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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Faithful Companion
by Jjquil

My very first Neopet was a Gelert. 
It all seems so long ago... 
It was winter, as I recall, and
The ground was all white with snow.
I wasn't sure who my first Neopet should be
I studied each picture for a long while 
But I knew it had to be him 
As soon as I saw that Gelert smile. 

His long, springy ears and whippy tail 
Were bouncing all over the place.
His excitement could only match my own
As I saw his charming puppy face. 
He was painted green back then
When I took him home that afternoon
I thought of a long, unwieldy name: 
He was Milus Radiant Moon. 

Oh, the fun we had together! 
Milus always loved to play 
We didn't care about anything 
Except seeing each other, every day. 
We would explore Neopia 
Traversing every exotic land 
He used to love the Lost Desert, 
Running and digging in the sand. 

That was all many years ago
And I've owned many other Neopets:
Lupes and Kacheeks and Zafara and Kyrii, 
A lifetime of stories, joys, and regrets. 
But there is one who captured my heart 
A Gelert who never stopped wagging his tail 
My beloved Milus, who is always with me, 
My faithful companion is there without fail.

Oh Grey Gelert
by Agedbeauty

Oh little grey Gelert
Wherefore art thy sad?
Thou art weeping dreary,
Why canst thy be not glad?

Poor little grey Gelert,
See how thy coat doth shine!
Canst that not be cause for glee,
Why must thou sob and whine?

Sad little grey Gelert,
Thee art cause for much admiration
Sleek and glossy, much adored,
So look above thine unhappy station!

Oh crying grey Gelert,
Thou shouldst yet rejoice.
Suffer yet another day,
Today find thy happy voice!

Absent-minded grey Gelert,
Wherefore, I cannot say
How canst thy have forgotten
That today is Gelert Day?

The Hunt For The Red Gelert
by Chavo_guerrero

Pakka was hot on the trail,
Of the mysterious Red Gelert,
He'd been following now for days,
And was always on high alert.

The Red Gelert was an agent,
A spy with a brilliant mind,
And Pakka was determined,
He wouldn't fall behind.

He knew he was getting close,
Sometimes he'd catch a glimpse,
But then, again, the Gelert was gone,
Leaving nothing but his prints.

But Pakka was quite clever,
And followed his every move,
And soon he was quite close enough,
To show how he'd improved.

"I caught you, Red Gelert!" he said.
"Why, so you did my friend.
And for this extraordinary feat,
To our boss I shall recommend!

For you'd make a perfect agent,
If you can keep up even with me!"
Said the Red Gelert with a smile,
Nodding his head to agree.

"These tests get ever harder,
And not everyone can catch,
The Red Gelert in their final exam,
But for you I was no match!"

How To Make A Robot Gelert
by Mamasimios

So you want to have a loyal friend,
A 'pet upon whom you may depend?
The easiest way, I will assert,
Is to make your own robot Gelert

Grab your tools and buy a kit,
Unpack the parts, the metal bits,
Sort them into red and blue,
The wires, lights, and cables, too

Start with the legs, on their paws, four,
And set them upright on the floor,
Carefully align the body,
Take your time, now... don't be shoddy,

Attach the tail to your robot pup,
And splice the wires so it lights up,
Carefully affix the cranium housing
And set the tension on the jaw spring

Finally, and the most important part,
Unwrap the fragile crystal heart,
And place it in the Gelert's chest,
Where it will glow and beat with zest

And now you've made the perfect friend,
A Gelert to follow you to the end;
Steadfast, true, brave, and loyal,
And all he asks from you is a squirt of oil

Blacklist: Kanrik
by Brittanyftw

Catch this thief, we want him alive!
It'd be a shame if he didn't survive.
Take caution, he'll punch and kick!
Catch that Gelert Kanrik!

Here's a description from head to toe.
He has many attributes that definitely show.
Though he does have a sweet side at times.
He's even willing to put his life on the line.

Kanrik is young with covered black hair.
It's barely shown, he doesn't even dare.
He bares a scar that you often see.
It's from the Thieves Guild, which he leads.

When he beat Galem he took over the guild.
That's what he gained as part of the deal.
To most Neopians he's still considered a bad guy,
But to Hannah he's very sweet, not sly.

Back on topic, to his profile and looks,
He wears a cloak, something he took.
Under it all he wears blue trousers.
Even shoulder pads, his till gets louder.

High boots, gloves, with a belt, what style!
Making us look bad all the while.
That's pretty much it 
When it comes to his looks.
Now, if only he played by the books.

That's all there is with Kanrik the thief.
Not much is known of his background, you see.
So if you spot him around, turn him in!
Whenever you do, then it'll be the end!

A Tribute To Tandrak Shaye
by Juneshower

His eyes are narrowed,
His gaze piercing through.
Focused on what's up ahead,
Nothing blocking his view.

His fur is tensed up,
As he readies to spring,
The ball flies through the air
When, finally, he swings.

The crowd goes wild,
As the net traps the ball.
The goalie’s defeat,
Left his body to fall.

The countdown is finished,
And confetti pours,
The Darigan team
Is the victor once more. 

But what is this noise?
A roar from the fans,
Shouting a name,
That rumbles the stands.

“Tandrak!” they yell,
“Tandrak Shaye!” they say,
“Tandrak Shaye, once again,
Saves the day, hurray!”

The Gelert beams proudly,
While hearing his name --
A true Yooyuballer
That lives for his game.

The Shipwrecked Gelert
by Geneames1

Tossed upon the stormy sea
The young Gelert grew weary
Days before his ship had sunk
And now he was adrift

Clinging to a barrel
Moving with the tide
Ebbing strength and heavy limbs
Presaged his demise

Suddenly a speck of land
Appeared on the horizon
Strength renewed and spirits raised
He paddled toward its shores

At last he stepped on sandy beach
Exhausted, he collapsed
The gentle sound of rolling waves
Soon lulled him off to sleep

What lies in store for our young friend
Now stranded and alone?
Only time will tell the tale
Of the Gelert on Treasure Isle

Is There A Gelert In The House?
by Closemycoffin

Have you noticed lately,
That your Neopet has been behaving unusual?
That your normally adventurous 'pet,
Would rather do nothing at all?

Maybe you've been trying to get your 'pet,
Out of the house for more than a week?
But it couldn't fit through your Neohome door,
Due to its perpetually growing feet?

Has your Neopet been coughing,
Had a runny nose,
And been sneezing, too?
Even more concerning yet,
Been seeing spots of red and blue?

If it woke you up this morning,
At dawn, no less,
By crowing like a chicken --
Then it's most decidedly sick!

You'd better take your 'pet,
To the Neopian Hospital very soon,
To visit the kind Gelert doctor,
He'll know what to do.

With his trusty doctor's tools,
He'll examine your poor Neopet's,
Swollen feet, bloated belly, or its achy head.

After careful consideration,
And once he's made a diagnosis,
He'll direct you to The Pharmacy,
To retrieve the cure by the dosage.

The next thing that you'll know,
Your Neopet will be as right as rain.
Be sure to take good care of your 'pet,
So it doesn't get sick again.

The Wise Wizard
by Trubiekatie

If you seek knowledge,
Wisdom and spells,
This ancient Gelert knows,
So do as he tells.

Though he is nameless,
He runs a tough game.
Spellseeker, you see,
It's worthy of acclaim.

In this skilled game,
Use the different blocks.
Play at steady pace;
There's no ticking clocks.

Match what you're best at,
Choose one of three:
Numbers, symbols, or words,
All options are free.

If a cursed tile falls on the board,
Be prepared for game done!
Your game is now jinxed,
So just hope you've won.

On this lovely Gelert Day,
We thank this nameless fellow,
Wearing ropes and a hat,
Whose stars are bright yellow.

Celandra The Gelert Maid
by Smidgereens

Washing, dusting, sweeping, cleaning: 
That’s the lot of a drudge.
Keeping Neopia spic and span, 
They scour and scrub at each smudge.
Yet far away in Faerieland, 
In the shining castle of the Queen,
Lowly Celandra the Gelert maid 
Could teach you the meaning of clean.

Few the songs and tales there are 
To honor this humble maid,
But for the rest of time (and longer still) 
Her wondrous tale won’t fade.
How’s this? You haven’t heard of her? 
Then let me spin the tale.
The grandest secret in the land of faeries, Celandra alone would unveil.

Although she endured the grimiest jobs 
That anyone could dread,
Celandra never whined or complained, 
But worked lighthearted instead.
The others giggled at her chores, 
Her exhaustion without end,
But the lovely, kindly Faerie Queen 
Became her dearest friend.

Hours they spent in confidence 
And spirited conversation,
But in the queen Celandra found 
An afflicted consternation.
All throughout her vast domain, 
Fyora sought to discover
The Hidden Tower which, thus far, 
None had managed to uncover.

“If it exists, for my friend the Queen, 
This Tower I will find,
For I cannot bear to see her worried 
By such a burdened mind.”
Like never before, Celandra threw herself 
Into her cleaning,
All the while searching for clues 
And any hidden meaning.

After long hours, nearly out of heart, 
She pulled away a bookshelf,
And, with a racing heart, espied a lever! 
She was beside herself.
“How now? Could it be? 
Is this the very thing that I have sought?”
On pulling it down, out swung a door 
To reveal a hidden spot.

‘Twas a murky flight of stairs 
That there before her coiled,
And up it raced two shadows, 
Leaving her in fear embroiled.
Yet brave Celandra wouldn’t tremble -- 
She shook right off her dread
And, remembering Fyora’s kindness, 
The Gelert upwards sped.

At the landing of the stairs, 
I’m sure you know what she could see,
Though no imagination can 
Perfectly fathom her grand discovery.
It was the Hidden Tower, at last! 
Before her eyes abounded
Costly treasures, glinting gems, 
All leaving the Gelert dumbfounded.

Back to the castle the heroine raced 
With higher spirits than the tower.
As she listened to Celandra’s quest, 
From Fyora’s face lifted all that was dour.
“You wonderful and best of friends! 
Celandra, you have done it!
Ask me anything at all you wish -- 
Your request, I shall not shun it.”

Celandra smiled, and don’t you know, 
Every Gelert’s heart is of gold.
Of all the other Neopets, 
Their loyalty’s tenfold!
“Here’s what I ask, Fyora my friend: 
That after I tend to each chore,
We’ll gossip and laugh and stay best friends, 
Now and forevermore.”

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