
Lupina of Verdancia: Part Two

by thegreatlupelover

Click here to see how this story started!

The Gelert tribe arrived at Lupe Moon Falls in early evening. It was the night of the full moon, or, as the ancient ones said, the night of the Lupe Moon.

After a satisfying supper, the tribe lay down to sleep. Lupina and Rosy snuggled up together next to Jen. Rosy drifted off to sleep, but Lupina lay awake for a long time, thinking about her mother, the Gelerts, and Rosy.

She must have finally dozed off, for she felt Jonah shaking her awake. It felt like the middle of the night. Lupina opened her eyes. It was the middle of the night. Lupina was confused. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Come with me," Jonah whispered. He tugged her off toward the falls. "It's the night of the full moon, the night of the Lupe Moon. You're a descendant of the Moon Lupe. We have to perform a ceremony to bring you into your full powers."

When they arrived at the waterfall, Jonah told her that first came something that should be very easy. He brought out a wounded Moehog. "Heal this," he said. "What you do is-"

But Lupina's Lupe Moon Charm was already beginning to glow. She laid her paw on the wounded Moehog. The glow pulsed and spread over the Moehog's body. Then in a quick flash of blinding light, the Moehog was healed.

"Wow," said Jonah. "You're natural. Now see if you can wound him and heal him again."

Lupina did it with ease. She did many kinds of small things perfectly. Then she had to do one more thing.

"Now comes the hardest part of all," said Jonah. "You have to do it to come into your full magical powers. It gives you the most powerful magic of all. With it, you could defeat even the Faerie Queen. To obtain it, you must stand beneath this waterfall until the morning. Your legs must not buckle. It is now midnight. Go."

Lupina took a deep breath and stepped beneath the pounding waters. Her legs nearly buckled beneath her, but she straightened. The force of the thundering waterfall was unbelievable. She looked down and locked her legs in position. Her Lupe Moon Charm began to glow. Newfound strength rushed into her body.

Three hours later, Lupina was still standing beneath the Falls. She lifted her head and looked up at the stars. Faint music drifted to her ears. It was wonderful music, life-giving music. Again, Lupina's strength was renewed.

Two and a half hours passed. Rosy's poem was running through Lupina's head.

Moon bird
Swooping through
His own world
Of endless sky.
Diving To bless the stars
And fading Into dawn.

And just at that moment, dawn light touched the sky. The sun was coming up. With a howl of joy, Lupina leaped from the waterfall, her powerful magic coursing through her.

Jonah, Jen, Rosy, and the rest of the Gelert pups were standing on the bank. It felt like so long since Lupina had seen them! Lupina leaped at Rosy. After tussling on the ground a bit, Rosy and Lupina leaped up, facing each other. Lupina licked Rosy on the cheek. Then she pointed her nose to the heavens and let out a long howl. Jonah's family joined in. The valley was soon filled with beautiful music.


As morning passed to noontide, Lupina and her friends settled down to a delicious meal prepared in Lupina's honor by the Gelerts.

Lupina and Rosy spent a leisurely day exploring the woodlands. As the sun began to set, the two friends turned back toward their camp. Then, right before them, came a sudden flash of light and the Battle Faerie appeared.

Lupina and Rosy stood back in awe. The Battle Faerie opened her mouth and began to speak.

"Rosy, Lupina, you have a great task to perform. The Darkness Faerie has at last declared war upon the Faerie Queen. She has many allies. You, Lupina, are the last remaining descendant of the great Moon Lupe. You have inherited his powers. You must keep your amazing abilities secret. The Faerie Queen will need help to win this battle. You two, along with others that you will meet, will be able to save Faerieland. You will have help.

"First, you must travel to the home of Arlino the Wise Eyrie. He will give you the items necessary for your Quest. It will not be easy. Arlino will also unite you with the two others who will be helping you.

I must go now. There is much to be done in preparation for the battle. To get to Arlino's cave, you must follow the Moonlight River from the top of Lupe Moon Falls until you find a grove of Weeping Willows. There you will find the cave of Arlino." And then, with another flash of blinding light, the Battle Faerie was gone.

Back at camp, Lupina and Rosy had explained their task. Jonah had flatly refused to let them go. "I'm not letting two young ones like you go off and battle up in the clouds!" he declared. That night it was a very depressed Lupina and Rosy who lay down to sleep.


Lupina was awakened in the middle of the night by the someone shaking her. Again? she thought. What is it now?

When she opened her eyes, it was Rosy who was awakening her. "Quiet!" Rosy whispered. "Don't wake the others up! We've got to go to Arlino's cave. We'll leave a little note."

Lupina jumped to her feet. In the dirt, she scrawled a message: Gone off on quest. Do not try to find us. -Lupina and Rosy

Rosy led the way towards the waterfall. She looked up. They would have to climb the cliff. As Lupina caught up with her, she explained the situation.

"It'll be hard to climb this cliff. We'll have to help each other. Let's harness ourselves together. I've got a rope."

Lupina nodded in agreement. She tied one end of the rope around her waist as Rosy did likewise. The friends looked up at the forbidding rock wall.

"Ready?" asked Lupina.

"Ready!" Rosy replied. She leaped lightly onto the first ledge. "Come on!"

Soon Lupina and Rosy were halfway up the cliff. Due to the steepness of the other places, they were very close to the waterfall. They had to be careful of their footing; the spray-coated rocks could be treacherous.

Lupina was in the lead, helping to haul Rosy up each ledge as they climbed. She pulled hard on the rope. Rosy, aided by Lupina's strength, clambered up the next step of the long ascent.

"Whew, this is tough work!" Rosy gasped, relaxing momentarily. She slipped off the rock and into the pounding melee of rushing water.

Lupina grabbed the rope, bracing herself. Rosy had reached the end of the rope's length. Lupina felt a tremendous tug, but she stayed firm. Inch by inch, she began hauling the rope upward. Rosy's head broke the foam. Soon her whole body was above the water. She was almost on the ledge. Yes! Lupina pulled Rosy's prone form the rest of the way onto the ledge.

Rosy's eyes fluttered open. She coughed up some water. "Thank's, pal," she said to Lupina.

"You okay?" Lupina asked.

"Yeah," Rosy replied. "I'm all right. Just give me a breather and I'll be ready to go again."

After resting a little, the two friends set off again. Soon, they were at the top of the cliff. The sun was just peeking over the horizon.

"Come on," Rosy said. "We'd better get going before the others wake up." Lupina got up from the grass where she had been resting and they set off along the riverbank. It was pleasant, walking side by side with your best friend in early morning. Lupina sighed out of contentment.


After a few hours of walking, Lupina spotted a grove of weeping willows. "There it is!" she cried. Rosy broke out into a run.

Panting, Lupina and Rosy stood in the grove. At the back rose yet another cliff. At the base was a cave. Rosy tugged at Lupina.

"Come on. There's the cave. Let's go," she said. Lupina followed her toward the hole in the side of the cliff.

"Hello?" Rosy called. A green Eyrie made his way to the cave entrance.

"Welcome," he said. "I am Arlino the Wise Eyrie. Come in."

To be continued...