
Dawn Comes Slowly: Part Two

General Leopold arrived the next day with a smile on his face quite odd for a council of war.

by gurgi440

The Ghoul's Curse: Part Four

"I will not let that Ghoul live for what it did to Diphinia and I!" he shouted, "I cannot! Will not!"

by _ana_2

Heart of Gold: Part Five

After a few days of restoring my strength, Starlight led me out of the forest to see what had happened over the period of my absence.

by Baloyarn

Lupina of Verdancia: Part Three

As they entered Arlino's cave, the two friends looked around. Surrounding them were shelves lined with books, potions, and magical items, all neatly stacked and sorted.

by thegreatlupelover

In the Life of a NeoGerudo Pet: Part Three

A startled young blonde boy looked up from the table. "Hello? Can I help you?"

by tiger_fire

NeoPets Survivor: Day 4

I know I won't win the billion so why should I stay here? All for one and one for all...

by Neotrainer1234

The Opals: Part Four

The crowd was obviously disappointed, they didn't like it when people called it quits. They murmured and booed and shook their heads.

by Rose1505

Orange: Part Two

Orange felt a surge of anger rush through him at Dr_Death, then offered the Shoyru the part of his apple.

by dragonmagic1313

Adventures of the Quad Team Investigators: Case of the PetPet Peril: Part Three

"Well, if you are an investigating team, what are you going to call yourselves?"

by UniDagger

A Real Battle: Part Two

I was in the Battledome, the most awaited place in all of Neopia! For some, it meant fun. Battling pets to see who bests who. For others, the arena is an evil...

by _ana_2

Silver and Golden, Lupes to Remember: Part Three

They got up and walked down the ramp to a new world. The air was clearer and sweet smelling.

by Kate19

A Song of Solitude: Part Four

Kakosenas was sitting high in the large gnarled oak tree that had become their home, absentmindedly preening her black feathers, when she felt Xeromai's presence...

by Kakosenas

Elianny and SuperComet: Part Two

...a rich Kiko suddenly wormed his way through the crowd, and whispered to Elianny and SuperComet...

by westielovergurl