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Training School Alternatives

by iceflower9

Codestone prices on the wizard have risen ever since last month. If you cannot get your hands on one, what else could you do to kick your pets' stats up? Also, if your pet has read many books, but you cannot keep track or you're too lazy to keep track of which books your pet has read, what could you do to make your pet smarter? In this article, I have recorded some alternatives for the training school that will help your pet be stronger, tougher, faster, get more hit points, increase level and be smarter.

Crashed Time Machine Quest: The Wocky professor from the crashed time machine quest in the Tyrannia Plateau will ask you for mostly omelettes and Tyrannian food. In return, the Wocky may raise one of your pets' levels or gain one more permanent HP. However, these kinds of rewards are very rare.

Maraqua Kitchen quest: Gaining a permanent hit point or getting one of your pet's level raised may be a reward from the chef in the Maraqua kitchen for finding her certain items. This is also very rare though.

Faerie Quests: If you are lucky enough to get a Faerie Quest other than the Earth Faerie's, your pet may become stronger, tougher, gain more hit points, faster, or raised a level.

Random Events: Sometimes, a random event may pop up telling you that one of your pets' level got raised.

Negg Points: If you collect Negg points, why don't you spend it on a Negg that will raise your pet's strength points (Power and basic power Negg), defence points (silver knight Negg), hit points (Faerie Qyoueen Negg, Kaleideonegg), ones that will increase an ability level or grant one (rainwater Negg, cackling Negg, radioactive Negg) or the Genius Negg that makes your pet smarter?

Games: Other than buying books for your pets, you could play the Cliffhanger or the Faerie Crossword Puzzle to make your pet smarter.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this article and hopefully it will help you on saving NP because most of the alternatives listed here will be cheaper than spending thousands of NP for codestones!