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Cockroach Towers

by k9furbygal

I shuddered as I knocked on the old oak door, which was riddled with spiders. The door creaked open and I walked slowly inside. It didn't look like I expected it to. There were big stone fireplaces and candles. A man ran over to me.

"Poppy_, I presume? Your room is this way way," he wheezed, pointing upstairs. He took my bag, and carried it upstairs, me trailing behind.

Maybe I should back up. See, my owner doesn't really like me. She wants the worst to happen. And she decided to send me here for 28 NIGHTS! I thought it would have electric and central heating. Obviously it didn't. My owner, Rampabell, gave me a couple of facilities, though. Grooming Swimming Pool, Fitness center, and Tennis Court. I didn't like to think what the Swimming Pool was like in this place.

I dumped my stuff on the bed. I flicked through some of it, when something dropped on my foot.

"Ow!" I cried in frustration. I picked the object up. It was a picture of me and Rose_, my eldest sister, Violet_, my second eldest sister, me, and my twin, Snowdrop_. I sighed. Those three were gone. Cherished memories. My twin had been pulled into the Other World. The world that all the people who own us come from. What they don't know is we don't do anything they make us till the minute they have gone.

We had got another red Aisha (me and my twin were red, Rose was also red, and Snowdrop was white) and named her Snowdrop_2, and painted her, but it didn't change the fact that Snowdrop was gone. And my owner had her in real life. All I ever saw of her was ugly images! That don't move! And if they do, it's like a cartoon or something. Rose and Violet were doing work on Mystery Island.


When I woke up, I remembered the dream I had.

"Poppy_, it's me! Your twin!" Snowdrop_ had said. But then Snowdrop_2 had appeared, chucked her through the swirling screen that separated me and Rampabell.

I decide to go and have a look round the Haunted Woods, now it was daytime. I picked up some food, and left.

However, I soon got lost. It started to grow dark, and soon I started to cry. As I walked, I saw something pop out of the ground-then I tripped over it.

"Hoi! You! You with the extra ears! Yeah, you! What do you mean by kicking me in the face, eh? You'll pay!" slowly the Esophagor's head slid out of the ground. As he opened his massive jaws, and I became terrified out of my owner logged on. I found myself suddenly being given luxurious treats, and I thought it was all over.

Or was it?

The End