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The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - How do I get my guild in the Neopian Times?
If you want your guild to appear on the Neopian Times, simply send a short piece of text about your guild to along with your user name. Try to make your piece interesting and original, the best submissions will be posted in the Neopian Times each Friday.

2 - How do I raise my NeoPets' levels?
There are many different ways, but the fastest is through the 'Island Training School'. Here, a wise old Nimmo will teach your NeoPets how to be faster, stronger and increase their levels in return for codestones.

3 - How do I get a subscription for the Neopian Times?
You don't need one. The Neopian Times, like the rest of NeoPets, is totally free. Just check back each week for the latest edition.

4 - What do spell scrolls do?
We are currently finishing up the scripts for spell scrolls and motes, soon you will be able to use these in the NeoPets Battledome, so keep hold of them.

5 - Where is the Neopedia?
The Neopedia is linked to on the front page. It has a small picture on the right hand side, towards the bottom of the page. It is also linked to on the World page.

6 - Will we ever be able to change our NeoPets' names?
No, I am afraid once a NeoPet is named, it is called that for life. Be sure to choose your names wisely next time you create a NeoPet :)

7 - Where is the Secret Lab?
It's a secret :) You need to collect all nine pieces of the secret lab map in order to go there.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common ones will be shown here next week.