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Counting Down to Neopets’ 25th Anniversary!

Brace yourselves, Neopians, for a storm unlike any other is brewing on the horizon and a mysterious rift has ripped the skies open! What secrets will you uncover?

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Friends and Foes

Welcome to a world of heroes, villains, and everything in between…
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Quite possibly the oldest and most benevolent resident of Neopia, Queen Fyora has been the ruler of Faerieland for as long as anyone can remember (it's probably best not to ask just how long that is). As queen and leader of the Faeries, she has guided and protected the denizens of Faerieland and Neopia from the numerous external threats both have faced throughout their existence. Though Fyora normally has a policy of tolerance toward Dark Faeries, she has been forced to confront her archenemy, the Darkest Faerie, whom she imprisoned in the ruins of Maraqua one thousand years ago. Nowadays, in addition to governing Faerieland, the Faerie queen also runs the Hidden Tower, a shop full of powerful magical artefacts. If you are very lucky, Fyora may pass by and give you a quest. Though the quests are never easy, the rewards are well worth it…



Meet Jake the Explorer, one of Neopia’s most courageous adventurers. Armed with a trusty brown fedora and sporting a cheeky grin, this blue-furred Kougra is always on the lookout for the next big escapade. Jake has a calling for the mysterious and lives to uncover the secrets of forbidden ruins and decrepit tombs, never hesitating in the pursuit of new adventurers. One of his most noteworthy achievements was his encounter with King Kawillawoa and the Mystical Tiki Totem, in which he persevered by utilising his sharp intellect and lightning-fast reflexes. An adventurous soul who is constantly on the move, Jake never stays in one place for long. He has crossed paths with Orpheus Draco, a devoted fan, and joined forces with Hannah the Brave on a daring quest on Mystery Island to retrieve the legendary Fuhnah Totem. If you ever need a fearless guide through uncharted territory, look no further than Jake!

Dr. Sloth

Dr. Sloth

Nothing incites fear in the hearts of Neopians more than the name Dr. Frank Sloth. This evil mastermind descended into the primordial darkness of Neopia thousands of years ago, relishing its toxic atmosphere and barren landscape. Nobody really knows how this mad scientist arrived (some say a spaceship!), or why he decided to call Neopia his home, but Sloth revelled in his new surroundings. He spent the years conducting vile experiments in his underground lair, trying to create creatures–maybe to assemble an army, or maybe because he was lonely. However, his brooding was interrupted when a sudden beam of powerful light from the sky breathed new life into the planet, causing him to flee to his underground lab in fear. Thus began his lifelong quest to conquer Neopia and terrify its denizens. Gifted with a brilliant mind, he devoted his time to the creation of unimaginable horrors, from cruelly mutating random creatures to engineering weapons of mass destruction. Despite facing repeated setbacks—particularly that time when he was imprisoned inside the Space Faerie’s magical token—Dr. Sloth somehow manages to constantly escape and remains undaunted, always seeking new ways to spoil all that is good within Neopia.



Meet Naia, Faerieland’s resident Fountain Faerie. Blessed with a graceful tail and a vibrant aura like no other, Naia presides over the mythical Rainbow Fountain. Don’t be fooled by her enchanting beauty, for Naia is strong in heart and spirit as well as renowned across Neopia for her challenging and coveted Fountain Faerie Quests. Courageous adventurers who accept her tasks must scour the lands for rare and elusive items, usually exhausting their wits and cunning to succeed. But it is not without rewards, for your efforts shall be repaid tenfold in the form of treasures priceless and immeasurable!



Jeran is a valiant Neopian knight whose striking azure appearance is matched by his unwavering courage and unshakeable sense of duty. Though originally hailing from Neopia Central, he took a fateful journey through time that led him to grow up in the kingdom of Meridell, where he learned the art of battle and the code of chivalry that would shape his destiny. He is a dominant force on the battlefield, willing his troops to victory during the Meridell-Darigan wars. Known for his resolute commitment to the greater good, Jeran is a hero who is revered and admired by all; he is a Neopet of action, and his deeds speak for themselves! Despite having restored peace to the land (for a while, at least) and reuniting with his long-lost sister, Lisha, who was teleported to Meridell at a later time, he remains watchful, always keeping a protective eye on the kingdom's citizens.



Once a modest waitress at the Golden Dubloon, Hannah has carved her own tale into the grooves of Neopia's history. With her golden tail and unbreakable spirit, this valiant Usul has braved the most treacherous of lands, fought off the deadliest foes (including pirates, a demigod, and everything in between), and emerged victorious time and time again. Perhaps her most remarkable adventure was when she teamed up with Kanrik, the thief, and Armin, the Bori, to defeat the Bringer of the Night in the Ice Caves. She even bears the cursed scar of Ta-Kutep, acquired from setting off a booby trap in an ancient tomb within the Lost Desert. Driven by a boundless yearning for the unknown, Hannah has broken free from the shackles of her mundane existence to explore the edges of the world. With each new challenge she conquers, Hannah's legend only grows, inspiring Neopians from all corners of the realm to answer the call to adventure.



Far away from the troubles that plague the Faerie world, Illusen, the earth Faerie, enjoys the quiet refuge of her home in Meridell. She spends the day tending her gardens and offering quests to the Neopets who come to visit her. Although the items she asks for tend to become more difficult to acquire with each successful quest, she rewards her most diligent helpers with an amazing assortment of prizes. As Meridell's resident Faerie guardian, Illusen fought to protect the magical kingdom against the Darigan invasion, but even her magic wasn't enough to withstand the power of Darigan's Orb. She makes her residence in a secret glade that can only be found by those who know its name. No one knows why Illusen came to Meridell, although a few have their suspicions. Some say she left voluntarily, tired of the squabbling politics of the Faerie Queen's court. Others say the Dark Faeries forced her from Faerieland (led by Jhudora, of course). Since taking up residence in Meridell, she's created a network of spies and devotees willing to help her cause. Under the glade is a cavern filled with trinkets and treasures, but as to why she's collecting them... even the wisest scholars can only guess.



In the extensive records of Neopian history, few names shine as brightly as that of King Altador, founder of the kingdom bearing his name. Born into a city plagued by corruption and malice, Altador witnessed his people suffer from depraved leaders driven by greed. Yearning for a better life, the young Lupe fled into the wild, where he honed his skills as a hunter and archer to perfection. Through this harsh existence, Altador realised his true calling: a land where justice, fairness, and prosperity were the cornerstones of society. With this vision in mind, he set out to create a new kingdom, where everyone could thrive and prosper together. Altador established the fabled council of the twelve heroes of Altador, exceptional individuals renowned for their unparalleled might and bravery, to assist in governing the kingdom. Unfortunately, one of the original founders, the Darkest Faerie, defied this purpose and betrayed the other founders, but was ultimately vanquished. One thousand years later, Altador aided two unsuspecting Neopians, Tormund and Roberta, in stopping the Darkest Faerie once more. Guided by Jerdana, the wise and powerful sorceress, the king remains a champion of his people, ever vigilant in his quest to forge a better world for his beloved kingdom.

Captain Scarblade

Captain Scarblade

Notorious captain of the ravenous pirate ship Revenge, Scarblade's name strikes terror into the heart of sea-faring Neopians. Tremendously skillful in the arts of buccaneering and naval warfare, this green Lupe is also a master of magic. No one anywhere on the water–or below it–is safe from the menace of the self-proclaimed ruler of the Neopian seas. Captain Scarblade has a special place in his dark heart reserved for tormenting Maraqua, and when he learned of its restoration, he dedicated all of his efforts toward bringing ruin to the undersea kingdom once again.



Deep in the infinite expanse of space exists a cosmic guardian possessing incredible powers of mental telepathy. Her name is Mira, yet to those who know her best, she is the legendary Space Faerie who protects Neopia from above. Many tales have been told of her heroism, but perhaps none were as famous as the time she saved Neopia from the clutches of Dr. Sloth. The evil genius had engineered a powerful Mutation Ray that could transform Neopians into his personal army of mutant minions. Mira immediately infiltrated Sloth's space station and turned his own weapon against him. Despite her powerful nature, the Space Faerie is not invincible. She could feel the pain of every Neopet in danger. However, this clairvoyant compassion is what makes her such a reliable protector, bestowing upon her the insight and wisdom to respond to emergencies and uphold justice throughout the Neopian universe.



As a young sorceress studying under the Faeries, Xandra developed her magical skills... and a jaded view of the Faeries' influence on Neopia. The disillusioned Xandra decided to recreate Neopia to match her own vision. Attempting to make a world for Neopets ruled by a Neopet (her, of course), Xandra used the magic she'd learnt from the faeries against them, turning them all to stone. Unfortunately, this curse had consequences that not even Xandra could've imagined: without the faeries' power holding Neopia together, dark creatures emerged and preyed upon the very Neopets that Xandra hoped to empower. In the end, Xandra was thwarted by Hanso and turned to stone with her own magic. Her petrified figure is now in the care of Queen Fyora, who still hopes to rehabilitate her most promising pupil.



Roberta, the talented niece of King Hagan, once served as a diplomatic envoy for her kingdom. However, she grew weary of all the formalities and decided to pursue something more exciting - magic! To learn the ways of the arcane, she sought the tutelage of the great sorcerer, Seradar, who nurtured her into becoming a phenomenal sorceress. When the Darkest Faerie threatened the peace of Neopia, Roberta teamed up with Tormund, a Lupe, to try and stop her. During their final showdown with the Darkest Faerie, she unleashed her full magical potential to help turn the villainess into stone. After achieving victory, she quietly returned to her post as the shopkeeper of Brightvale's scrollery.

The Darkest Faerie

The Darkest Faerie

Not always a villain, The Darkest Faerie first came to the attention of King Altador when she saved his life. Having never witnessed such compassion from a Dark Faerie before, Altador was impressed enough to invite her to join him in his noble mission and serve as a founder of Altador. Eventually, however, her sinister nature surfaced, and in her desire to become ruler supreme, The Darkest Faerie betrayed the kingdom. Not satisfied with simply overthrowing the empire, the Betrayer's thirst for power led her to use forbidden magic to completely rewrite the history of Altador, making herself both the sole founder and queen! She was ultimately banished by Fyora, but returned one thousand years later. Luckily, with the help of Jerdana the sorceress, she was foiled yet again by two unwitting heroes, Tormund and Roberta, who entrapped her in a stone form, which was placed in Fyora’s care within Faerieland. Alas, the statue of the Darkest Faerie vanished amidst the chaos when Faerieland fell from the sky after Xandra's assault. In the Wraith Resurgence, Reizo stumbled upon the statue and unknowingly unshackled the evil within, unleashing The Darkest Faerie once more. Free again, she hatched yet another malevolent scheme, utilising portions of Jerdana's orb to forge a ring capable of transforming Neopets into ghastly Wraith-like abominations. Consumed by vengeance, she one more confronted Queen Fyora, only to discover that the ring had backfired and was draining her life force. In a desperate last effort, The Darkest Faerie unleashed a cloud of poisonous gas but was ultimately thwarted by Kaia, fleeing from her defeat into the shadows. Where she currently resides, nobody knows…



Jhudora is a dark Faerie who is wise to the downfall of others among her kind, and therefore hides behind a veil of moderate evil. With the full knowledge that Fyora watches her closely, Jhudora must be cunning and cautious, so that certain "mishaps" in Neopia are never associated with her. In an attempt to convince her Faerie sisters that she is a contributing member of Faerie society, Jhudora offers quests to those that are brave enough to visit her. Some Neopets have reported seeing Jhudora in the dark of night as she chants over a cauldron of bubbling green liquid. No Neopet, however, has ever dared ask her about it, and most likely, none ever will. Neopets who ask too many questions about Jhudora tend to... disappear. It's rumoured that only one Faerie has ever witnessed Jhudora performing a true act of evil – something so foul and terrible that it would cause her sisters to immediately fall upon her. That Faerie, it is rumoured, is Illusen. Though the gentle earth Faerie cannot prove it, it is believed Jhudora's rage towards her is because she is the only one that knows.

Hubrid Nox

Hubrid Nox

Somewhere in the Haunted Woods, the malevolent Chia known as Hubrid Nox lurks in secret to protect his nefarious schemes from prying eyes. His goal? To conquer all of Neopia. From manipulating ghosts and teaming up with aliens to conjuring hordes of zombies and mutants, nothing is beyond the limits of his quest for domination. However, Nox’s existence is more complex than it appears. He often dealt with his Wocky nemesis: MAGAX, The Destroyer. Both were locked in a bitter rivalry, each determined to outwit the other. However, the competition ended abruptly when a duplicate of himself, born from Xandra's sorcery, appeared and assassinated him as he attempted to flee from Altador's forces. Now he is but a haunting spectre, imprisoned by the echoes of his past.


Take a glimpse into our journey with a captivating timeline showcasing our milestones and achievements, from humble beginnings to exciting future endeavors.


Launch of Neopets.com
Originally founded by two college students, Neopets would eventually define the virtual pet game genre and rapidly exploded in popularity.


Champions of Meridell is released, introducing Neopians to Lisha, Jeran, and a whole cast of other characters while setting the standard of what a Neopets plot could look like.


Hannah, Kanrik, and Armin defeat the nefarious Bringer of Night in Hannah and the Ice Caves.


Neopia is saved by Tormund and Roberta in The Darkest Faerie, released on PS2.


The legendary city of Altador is restored to its full glory with King Altador taking his rightful place on the throne.


The Return of Doctor Sloth premiers. Neopia’s archenemy is defeated by being trapped within the Space Faerie’s Token.


Kari, the Negg Faerie kicks off the very first Festival of Neggs event.


An earthquake rattles Tyrannia, setting off The War for the Obelisk.


Everyone’s favourite daily slot game, Trudy’s Surprise, makes its Neopets debut.


The Darkest Faerie is released from her prison of stone in The Wraith Resurgence plot.


Neopets celebrates its 20th anniversary!


Neopets: Island Builders, the construction game set on the isle of Dacardia, enters open Beta.


Launch of Neopets: Faerie’s Hope, the mobile Match3 game set in the clouds of New Faerieland.


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