White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,800,035 Issue: 714 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y18
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Continued Series

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Two

"This can't be..." I said at last. "No, it can't be..." "I'm sorry," Nathan consoled. "I tried getting the story out of the paper, but I found out about it just as they were printing it."

by chasing_stars44
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Long Shadows: Part Five

Chloe hurried into the HQ the next morning, glad to see the doors were already replaced. She walked into the control room to find Judge Hog and Loraine on a call. She stepped back into the doorway to wait for them to finish. When they did, she entered again.

“Go downstairs and have Dr. Flexo check your head,” Judge Hog told her immediately.

by kristykimmy

Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part Four

Nothing but the sounds of crumbling stones and rock could be heard as Arthur traversed the dark, hollow tunnel, his hand against the wall to keep himself from slipping over the rough, jagged ground beneath him. The red Zafara’s legs ached, his head throbbed and his eyes weary. Small, loose stones that littered the cave floor pinched, stabbed and strained his feet with every step.

by shadowknight_72
Bottled Faeries Inc.: Part Two

I know that people pay a lot of money for a neohome with a nice, ocean view. To me, it doesn’t seem worth it. After twenty-four hours at sea in an enchanted glass bottle, I was pretty sure I had gotten the gist of the ocean; it was just a giant mass of green, choppy, salty water sprinkled with the occasional fish or piece of trash. I was so bored.

by vanessa1357924680
Duplicity: Part Five

Each individual’s magical energy was as a river, constantly ebbing and flowing through its owner as it was expended and renewed. The maximum amount of energy anyone could have was fixed at a certain amount, and though there was no real mathematical quantification of it, every trained sorcerer intuitively knew the “correct” value it should have been at.

by likelife96
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"Carrot Cake" by theschizophrenicpunk
"Ugh, Emmy, I'm not sure if I can pull this off..." The Maraquan Carma doesn't say anything. It's an hour until dawn in the camp of the Ixi Raiders of Cogham, and Mer is about to lose his mind. That is, if he hasn't completely lost it already. "Emmy, where did I put the Spyder venom? Please tell me I didn't toss it in the wrong bowl..." But, again, the Maraquan Carma doesn't say anything. Not that being royal sorcerer and apothecary for the Ixi Raiders isn't fun and all, but Mer tends to bite off more than he can chew when it comes to projects. The transparent Ixi sorcerer has been clumsily trotting his way around his messy hut, tossing ingredients and trinkets all about the floor, talking to his pet Carma, Emmy, as if she would be able to help him out. Emmy is a good listener, that's for sure, but she's not much help when it comes to locating missing ingredients.

Other Stories


The Bennett Files: The Case of the Faerie Ring
It was a chilly day in Altador, which was why Strai was happy to be working inside for once. As a Maraquan Gelert, he was naturally inclined to be outside, or at least around a body of water. Today, though, he was pretty certain that if he had stayed outside for more than a few hours without an enchantment, he would have shriveled up from the dry air and shrunken into a nice little Brucicle.

by amarettoball


"Are we ready to lock it up, Chief?" Melek asked the soldier in charge of the scene. Chief Lokenus looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "My soldiers will have everything packed within an hour. Why are you so anxious to close it?" "Lokenus, I've been waiting twelve years for this to happen. I'd like to savour it a little, but unfortunately I've got things to do. We need to replace the king, soon."

by azienskieth


Pros And Cons of Playing NeoQuest II
I have just now completed my first ever game of NeoQuest II, and now I feel the need to share with the rest of Neopia the reasons why I think you ought to consider playing it too. Now that I have actually played it all the way through, I can give my unbiased opinion on the reasons why it’s great, and the reasons why it’s maybe not so great.

by ahh_choo


Hannah's Adventures: the Ice Caves
This time Hannah has left the Pirate Caves and is now in Terror Mountain, exploring the Ice Caves! But now she isn’t alone, she has brought a friend with her – his name is Armin.

Also by guik44

by saudadesdagripe


Anniversary- Epilogue
I was wondering where those guys went...

by caylista


Potatoes - Loyalty
This is not what I signed up for.

by breaziecat

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