
Arlupeze's Test of Loyalty: Part One

by Lupezgrl

Arlupeze walked down the hall with Kazoonhieht, her trusty Ghostkerchief, by her side. During the night she woke up very suddenly, only to find her moon charm glowing. Although moon charms are not considered rare, her charm was quite unusual. Whenever evil was abide, her charm glowed, and glowed, and glowed. That was exactly what it was doing now.

Slowly the stone Lupe crawled out her window, down a rope made of blankets. She brought all the essential items she would need with her, all in her backpack: food, a compass, NP, matches,Kazoonheit, and a strange odd parchment she found under her charm. It read:

Dear Keeper of the Lupe Charm:

You have been selected for this quest. You must go to the Ranouchi Forest and get the evil lurking there. When you are in great need, please hold up your charm and pray to the Heavens.

Thank you,


Arlupeze knew that this was no joke that Lupezgrl was playing on her. So she left a note for her parents and set off into the night, not sure if she would ever return.

As she headed down the path towards the only area with trees she knew, she heard a sound in the bushes. She whipped out her charm and put it on. She now had powers. However, this Lupe was not a mean one, so she halted to see who it was before shooting.

"Who is hiding in those bushes? Tell me or I will shoot!"

"Relax, chill, it's only me, _Nebula_!"

Arlupeze halted. _Nebula_, a fire Lupe, was her boy friend. She refused to shoot him.

"All right, Neb, but what are you doing out here so late? Did your fire amulet...did it...did it tell you too?"

_Nebula_ took out the same paper as Arlupeze, only it's title was to the Keeper of the Fire Amulet. "Yup, you're right there, Lupez."

"Oh, that's good. Then that means that Lupines will be here too. Now I know you 2 don't get along, but please try your best." She said as she wagged her tail by his nose. "Please, do it for me."

_Nebula_ sighed. "All right, Lupez, I'll try. Now, do you know where the Ranowchee forest thingy is, or are we lost before we have even started?"

"Why dya think you've got me, Neb? Hahahahaha, without me you'd be lost, admit it!" A sly young white Lupe popped his head up through some bushes, wearing a soul stone.

"Why you little-" _Nebula_ made a dash for Lupines, but Arlupeze stopped him.

"Neb, remember? Remember our little deal?" she told him.

"Humph, okay, whatever. Well then, Mr. I'm so smart, which way do we go now, eh? Hmmm?" _Nebula_ asked Lupines.

"Awwww, poor litto Nebuwa, is he lost? That's why he has big brotha Lupines here, to help him out. Of course I know the way, why dya think that this Laughrodite guy chose me? He chose me for my intelligence, you, my dear friend, for your craftiness, and Arlupeze for, well, her loyalty. Now, c'mon, let's get going, follow me!"

Lupines dashed headlong down the left path, the darkest, spookiest, down-right scariest path of them all. Arlupeze was stunned. Was she really chosen for her loyalty? If so, she was very lucky. Not many pets these days were loyal, but when they were they were as loyal as they could be. She shook her head, then quickly ran off into the night after her 2 friends, realizing that with this team, anything could happen. As she ran, Arlupeze crashed into Lupines's back.

"Ouch!" she cried, but quickly got a fire paw over her mouth.

"Ssssh!" _Nebula_ said, as he beckoned for her to look over the bush. Arlupeze looked over the bush, at the same time bonking into Kazoonheiht and waking him up.

"ZOOOOOOOOOOON!" he cried, like a loud foghorn. The next few seconds past in a blur; the horrible green blob looked up from eating, the green blob charged, and Arlupeze was right in it's path. Right in the path of an acid spewing monster!

To be continued...