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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Neopian Auction House
by Mzphatti

Going once, going twice, GONE!!!
Click the mouse, the bidding is on.
Paint brushes, puzzle pieces, watch the clock,
Pick it fast, clear the lot.

Bobby wants this, but Jill does, too!
Who will win? Hope it's you!
Use your Neopoints, hit the bank,
If you lose... oh, how your heart, it sank.

Didn't win this time? Well, try again...
Sooner or later you're sure to win.
Check your bids, stay on top!
The last bidder will take the pot.

Auction your items if you dare,
Just make sure you keep your prices fair,
If you are lucky you'll earn some dough,
Will someone bid? Well, we don't know.

Can't find what you want?
The Auction Genie is on the hunt,
So there is no reason to stay away,
Come inside the Auction House and play.

Just make sure you have 
Some Neopoints on hand,
Or you will not leave a happy man!!!

Haiku Ballad Of Bilge Dice
by Tye_dye123

Each game a battle
Held breath for every roll
All to win ten straight

It's the perfect roll!
Yes! One, four, six, six, six, six!
Result: it's a tie.

Gasp! Down to the wire
Missing a qualifier
Have another three

This one looks easy
All ones and fours from the start
That's all forever

One hundred games daily
Win streak remains stuck at eight
Where's my Lucky Streak?

Monty: a mad Meerca
Always unpredictable
He finds that last die.

Grimtooth: the real threat
With intimidating gaze
He has twenty-four

Deadeye: subtle cheat
Skillful victory
Is that a seventh die?

In a game of luck
It seems the pirates always win
So, here we go again...

Confessions Of A Shopaholic
by Comawhite333

After my last splurge,
My bank account was dry,
I decided that saving
Was well worth a try.
At one million Neopoints
I caved in to buy
A collection of kites
To fly in the sky.

Was I ever going to use them?
The answer is no.
So, I decided that saving was
Well worth a go.

At two million Neopoints
I caved once again,
To buy a Pirate Draik Egg
For my very best friend.

My bank account was empty,
So I tried saving once more,
I was thrilled within weeks --
My bank account had soared.

At three million Neopoints
I decided to paint my 'pet,
I chose the color grey,
Which I will forever regret.
Since I made a mistake the very next day,
While taking my 'pets to visit the lab ray,
I accidentely picked the very 'pet
I had just painted grey.

In one click he was gone,
And my bank account was empty,
But I go through Neopoints
Like I've got more than plenty.

So, I've decided to save
Until my bank account is full...
Wait! Where did you buy that coat?
Is it made of real wool?

Thoughts Of The Esophagor
by Ningaloocfw

I will wait this year,
Like every other,
I wait, I am stuck,
What choice do I have?

They only ask,
What that tree demands,
Why not sit, stay a while,
Who wants to know me?

Instead of hurling food,
Why not talk, and question?
I know a lot, you know,
Some would say a great deal.

To me, it is vague
How long I have been here,
But I'll tell you this:
I am more than a mouth...

I am a historian,
I am a scholar,
But you don't care,
You know why?

All you want to know is how,
As well as when,
An old Neopian died.
Not what’s on my mind.

The Super Pea Chia
by Bluewisp19

Listen closely
To this story of mine,
Only, of course,
If you feel so inclined

It was a night like this,
The stars shone bright,
I was taking a stroll
In the pale moonlight

When, all of a sudden,
Appeared the Grundo Thief,
Who swiped my purse
As I stood in disbelief

"Help!" I cried
As the purple figure fled,
"I’ve been robbed
And the culprit lies ahead!"

Out of the corner of my eye 
Appeared a green shape,
Around its neck
Flapped a brilliant red cape

I rubbed my eyes...
Could it be true?
Yes, it was,
As the pea jumped and flew

It’s the Super Pea Chia,
Come to save the day,
With his Super Pea Chia Cape 
On display

I can’t quite describe
What happened next,
It was a flurry of colors
While I stood there perplexed

After quite some time,
One stood victorious,
With my purse in hand
He looked simply glorious

"My hero!" I cried
And the Chia said to me,
"I'm just doing my job,
I'm like any other pea."

With that, he was gone,
Leaving me alone,
Gone to save another
Off in the unknown

That is the end
Of my short tale,
Moral of the story:
Good will always prevail.

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