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Short Story Jamboree

The Pea from Outer Space
by insane_pineapple

Micksto the Lupe and Searath the Kacheek were outside their Meridell home, playing a friendly game of Kacheek Seek.

“Found ya!” Micksto said, pulling Searath from the bushes she was buried in. Searath laughed and hopped up, tackling Micksto.

Micksto laughed for a bit, but suddenly stopped. He began to sniff the air curiously and wiggle his ears, obviously hearing and smelling something in the distance.

“What is it?” Searath asked. At this, Micksto held up a hand, signaling for Searath to shut up.

“Smells…like…” Micksto began. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he screamed. “FIRE!” He hollered, pushing Searath back into the bushes, just in the knick of time.

When the item hit the ground, it made no noise at all. Flames could be seen, but nothing could be heard. Micksto and Searath exchanged looks.

“Let’s go check it out,” Searath suggested.

Micksto shrugged and cautiously exited the bushes. He looked very closely at the flaming object on the ground. Just when he was about to blow out the tiny flames, nearly inaudible coughs could be heard. An incredibly small green creature jumped out with a microscopic fire extinguisher, putting out the flames within a few seconds.

“Well,” the tiny creature said in its squeaky voice, “That did not go according to plan.” The little green creature turned suddenly and stared at the two animals crouching beside him.

Searath began to laugh loudly and noticeably. “It’s…a…pea!” She squealed, rolling on the ground, holding her stomach.

Micksto sniffed the creature again. “Don’t come any closer!” The pea said, in a much louder and deeper voice, “Or I will be forced to destroy you!” Micksto started laughing as hard as Searath.

“What are you two imbeciles laughing about? I am XS2134FDG, the Pea from Outer Space,” The pea shouted, putting his puny hands on the middle part of his body. “I COMMAND you to take me to your leader, so I may discuss my world domination plans with him or her.”

Searath and Micksto just started laughing harder. “I think, we should take him to mom,” Searath said between gasps, “She could feed him to our Mootix!”

The pea was very angry at this comment. Nothing offended him more than size comments. “Very well!” He said angrily, “I will land elsewhere! You two will see, yes you will, that I am very serious!” With this, he climbed back into the transportation device that he arrived in, and blasted off into space again.

“That was weird,” Micksto announced.

“Yep,” Searath replied, “So, let’s keep playing our game.”

When the pea landed again, he ended up near Lord Darigan. With him, he discussed his world domination plans. Within a few months, the two began to strike Meridell with extreme ferocity, all thanks to the small pea who landed in two kid’s backyard. Of course, the poor pea was lost shortly after the attacks began. Without his evil sidekick, Lord Darigan ended up losing the war.

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