe
It's an event that comes
but once a week,
where every Neopian
can unleash their geek.
And on that day, the master
of the quiz and puzzle appears,
bringing with him such complexity
that it drives some to tears.
The Lenny Conundrum wizard
appears on this day,
and today's puzzle cannot
even be solved by AAA!
Is it a word puzzle?
Highly advanced math?
How many seconds Plumpy stays
in water when taking a bath?
Neopian History?
That might be one to go for,
unless it involves looking up
previous conundrum answers.
It's almost always difficult,
which is why winners are rare,
with all who live in Neopia
sometimes only a few hundred compare.
But, once a week, like clockwork
The conundrum wizard arrives,
bringing his puzzles and riddles
and bringing tears to Neopian's eyes.
Winged Schemer, The Mutant Lenny
by Silver_azalea
Great, dull brown Lenny
With crooked, mischievous smile
Upon your long beak.
Circling overhead
Travelers who have lost their
Way in harsh climates.
You are not there to
Guide them to safer places, no;
That’s not what you do.
Rather you will wait,
Patiently keeping aloft
'Til they drop earthward.
Then you will swoop to
Clutch that Neopian in
Your chilling talons.
Not the cunning of this bird.
They are perceptive;
Very similar
To their more brightly coloured,
Friendlier cousins.
They may not use their
Knowledge to mind archives or
Conundrum contests,
But they still hold much
Wisdom in their cruel, artful
Noggins all the same.
Travel always with
Plenty of provisions when
Wandering about;
Lest you fall prey to
An unforgiving Lenny
Of the mutant strain.
The Lenny Librarian
by Ktkdk
The winter rains just keep pouring,
And staying inside is getting boring,
So you decide to go on a quest
To find the book that is the very best.
You don't really know where to begin,
But the library has many books within.
You stand before the formidable doors
And wonder what lies in store.
For the first time, you hesitate.
Before you go, a voice yells, "Wait!"
It's a Lenny who smells a bit musty.
He looks friendly, despite being dusty.
He leads you through the doors inside.
As you step in, your eyes go wide.
Books go up as high as the eye can see.
The Lenny suddenly seems full of glee.
"Walk around! Explore! Take a look!
Somewhere, waiting, is the perfect book!"
You wander about for an hour or so,
But you don't really know where to go,
So you return to the Lenny sheepishly,
Tell him of your plan and plea,
For his help in completing the quest.
He agrees to help with glee and zest.
He leads you up a staircase,
Pure happiness on his face.
Piles of books are everywhere;
There is at least one on every stair.
He picks up books left and right.
"How about this? No, not quite."
At last the Lenny gathers a stack.
"Now, remember to bring them back.
I can't pick out the best one for you;
That's something for you to do!
But these, at least, will be a start."
And, with that, he quietly departs.
The Mutant Lenny
by Mamasimios
The mutant Lenny, ruby-eyed,
Takes flight at night across the sky,
And though her plumage is not lambent,
In its own way, it's resplendent
One may not call her simply brown;
This Lenny sports a biscuit crown,
Her beak curves with a russet hue,
Her long neck is dusted ecru
Her back is hunched and rich chestnut,
Her talons shine like chocolates,
Her face and legs, so too her feet,
Are burnished like well-roasted meat
And then her wings, the Lenny's glory,
Unfurl to great lengths as she's soaring,
Feathers dappled tan and maroon
Caught in the light of the pale moon
Her presence is neither light nor airy
Like those Lennies, pink or faerie,
The mutant harkens to richer stuff
Like coffee laced with butterscotch
Blessed by Sloth, transmogrified,
She is a beauty in this beholder's eye,
And as she goes wheeling into the night
I wait in wonder 'til she's out of sight
The Lenny Curator
by Meowclopspurrcat
Roaming the aisles of history books,
Dusting off shelves, peering in nooks,
Walks the Lenny curator so gracefully,
His pleasure is known by all who see.
The grand museum he holds so dear,
His pride for the artifacts is oh-so-clear.
As visitors arrive, he grins ear to ear
And motions them toward
The halls with a cheer.
As he guides them through the antiquities,
They begin to discover his affinity
For providing the artifacts with so much care
And recounting their histories with so much flair.
His love for Tyrannia’s tale runs deep,
He praises the heroes and all that they reaped,
His wings glide across the tomes of yore
And he gazes in awe at the thing he adores.
History is embedded deep in his heart,
He refers to bookkeeping as its own art,
He savors the tales and shares it with all,
As he sweeps through
The museum’s hallowed halls.
Though he may not be
Handsome, charismatic, and droll,
His heart rests in the museum,
Which matters most of all!
The Snot Lenny's Lament
by Flufflepuff
The only one on Lenny Day
Who's not happy and bright,
Is nasty green with sickly sheen
And not a happy sight.
The snot Lenny's the gloomy one,
Not just 'cause of his looks,
For, he might try but cannot buy,
A single luscious book.
Pages would stick, become green,
So wisely from books he abstains.
An issue arises when a drop surprises --
He's prone to melting when it rains.
The thing a snot Lenny craves the most,
Is to be caressed and to be hugged.
But if they could, nobody would
Wish to resemble a nose that's clogged.
Perhaps all hope for him's not lost.
By a random stroke of luck,
With another (could be his mother),
They'll hug and not get stuck.
Way Too Smart
by Trubiekatie
Each and every Wednesday,
There’s a game I love to play.
The riddles are so confusing,
The answer hard to convey.
I don’t know how he does it,
This bright Lenny host.
Despite how smart he is
He’d rather not boast.
Your uncle is Finneus,
Another bright Lenny.
Your family is quite bright;
I’m sure most agree.
Dear Lenny Conundrum wizard,
Why do you make it so hard?
Your answers are quite specific;
Do you want it by feet or yard?
If I could even answer,
With speed nonetheless,
I could get an avatar,
To which I would impress.
The questions always vary!
Some are math or just a trick,
And should I get the answer,
I’m anything but quick.
Maybe, this Lenny Day,
You’ll give an easy one?
I’d really like to answer
So I can say I’ve won!
Secret Lenny Book
by Chavo_guerrero
There's a book within Neopia
That holds a secret text,
It's fastened with a padlock
And probably is hexed.
It looks so very harmless,
You'd be forgiven if you think
That's it's nothing more important
Than your usual books of ink.
But this book is quite special,
This "Secret Lenny Book,"
And nobody but Lennies
Are ever allowed a look.
Each year it is opened up
In a secret place they meet,
Written in a little,
With a script that's very neat.
Then closed up once again and locked,
Until another year,
When another entry's added
By a Lenny most austere.
I wonder what's inside this book,
But, alas, I'll never know,
Because my Lenny will not tell me,
So I'll have to let it go.
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