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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Super Pea Chia Cape
by Sophieninetyfive

The smallest of the Chias 
Have a reason to rejoice 
(If you can hear their cries, that is -- 
They have a tiny voice!) 

But "Why?" you ask. Well, I'll tell you 
The reason for their glee: 
A new wearable for Chias 
In the shape of a pea. 

This fabulous new item 
Is the Super Pea Chia Cape; 
It's shiny red and very soft, 
Much more than just a drape! 

Now, your pea Chia needn't feel 
Self-conscious about his size; 
He'll soon be soaring all about 
And giving us a surprise. 

So, don't delay! Buy one up quick, 
You surely won't regret. 
The Super Pea Chia Cape 
Is the coolest wearable yet! 

Though... there is a tiny problem 
With this brand-new cape of power. 
The only place it's sold 
Is in some kind of Hidden Tower...

Nox In A Box
by Dortho

Nox, dear Nox, please get out of that box! 
It isn't your time, don't you know, 
Even if Xandra decided it would be so. 

You should be out roaming free,
So many new sights to see!
With your curly mustache and dashing cape,
One would think you would have 
A route to escape! 

Even MAGAX misses you, 
True and true, through and through. 
Without a rival, he sits rocking on a chair,
Brushing his hair, 
In his underwear,
Something we cannot bear.

So please know you're not forgotten, Nox. 

If you hear this message 
From above and beyond,
Just rest assured there are many of us fond
Of you, and miss you so.

I'd bring you flowers if I knew where to go...

Snowager In A Box
by Carter0508

I'm as fierce as they come,
a frightening sight to see,
your Neopet will run
when they lay their eyes on me.

They sit and they stare,
as if not sure they should try,
do they think they can bare
the fear that will beam from my eyes?

They begin to spin the lever
as their anxiety begins to rise,
maybe they think they're clever
and they won't run when they see my surprise?

Closer and closer they turn,
I am getting all happy inside,
one more turn and they will learn
that they best go run and hide.

The latch has snapped, I'm out, I'm out!
This was the final wager,
the Neopet runs and screams and shouts
at the little box with a Snowager!

My Shoyru Plushie
by Firebugzane

Dear old Shoyru,
Small and cute.
Blemished but loved.

The pointy on your head
Makes me wanna chew.
Covered with my drool,
But still smells "Sweet."

Hugging you day or night,
Helps me sleep more tight.
In my dreams,
You soar in the skies,
And above the soils.

We are connected by our soul,
Inseparable forevermore.

You accompany me
When I'm lonely.
You stay beside me
When I'm sick.
You feel my sorrow
When I'm sad.

My friend, for always.

The Tale Of The Space Fungus Grundo
by Vero00

An orange Grundo once departed.
From Kreludor, his journey started.
Into his little ship he climbed,
His sense of exploration primed.

All of space was his frontier.
Though eager, he remained austere.
As Kreludor fell out of sight,
His journey was immersed in night.

On and on, his travels went.
He slowly made his great ascent,
When suddenly, something pink
Appeared within a single blink.

Disgusting! Awful! Huge and scary!
He knew now he mustn't tarry.
It marred the sky like grotesque scars.
The Space Fungus, the mold of stars.

He threw his ship into reverse,
Yet only made the matter worse.
A nearby fungal arm attacked.
A motor lost, an engine whacked.

"It's not over!" the Grundo called,
And though, at first, his engine stalled,
He fled the terrible fungal troops,
But he was forced to fly in loops.

He had no choice, so loops he flew.
He ringed away from the awful slew.
He circled fungus and bounced off rocks,
And even collected some Neopoint pots.

Each time the fungal army raided,
The Grundo cleverly evaded.
With expert hands on its controls,
His ship could even dodge black holes.

And so, our courageous Grundo friend
Escaped the fungus in the end.
Now home on Kreludor, he's busy
Trying to become less dizzy.

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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