Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 81,645,694 Issue: 153 | 16th day of Hiding, Y6
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Midnight Mystery

by blubblub317


It was a cold and stormy night….

No really, it was. You could have even described it as one of the worst storms Neopia Central had ever faced! Flashing rays of lightning shot down from the dreary skies, booming in the moonlit night, and keeping all of the poor residents' awake. Thin drops of rain poured down on to the streets, causing grand puddles to form, and making everything in sight slippery and wet.

And the members of 84852 Aisha Avenue weren't all too happy about the storm.

"This is impossible!" Luna, a yellow Ixi, screamed exasperatingly. "I'll never be able to sleep with that horrific thunder outside!"

Her sister, Flowrey the rainbow Acara, nodded in agreement. "Even the electricity is out!" she declared. "We don't have any light!"

"Well, there's nothing we can do," Fantasia, they're 16-year old owner, said. "We're just going have to go through it."

"But what can we do while we're going through it?" Dane, a Christmas Gelert, whined. "We can't sleep, and all the lights are out!"

Fantasia scratched her head thoughtfully. "Hmmm," she began, "maybe we can make a warm fire!"

Flowrey's face lit up at the comment. "Oh, I love making fires! They always make the house feel so warm and cozy!" she remarked.

"Then what we waiting for?" Fantasia said. "Let's go!"

The family all began shuffling towards the pitch-black living room. "Ow!" Flowrey suddenly exclaimed. "That was my toe, Dane!"

"Sorry!" Dane quickly apologized.

Fantasia made her way to the fireplace, and opened the cage protector. "Can you get me some matches, Luna?" she asked.

"Sure!" Luna said. The Ixi raced out of the living room, and made her way towards the kitchen. She quickly came back with a small box of matches.

"Here you go," she said, placing the box in Fantasia's hand.

Fantasia smiled and took out a match, positioning it against the rough side of the box. She swiped the match against it, causing a bright, yet tiny flame to emit from the top. She swiftly threw it in the fireplace, where some old newspaper was lying around. The fire quickly caught on to the paper, and started spreading all around the fireplace. In matter of seconds, a warm fire was cackling, the flames shining brightly throughout the room. The family members all sat down in their own comfy chairs, and sighed.

"Now, this is what I call relaxing," Dane proclaimed, his eyes slightly drooping.

"Agreed," Flowrey yawned.

"I have an idea!" Fantasia said. "Let's go g--"


Fantasia's comment instantly came to a halt. There was an agonizing pause that came by afterwards.

"What was that?" Fantasia finally hissed, a look of fear spreading upon her face.

Luna's features resembled as if they were chilled to the bone. "I don't know!" she whispered fretfully. "All I know for sure that whatever made that noise is in our house!"

The family all exchanged anxious glances, gulping while doing so.


This time, Luna literally shrieked from the abrupt call. "STOP IT!!!!" she cried frighteningly.

Dane slowly gazed around the living room. "Come on guys!" he suddenly said. "Let's go investigate!"

Fantasia nodded. "Dane's right. We should find out what's making that noise."

Fantasia stood up from her snug chair, with Dane following in pursuit, and Flowrey doing the same as well.

"Aren't you coming, Luna?" Flowrey inquired, when Luna didn't rise up from her chair.

Luna gulped, trembling. "Of course not!" she piped. "I'm staying here! Where it's safe…"

Fantasia shrugged. "Whatever you say!"

Flowrey, Dane, and Fantasia all began leaving the living room, huddling together. A few seconds flew by, and Luna was all alone.

"Hello?" she whispered fearfully, her eyes wide as saucers.


"EEEEEEEEKKKK!" Luna screeched. "Guys, wait up! I'm coming with you!"

The yellow Ixi jumped up from her chair, and scrambled to the hallway, where her family was waiting.

"I can't really tell where the noise is coming from," Fantasia stated, after Luna had joined the group. "It seems to be echoing throughout the entire house."

"I think we should go in groups of two, when investigating," Flowrey suggested.

"I'M GOING WITH FANTASIA!" Luna immediately cried, snatching Fantasia's arm and cuddling against it.

Flowrey rolled her eyes. "Fine, I guess I'm with Dane." She sighed annoyingly when ending the comment.

"Come on Luna," Fantasia said, releasing herself from her Ixi's strong grip. "Let's go check out the bathroom."

"Me and Flowrey will go investigate the kitchen," Dane proclaimed.

Fantasia nodded. "Tell us if you find anything strange."

At last, Fantasia and a fearful Luna walked out of the hallway, and made their way to the closest bathroom.

Flowrey and Dane, on the other hand, paced out of the hallway from the opposite direction, and walked to the kitchen.

Once inside the kitchen, Flowrey began inspecting the flooring and table. While Flowrey was doing this, Dane strolled towards the refrigerator, and swung the door open.

"What in Fyora's name do you think you're doing, Dane?" Flowrey exclaimed irritatingly.

"Getting something to eat!" Dane yelled back. "What else, stupid?!"

Flowrey rolled her eyes, and resumed her searching. Dane started pushing some foods around the refrigerator, when he suddenly caught sight of something disgusting.

"EWWWW!" he shouted, his tongue hanging outside of his mouth. "Why is there dung in the refrigerator?!"

"Because," Flowrey began, "Fantasia wants to see how dung looks like when it ages! Now try and help me for once, dodo brain!"

Dane slammed the refrigerator door shut, glaring at his sister the whole time.

"Well, you sur--"

"Hey!" Flowrey exclaimed, cutting in Dane's comment. "I think I found something!"

Dane shuffled to where Flowrey was kneeling, and peered down from her shoulder. "What is it?" he asked.

"It's a footprint," Flowrey replied, eying the small mud mark on the ground. It was in the figure of an oddly-shaped W. "Let's go tell Fantasia and Luna."

Dane and Flowrey ran out of the kitchen, down the hallway, and into the bathroom, where Luna was hiding in the corner of the shower, and Fantasia was gazing in the toilet.

"We found something!" Flowrey immediately proclaimed, once inside the bathroom. "Or shall I say, 'I found something'."

Dane shot her a fiery glare, and nudged her in the ribs.

"Urgh--stop bickering, you two!" Fantasia yelled. She titled her head towards Flowrey. "We found something as well."

"Really?" Flowrey asked, surprised. "What is it?"

"A feather," Fantasia said. She held out a long and thin feather that seemed incredibly glossy, even in the darkness.

"Who could it have come from?" Dane questioned.

"Most likely a small creature."

"Well, we found a footprint on the kitchen flooring," Flowrey declared. "It's sort of shaped as a weird W."


"There it is again!" Fantasia commented, her eyes broadening. "And this time, I'm sure it came from upstairs!"

The family all gasped excitedly, knowing that they were on to something. They all raced out of the bathroom, darted towards the staircase, and made their way upstairs.


A moment of silence followed, as the family perceived the uncanny call. Fantasia subsequently frowned. "Wait," she began, "the call isn't coming from here. It's coming from the attic!"

Luna, Flowrey, and Dane all gasped in unison. No one had set foot in the attic for years! They all thought it was haunted.

"We can't go in there!" Dane whispered fearfully, wiping off the sweat that was forming on his brow.

Fantasia sighed. "We got to be brave guys," she said. "And come on, you have to be realistic. Do you really think that a ghost is haunting our stupid, old attic?"

Flowrey shivered for a moment. "I honestly doubt it. But do we really have to go up there, Fantasia?"

"Yes," Fantasia said sternly. "We're going to find out once and for all what's making that noise!"

Tears were oddly welling up in Luna's eyes as Fantasia told hold of the handle and pulled out the ladder, that led to the attic. The adolescent began pacing up the stairs, with Flowrey, Dane, and Luna following right behind her.


"I think it's behind that box over there," Fantasia asserted, her finger pointing towards a dusty box sitting in the gloomy corner of the attic.

Fantasia cautiously stepped towards the box, watching out for any unwanted critters that were crawling around the room. And ever so slowly, she peered her head over the box.

"OH MY GOSH!" Fantasia immediately cried, her hands now covering her mouth.

"What is it?" Flowrey asked sceptically.


"WHAT?!" the three pets all shouted at the same time.




After many minutes of yelling out remarks of surprise and joy, Fantasia finally let the Weewoo slowly crawl into her arms. She began cradling it, singing it a very soothing lullaby.

"Oh, can we please keep her?" Luna, Flowrey, and Dane all started pleading. They desperately wanted to keep the adorable Weewoo.

Fantasia quietly pressed her finger against her lips. "We'll talk about it later," she whispered. "Right now, we'll let the Weewoo rest."


After the Weewoo had awoken from it's very short nap, the family sat down in their chairs in the living room.

"So, can we keep it?" Flowrey asked, a look of desperateness glinting in her eyes.

Fantasia didn't reply for a few minutes. She simply gazed at the Weewoo, and pondered. After what seemed like forever for the three pets, Fantasia finally replied. "Yes," she proclaimed.

"YAY!!!" the trio cheered in delight.

"But," Fantasia suddenly cut in, "you guys are going have to take very good care of the Weewoo! It's a creature that needs all the essentials that us pets and humans need."

Luna, Flowrey, and Dane all bobbed their heads up and down.

"Hey!" Luna exclaimed. "What should we name the Weewoo?"

"Midnight!" Flowrey instantly suggested. "It began its calls at about midnight!"

The entire family smiled, and agreed. "It's an awesome name, guys," Fantasia said.

Midnight let out another one of his "Wooo's", and started flying around the room.

The whole family laughed in delight as they watched the sight. They could tell that Midnight would fit in right away with the rest of them.

Suddenly, Dane began yawning. "Woah, it's really late," he remarked, rubbing his eyes with his paws.

Fantasia nodded. "You're right. We should all head off to bed. I'll keep Midnight in my bedroom for now."

"Well," said Flowery, "it seems we solved our midnight mystery!"

Everyone nodded, and began making their way towards their individual bedrooms. They all exchanged their good-nights, and finally shut their doors. The storm had luckily ended, and now, not a single sound could be heard throughout the house.

Well, actually…


"Uh, guys?!" Fantasia suddenly exclaimed anxiously. "I think we have a problem here!"

"What is it?" her pets hollered from their bedrooms.

"Weewoos don't sleep during the night!"

The End

Author's Note: Thanks for reading the 3rd adventure with Fantasia's family! Hope you all enjoyed it. Comments are definitely appreciated. Until next time!

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