
The Art of Saving Money

by rainbowskies12

Is there an art behind saving up Neopoints? Of that we are not sure, but you can make it easy or hard to save up. Every day in December, the players who were logged on rushed to collect the items and Neopoints from the Advent Calendar. If you were wise, you didn't spend it. You put it away in your bank account. By the end of the month, you would have had 20,000 NP or more, or less.

But what happens, now that the Advent Calendar is finished? How do you continue to save that money? How do you have Level Whatever pets? Even though I myself do not have 20,000 NP in my bank account, I am still working hard at saving up my NP. So this is how to do it. I call this the "Speeded-Up Moneymaking Process".

Saving up NP is a long process nonetheless. It won't happen overnight unless you have all the luck in the world at Scorchy Slots or Dice-A-Roo. It's also like dieting. You can succumb very easily to the call of frost cannons, or pet pets. But what you must tell yourself is this: I know that thing I want is really excellent, but if I save my money, then gradually, over time, I will gain enough NP to buy 20 of those!

Second of all, the money that is in the bank, stays in the bank! Yes, I know that Angelpuss is really adorable, but so are Kougras. Console yourself with this thought: There are people like me. Yes, that's true. There are people like you who are trying to save.

Now, if you're managing to save up now, don't splurge, as your work's not done yet! The next thing to do is let yourself have only a certain amount of Neopoints from the bank each day, say 100-300 NP. That, if you have been saving, leaves a goodly amount of NP in your bank account. But you must also earn back what you spend, I recommend the Snow Faerie's quests, or Dice-A-Roo, or Kiko Match, they can top you up well. You must always, always, try to end up with either more or about 50-100 NP less than you started. If you end up with less, say you ended up 50 NP less short, then you could put 50 NP of your, say, 200 NP allowance back in the bank, as there's then less to spend. If you lose any more, then put back what you might have lost out of your daily salary.

If you've done that, keep using the "salary" method as you progress to here, the 10,000 NP-15,000 NP stage. A quick congratulations to you if you have managed this, but your job's not over yet! You will no doubt be tempted to spend, but no, no, no. No. Do not spend the whole lot! You can, however, up your salary to the 400-450 NP mark, you can afford to splurge just that little bit!

Okay, you're living large now. You have reached the 30,000 NP-50,000+ mark. Up your salary again, to about 500-700 NP. You can afford to splurge a little bit more But you don't have to put back all you lose, say, if you've overspent, like, 200 NP above your 700 NP mark. Put back half. Always put back half.

Your bank account should always be growing, never faltering. You could have 100,000 NP, but you'd be surprised how fast it can blow to pieces. You can up your salary again, 1000-2500 NP is fine. Now, the whole "salary" thing gets a little different. If you have spent half of your salary, put the rest back in the bank, and take out half of the amount you just put in. This way, you can't spend as much.

Your bank account is now rolling in NP; you have a size 200 shop, and own one of each Faerie, Codestone, map piece, Nerkmid, etc. WRONG! That's not happening. Nope. Uh-uh. Sorry, no. That won't happen yet. Your bank account must still grow and prosper day by day. Your salary can prosper too; 4000 NP is great.

In closing, I hope that this has helped you greatly, and I wish you success and prosperity for your NeoPets future! Remember the "salary" method, set your goals high, and you will have great success!