
The Complete Guide to Running a Successful Guild

by avidwriter88

I'm the leader of a guild with 50+ members and with all the guilds around, I feel very fortunate to have as many involved, loyal guild members as I do. It's so sad to see guilds with barely 4 members or less so I have written this guide and I hope it will help everyone who reads it.

If you go to GUILD LAYOUT and then Preferences you can change what your guild looks like. Now, people will be visiting your guild and you want to leave a good impression so they will want to join so follow these steps:

STEP 1- colour Combos Make sure that your colours don't clash! Also be sure that you can read the writing very clearly! Experiment with different combos and see which one looks best.

STEP 2- Logos You should have an appropriate logo for your guild to give it some class. When people look at your guild they don't want to see YOUR LOGO HERE, they want to see a nice logo that fits the colour combo.

STEP 3- Banners You don't really need these. My guild doesn't have one and I don't want one, but banners can sometimes boost a guilds popularity and it lets the members proudly display their guild banner in their own shops.

STEP 4- Html For the front page of your guild it's always good to learn some HTML and add a bit of a finishing touch to the site.

How do you be a good leader? What do leaders do? As leader, are there any responsibilities I have or anything? This section should answer any questions.

STEP 1- How can I be a good leader? Update your guild regularly! The best guilds have the best leaders. You gotta care about your guild.

STEP 2- How can I make a good contest? Make sure the prize is good. ^_^ Be sure that if you say you're going to have a contest and give away a prize, you have a contest and give away a prize!

The members of your guild council matter a lot. They can influence your guild so make sure you make a good choice when you choose them!

STEP 1- Getting council members Advertise in the General Chat! Don't offer any prizes because then the council members only join your guild for the prize and they won't really care about it.

STEP 2- Choosing the right people Don't take the first offer! Wait a week or so, then choose the best offer. And don't consider people whose descriptions (on why they want to be a member of the council and everything) are bad.

STEP 3- What if my council doesn't do a good job? Don't be afraid to fire them if you think you can get better people. Just send them a little Neomail after so they won't be upset or anything.

If you have a good guild and you are a good leader this should come, but I hope these tips might speed up the process.

STEP 1- Never make it a private guild! I know this is pretty obvious but a lot of people in the chats say they will make their guild private after they get 20 members. Don't do this because you will lose at least some members and a lot of your popularity.

STEP 2- It's got to be worth joining Take a minute and look at your guild. See if it looks like it's worth joining. It has to be good enough to make a perfect stranger quit their guild and join.

STEP 3- Making it a good guild There's no tip for that. It depends on you and the type of guild you've got. But if you're a good leader and care about your guild enough to advertise it on the chats 6 times a week, the rest should come. BEST OF LUCK WITH YOUR GUILD!