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Neopets Poems

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Poison Green
by Fleur_411

Her purple locks tumble down,
Entwined with poison green,
She’s a feared sight in Neopia,
With a tendency to be quite mean

Upon her bluff she sits sometimes,
Waiting for some Neopian to climb
And ask if she’s a quest to give,
To complete in a certain time

Other times, when it pleases her,
Neopia, Jhudora flies around,
Looking for the best places 
Where mischief can be found

Jhudora is quite sneaky;
She never has been caught,
Doing lots of the evil things 
That the faeries have all thought

And that is the reason why
Jhudora still flies free,
Thinking on her evil plans
To put a curse on you and me

A Poisonous Lollypop
by Dr_tomoe

You wish to do a quest
for a dark faerie today?
That is quite strange;
I'm not sure what to say.

Sure, they aren't "evil,"
at least not openly...
but at least they give out
HP you'll need one day.

Wait, you say you don't
mean those dark faeries?
You must mean the big one...
Jhudora the dark faerie!

Her quests are timed,
and aren't cheap at all!
Also, her rewards, they're
not worth it at all!

Look at what she gives out,
it might look nice and sweet,
but I assure you that
candy is not a treat!

She actually says that
it's a Poisonous Lollypop.
You'll get sick if you eat it,
so why not just stop?

It just looks venomous
and filled with spite,
and she gives this if you
actually do her quests right!

No! You must not eat it!
Don't say I didn't warn you!
A Poisonous Lollypop from Jhudora
will surely bring you doom!

There! See? You have Neowarts now...
I told you to stop!
Maybe next time you won't accept
Jhudora's Poisonous Lollypop.

Jhudora's Quests
by Usukii

What it is she seeks to create,
No one ever quite knows.
A disappearance is rumoured
For all those that she shows.

But the items she continues to collect,
And the Neopians still help her.
Not necessarily a wise choice,
But an easy one for the avatar quester.

So then, Jhudora's collection continues to grow,
Aided by all of those unsuspecting 'pets.
And in secrecy these items are hoarded,
For what we have not discovered, yet.

And so, on this special day,
You must make your own choice.
Illusen is not here to protect you,
All that can be heard is Jhudora's voice.

A Jhudora Day Warning
by Kaibeau

Deep in smoldering caves of old,
Glints of silver and of gold,
In stifling dark we toil away,
Attending not to light of day

The Lady Jhudora, mistress of fear,
Whispers words into our ear,
Promises of sweet reward --
Treasures from her gleaming hoard

To that purpose we will strive,
Compelled by some relentless drive,
Hunger burns beneath our brow,
A fire, unknown to us till now

Species lowly, species proud, 
All are broken by her shroud.
Minds befuddled with violet mist,
Condemned to fulfill her every wish

Seek not the favors of our queen!
Harken not to treasure’s gleam!
Far better your will remain your own
Than warped away by whispered tones

Tread softly 'round her shadowed keep,
For faeries lie, but never sleep.
Unless you wish to trust your luck,
Beware her dark wave catch you up....

That Purple And Green
by Trubiekatie

She hovers over Meridell,
Watching the ticking clock.
If you miss her deadline,
Surely she will mock.

She hates that poor Illusen,
For reasons unknown to all.
I wonder what it is
That caused their downfall.

She holds back her dogs,
The snarling, vile pair.
They match her hair colours;
The three are quite the scare.

She may reward you well,
But one mistake and you’re done.
Dealing with this faerie
Is almost never fun.

She waits in her cloud,
Her own special realm.
Jhudora’s mighty wand
Can truly overwhelm.

Jhudora is very purple,
With just that hint of lime.
I find it even scarier
When I run out of time.

On this Jhudora Day,
Go complete your quest!
You cannot be late;
It’s an important test!

Jhudora Day Soup
by Flufflepuff

An easy way one can remember,
To thank the faerie who is best,
Is a soup bowl to represent
And celebrate her Darkness-ness.

Most 'pets know what she is like:
Saucy, snide, but keeps her word.
She gives rewards if 'pets succeed,
For failing her is quite absurd.

It symbolizes both her sides!
Jhudora Day Soup demonstrates
Her bitter feel -- and the bowl, too!
It stands out from other plates.

A purple wing protrudes from it,
Tipped with a spike, meant to scare.
Circling the bowl are Jhudora's colors.
This soup seems to scream "Beware!"

The scalding red soup hisses steam,
Unfriendly, but promising taste.
Some spice, some salt, a Mortog eye,
Best not let this soup go to waste.

The fourth day of Awakening --
It's hers and hers alone.
Jhudora's soup tells one and all
That she's second to none.

Jhudora For A Day
by Blessed_faerie

If I could be Jhudora for a day,
I have some plans, if I may...
I wouldn't use my powers to do good,
If it was you, don't try to tell me you would.

Every Neopet would come to my bluff,
If they didn't, I'd be scary; I'd be tough.
They'd know they don't dare stand up to me,
Or banished from Neopia they would be.

I'd show them all I was smart and strong,
Give them a quest and scream, 
"You're taking too long!"
I would wave at them 
With my long green claws,
The sight would give even 
The bravest Neopet pause!

I'd command them to bring me 
Things I don't need,
And demand they do it with grace and speed. 
At the last second, I'd shout, 
"You're out of time!"
And require that tomorrow 
They get back in line.

Quest after quest, 
They'd lose more and more,
After every wrong item, 
I'd show them the door.
When they'd left, I'd howl with laughter:
They'll never get my items they're after.

I don't know what's gotten into me,
I'm really not this evil, you see.
I guess it's true that, on her day,
Jhudora always gets her way!

Jhudora's Plea
by Coco_bella

It is Jhudora Day, you say? A day about me? 
Well, for today -- my own day -- I have a wish:
Despite what you’ve read, heard, or seen,
I want you all to listen to this:

Yes, I've heard the others think I’m mean...
Even frightening, evil, and cruel.
But I always tell them they are wrong --
I have yet to turn someone into a ghoul.

You say there is nothing wrong with purple,
And we all know Illusen loves her green;
So why is it that, 
When I put those two together
Everyone thinks it is so menacing and mean?

I know I may seem demanding to others,
Especially when they are on a quest,
But at least I reward them with something
If they successfully fulfill my request.

No, I may not be the sweetest,
And I am certainly not like The Faerie Queen.
But can you actually answer this --
When did I really do something mean? 

Sure, I’ve got attitude and spunk,
And an obsession with dark and spooky things,
But you know that, if it came down to it,
I would take any one of you under my wings.

So, next time you hear talk 
About my evil ways,
You should know that it is 
A reputation I did not earn. 
And I hope that you will now believe it...
So long as you don’t go talking to Lorn or Bern.

Jhudora's Loathing
by Botamius

How motionless this bluff --
this cage I now call my home.
‘Tis more rooted down than 
the oldest oak in all the lands. 
‘Tis not a faerie’s fortress,
rather more a sitting Lenny
waiting for -- nobody knows. 
Such an easy target.
Where is the privacy,
the delicious isolation?
The great fall of Faerieland,
the bringer of my misery:
it brought down more than clouds.
Gone are the heavens where I dwelled,
perished is my cloud of sanctuary. 
Woe to suffer this fate of 
a thousand creeping eyes --
no doubt Illusen’s minions. 
(They are everywhere,
peering from the trees and the 
undersides of pebbles and the 
sticky beads of dew.)

I will rebuild my cozy cloud, 
my glorious, dark heaven.
How joyous would it be
to look down upon the
pitiful ones beneath me
from my rightful throne,
a palace leagues above
the rest?

For now, I must accept this change
I cannot yet change (I said “yet”).
But even great dark faeries 
fear certain things, certain...
hindrances to our plans,
whatever those hindrances and plans may be.
Watch, and do not forget that
I will rise higher than where I now stay, 
and I promise to make that beautiful day
very, very eventful.

Jhudora's Wrath
by Elkougrazshey

Over mountains cold and harsh,
Trek through field and trudge through marsh,
Through the desert bare and stark
And past the Haunted Woods so dark.

You’ll find before you, through haze and mist,
Enchanted lands of amethyst.
A magic kingdom with just one woe --
Fyora’s single fearsome foe.

She dwells outside the city wall,
In fear and anger does she rule.
Alone atop a purple cloud
Sits Jhudora, tall and proud.

The cliffside trembles from her wrath,
And all who see her flee her path.
A tiny Petpet flees her lair,
A sight you’ll find is not so rare.

The little Barbat, her eyes alight,
Turns to see, frozen with fright.
She waits so long for one so dear,
The tiny Petpet sheds a tear...

But wait! What’s this? There’s hope here still!
What is this tumbling from the hill?
Is it really true? Can it truly be?
It is! Her beloved Eyrie!

To her Neopet’s side, little Barbat flies,
To find him bruised but, relief! Alive!
To the Healing Springs she helps him limp,
To let him taste the magical drink.

And let this be a lesson, lest
You try and fail Jhudora’s quest:
Her rage is fierce and her pity none,
You may not be such a lucky one.

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