
Demonsong: Part One

by dragonsfang

Demons of Old

In the days of Old Neopia, there roamed great and heinous beasts that could only be called Demons. They would emerge from the Plane of Ultimate Evil to wreak havoc upon the NeoPets that, at that time, didn't know how to fight these devilish beasts from the fiery Underworld. These were the days before the Battledome, before Spell Faeries, and before all the battle equipment that we now have today.

Hundreds of years passed, in which the Demons retreated once more to the Evil Plane, and peace once more came to Neopia. The inhabitants forgot the Demons, prospering and developing the technology that would enable them to fight the Demons, though none of the New Generation knew about these heinous creatures that had destroyed so many in the days of Old. The Battledome and battle equipment appeared, but only for a sport for the owners who wished to pit their pets against their friends' in battles.

A Demon, upon whose name we cannot pronounce but shall be called Akuma, looked upon the New Neopia with gleaming red eyes through its Pool of Darkness. The black water swirled, taking form the image of NeoPets fighting within the Battledome. It watched as flames erupted from a Shoyru's mouth, only to be blocked by a Tatsu's heavy-membrane wings. It delivered its own attack of fire that knocked the Shoyru back.

So, Akuma rumbled, they have developed this sort of technology and fighting art. Hmmm, it will not be enough to defeat us, however strong they think they are. After all, they have forgotten about we Demons, and have focused on stupid things that merely make them weaker and more pathetic.

Akuma was the biggest Demon that had ever lived, standing over twelve feet tall and ranging twenty feet from muzzle to tail. It looked like a giant furred beast with glowing red eyes, gleaming sharp fangs, black claws, and two pairs of wings that grew from between its shoulder blades and sprouted through its heavy black fur. It could either stand on its powerful back legs, or on all fours, but either way, it could fly with its tattered four wings.

Akurei, come here, Akuma called. A second, smaller Demon of similar features appeared before it, standing on its clawed hind feet.

Yes, Akuma? Akurei asked, lashing its long, brushy tail.

Look into the Pool, the larger Demon said, gesturing to it with a clawed hand. What do you see?

Akurei looked into the Pool of Darkness, eyes reflecting the swirling water. Its lips lifted in a sneer to reveal three-inch long fangs stained reddish-brown. I see dim-witted NeoPets oblivious to what lurks beneath them, Akuma. It looked back at the larger Demon. Has our time come once again? Is this Period of Peace over?

Akuma lifted itself higher and nodded its great head. This Period is over. The Demons once more shall emerge from our fiery prison and take control of New Neopia, as we did with the Old!

Akurei threw back its head and trumpeted, with the brassy voices of the other Demons joining it. The word soon spread throughout the Plane of Ultimate Evil: Neopia would be theirs!

Incubus emerged from the cave she used as a home, spear in hand. She was a girl of fifteen with short bronze hair and greying eyes. She was dressed in jeans, a black T-shirt, and black sandals, with a necklace of dragon teeth around her neck, silver bracelets, and a dagger sheath hanging on her left side. A cloak of white Lupe fur hung around her shoulders to fall gracefully down her back, rustling softly whenever Incubus moved.

The breeze blew from the trees and into the girl's face, bringing with it the ominous feeling of tragedy and foreboding of evil. Incubus shuddered slightly, for she knew what that feeling meant, as she was the only one who remembered the Demons and believed that they were coming once more. She alone had heard the Lore Stories of Old, knew the plaguing signs, and moreover, knew of the destructive power that the Demons possessed.

A pair of white Lupes emerged from the torch-lit cave and stood at her side, sniffing the wind and snapping their jaws. The Lupes were nearly three times the size of normal Lupes, thus allowing Incubus to ride on their backs like any transport beast. One growled and shoved its muzzle under her arm, opening and closing its mouth in its agitation of the wind.

Incubus scratched the muzzle absently with her free left hand, while getting a better grip on the gleaming spear in her right. Something must be done about the Demon Arising, for if they weren't stopped, Neopia would be lost forever in a world of chaos and turmoil.

To be continued...