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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Bori Day, Hooray!
by Silver_azalea

Soft fur and sharp claws
Adorn this species, along
With a sturdy shell.

They are known to like
Digging with their paws, making
Plentiful tunnels.

Suited to a cool
Climate, they can be found on
Terror Mountain’s heights.

Their leader guarded
A gem known far and wide as
Heart of the Mountain;

Till a fierce Moehog
Destroyed it with his great staff,
Bursting it apart.

This froze the Moehog,
At which time he was shattered
By Armin the Small.

Today, they can all
Celebrate and cheer, they have
Nothing left to fear.

Orange Bori Candy Container
by Dr_tomoe

When you have a lot of sweets,
What to get is a no brainer.
Head over to the gift shop and get
An Orange Bori Candy Container.

It has a spiffy Bori design,
And can hold all manner of candy,
And it goes with any style,
Which is just fine and dandy.

The Bori is so lifelike,
Crafted by a master,
That once you put your sweets in
You might think they go faster.

Its eye on the bowl,
Like it wants to swipe
Your hard-earned candy
In the middle of the night.

But it's just a regular bowl,
Your candy will be fine,
After all, the Bori isn't real,
It just seems that way sometime.

The Halloween Bori
by Comawhite333

The Halloween Bori,
How delightfully evil you are,
With Bori Day here
You are our brightest star

With Halloween right around the corner,
I say why not?
Celebrate, you scary beasts,
So at least you're not forgot

With your skeletal exterior
You are eerie to behold,
Breaking from the other Bori
Forming your own mold

Your red eyes pierce us 
To our very core,
Making you a ghoulish 'pet
That we never can ignore

You don't have a shadow
Since even it's afraid,
Making you one of the scariest beasts
TNT has ever made

Your large white claws
Are sharp and razor-like,
Filling enemies with fear
When you raise your paw to strike

So celebrate this day
And be proud of what you are,
A powerful, proud, and stoic beast
With a little hint of bizarre

All Hail Hale!
by Brittanyftw

Now the captain of Team Krawk Island.
When he takes a step, the arena goes silent.
He's fierce, he's strong, and ready to sail!
The captain and goalkeeper, Garven Hale.

The pirate Bori is a feisty competitor.
Think you'll win against him? Nope. Never.
Since Y6 he's been a great goalkeeper,
But in a while, his status may go deeper.

Fans have been saying quite a lot about him.
The best in the game, your chances are slim.
Getting a shot past him won't help you win.
Take a look at the score, it's one to ten.

He's won two awards for his great skills.
He accepted with ease, he knew the deal.
Then, when times were rough, 
He got an upgrade.
From goalkeeper to captain, it made his day.

While Dasher was thinking of quitting it all.
He then passed Garven Hale the ball.
"Take my place, you'll do better than ol' me!"
Hale then replied, "No need to worry!"

So Hale took his spot, his pride shining bright.
I'd hate to say his passing skills are light.
Push that aside and look at this fact!
Now large and in charge, Krawk Island is back!

Ode To Donny
by Trubiekatie

Up on Terror Mountain
You’ll find this kind Bori.
He’s an elderly man
With his own story.

He owns his own shop,
Where he repairs toys.
Donny will fix it quick
If you can bare the noise.

It may take a few times
To get it just right.
He hammers away,
Using all his might.

He’ll repair almost anything,
So long as it is broken.
But there are some exceptions
That are unspoken.

The item could be ripped,
Smashed, or burst.
Donny can make it right,
The damage done reversed.

On this Bori Day,
Bring your damaged goods.
He’s just on Terror Mountain,
Past the Haunted Woods!

Neohome Gnomes
by Lilahne_aluoki

Have you finished decorating 
Your new Neohome?
Well, your job's not complete 
Without a Bori gnome.
Bringing some charm 
To your Neohome's yard,
Adding you to the ranks 
Of gardening's avant-garde.
Yes, to bring your Neohome 
Into its full glory,
You'll need decorations 
In the shape of a Bori.

There is the Leaf Carrying Bori Gnome,
Which works with the soil 
And the pungent loam.
Found at the base 
Of the towering trees,
He's sorting and collecting 
The falling leaves.
Wearing a large grin 
Underneath his pointed red hat,
He's never too busy 
To stop for a chat.

The Raking Bori Gnome 
Takes over the duty
Of gathering the leaves 
Into piles of autumn beauty.
Great mounds of yellow, 
Orange, red, and gold,
That make a joyous game
For those that are bold
Enough to make a 
Running, dashing, giant leap
Into the rustling softness 
Of the raked-up leafy heap.

The Curious Bori Gnome 
Is always looking for a friend;
To help you out of the leaves, 
His hand he will lend.
And he'll introduce you to 
The Flower Picking Bori Gnome;
All throughout the garden, 
Together you will roam.
They'll show you all 
The hidden secrets of your yard;
If you will only listen, 
You will earn their deep regard.

Yes, no house is complete 
Without at least one Bori gnome.
It's what turns a common building 
Into the perfect Neohome.
But there's no need to buy one 
From Gardening Supplies,
You have exactly what you need, 
If you will only use your eyes.
He's already out in the garden, 
Admiring the works of fall...
For your Bori is already dressed up 
As a gnome, after all!

Donny Of The Toy Repair Shop
by Glisteningwater

A cranky old Bori 
In a crooked old shop,
On a big giant mountain 
With a big pointed top.
He wears a blue cap 
And holds a wooden hammer,
With a ton of skill but 
Not an ounce of good grammar.

"Hand me your toys, 
I'll fix 'em good an' new,
Then gimme your Neopoints, 
I'll see what I can do."
The Bori takes your toy 
And caresses it gently,
Then takes out his glasses 
And gazes intently.

He stiches with care but halts real often,
He puts down his needles 
And then starts his coughin'.
His eyes get squinty, you back off a bit,
Will he ever stop, should you pack up and quit?

You pat and you wait 
And you wish he would cease,
He finally stops 
And the mountain has peace.
He sniggers and laughs 
And asks you for double,
"You see, I spent time! 
I need more for my trouble."

That ancient sly Bori, 
He faked the whole thing!
No matter the case, 
Old Bori will win.

The Tiny Adventurer
by Kuramas_kitsune

Brand new fur, softer than silk,
Her favorite drink is chocolate milk,
Terror Mountain is where she loves to be,
She digs in the snow and likes to ski,
A long thin tail dressed with a bow,
Surely, her cuteness could beat any foe,
This Bori's big brown eyes will melt your heart,
At the toy store you will leave with a full cart,
Those huge ears barely fit on her head,
When she is sleepy, she digs deep into bed...

This baby is tough, she's practiced at home,
For the fights that await in the Battledome,
An adventurer she's always wanted to be,
Like Hannah, she'll be in search of the key,
Adorable and cute, she won't be for long,
Her life will be told in story and song,
Everyone will know her name and cheer,
She will be the best, so others -- stand clear!
Don't be fooled by her size 
She can do lots of stuff,
She can accomplish the things 
That seem pretty tough...

So brave, in fact, she's explored the Ice Caves,
Any treasure she finds 
She holds on to and saves,
She even creeped in while 
The Snowager was asleep
The fearless Bori took a toy 
Right from his keep
Now that I've shared 
The great things about her
I must get her a cupcake 
And say that I love her
Boris are full of fun, even ones painted grey
So you be sure to love yours, Happy Bori Day!

Bori Of Many Colors
by Fluffiehmedic

Thinking rainbow Bori,
Taps the ground here and there.
Eager rainbow Bori,
Picks a spot with great care.
Clawing rainbow Bori,
Sends dirt into the air.
Busy rainbow Bori,
He's digging his own lair!

Ever-switching tail,
Colors blur and fly.
Red and orange tail,
You pass it by.
Mood-reflecting tail,
Below it, a sigh,
Purple-tipped tail,
Can't see more, though you try.

Golden-orange eyes,
Peep out from underground,
Friendly orange eyes,
Ask you to come down,
Gleeful orange eyes,
Disappear under the mound,
Hmm, those orange eyes,
Shut your own and drop down.

Light from up above --
You can see, it's fairly bright,
Skylight up above --
Rests on the Bori, to his delight.
Radiant light above --
Surrounding crystals give pale light.
Glowing from above,
Bori and crystal, rainbow sight.

You notice something else.
He dug a cavern today.
(No, you notice something else.)
He sends colors that won't stay.
(No, it's definitely this!)
"Mister Bori, I must say,
Your coloration's stunning --
But must your claws be dull grey?"

Plushie Bori!
by Krissykat9

Oh, wouldn't it just be so lovely,
To own a little plushie Bori?
With its cute blue button eyes,
Wide and round, as if surprised! 
With soft blue and orange fur,
She'd cheer my day with one great purr.
Other Bori aren't the same,
A species not bred to be tame.
But plushies are not wild 'pets,
They're much calmer than all the rest.
No claws to poke, no teeth to bite,
Just soft plush to cuddle at night!
I'd be the envy of the town,
With such a lovely 'pet around.
When I close my eyes and dream,
It overtakes my mind, it seems!
Some are picky with names and stats,
But I don't care about ANY of that!
If I had this 'pet by my side,
I'd be happier than ever 
And swelling with pride.
Never would I give her away,
We'd be partners in crime 
Till the end of our days!
When I think of life and how things end,
I know one day I'll meet my new plushie friend.
When I do, I'll be happier than ever,
And that happiness will go on forever!
Oh, how lovely it would be,
To own a little plushie Bori!

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